Cockpit: Inventory orders

The Cockpit: Inventory orders application can be used to query inventory orders using such information as inventory order type or number. With this application you can get on overview of existing inventory orders in the system. Additionally, you can call up further actions for one or multiple voucher(s), such as outputting the inventory order or storage labels or setting and removing the deletion marker for data reorganization.

General description of cockpit applications, including the description of their identification pane and work pane can be found in article Applications of Cockpit type. Information about customization settings, business entities and authorizations can be found in article Inventory orders which describes the applications for creating vouchers. This article describes the standard actions for the Cockpit: Inventory orders application.

With the Cockpit: Inventory orders application, you can view all or selected inventory orders. In addition, further editing options are available:

  • Displaying associated vouchers for a single voucher
  • Changing voucher number in the Inventory orders application for further voucher edition
  • Setting or removing the deletion marker for data reorganization
  • Calling up application-related actions

The application consists of an identification pane and a work pane.

Identification pane

The application identification pane contains fields for querying data. The most important query fields are already available. The identification pane is saved per view. You can individually determine which fields are to be displayed in the identification pane by selecting the desired query fields under [Define query and result properties] → [Specify search fields].

The general description of the identification pane can be found in article Applications of Cockpit type.

The description of the fields can be found in article Inventory orders.

Work pane

The work pane contains a table where queried inventory orders are displayed. You can individually determine which elements of the inventory order are to be displayed in the table. To view an inventory order in different ways with different information, you can create multiple views.

The general description of the work pane can be found in article Applications of Cockpit type.

The description of the columns can be found in article Inventory orders.

In the Cockpit: Inventory orders application, you can call up the following actions:

The actions are also described in articles:

Output inventory order

The [Output inventory order] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to output selected inventory orders as per voucher templates.

If the Automatically output inventory orders parameter is selected in the Customizing application → Inventory managementDocuments, then each inventory order will be output right after an inventory order is created by the inventory management server.

Complete and report

The [Complete and report] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to report selected inventory orders.

Complete without reporting

The [Complete without reporting] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to complete selected inventory orders without reporting.

Sort line items

The [Sort line items] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to sort the line items of selected inventory orders based on the sorting criteria specified separately for each order. The sorting criteria for the inventory order are determined by order type and warehouse.

This action can only be carried out for inventory orders that are not yet completed and are still editable.

Output storage labels

The [Output storage labels] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to output selected inventory orders as per Storage label voucher.

If the Automatically output inventory orders parameter is selected in the Customizing application → Inventory managementDocuments, the inventory management server will automatically start outputting storage labels or relocation labels right after the inventory orders are created. To output an inventory order automatically, the action [Output storage labels] must be used.

Put in process

The [Complete and report] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to put in process selected inventory orders. This action changes the status of selected inventory orders to In process. Depending on the setting in the Automatically assign employee field in the inventory order type, a new employee responsible for the inventory order will be saved.

Only those inventory orders that have the status Not in process can be processed.

End processing

The [End processing] action, available in the standard toolbar of the application pane, is used to end the processing of selected inventory orders. This action changes the status of selected inventory orders to Not in process.

Processing can only be ended for those inventory orders that have the status In process.

Assign employee

The [Assign employee] action is used to change the employee responsible for a specific inventory order. Selecting this action opens a dialog window where you can specify which employee is to be used as the responsible employee or whether to remove such information from inventory orders. The prerequisite is that an inventory order can be processed and is therefore not marked with the status Completed.

In the opened dialog window, you can enter the following information:

  • Remove employee responsible (checkbox) – specifies whether to remove the responsible employee information from selected inventory orders. If you activate this parameter, the Employee responsible field in the dialog window will not be editable.
  • Employee responsible – enter the identification of a partner with the partner function Employee who is to be transferred to the selected inventory orders as the responsible employee. The field is only ready for input if the Remove employee responsible parameter is deactivated.

Generate inventory requisition for return transport

This action is used to generate an inventory requisition in order to reverse a transport process. The new inventory requisition refers to a completed inventory order and includes the item quantities transported with the inventory order. This action is only available for completed inventory orders that were generated for one of the following transport processes:

  • Put away
  • Withdraw
  • Transfer

For inventory orders without an original voucher, such as a replenishment for a picking location, this action cannot be carried out.  For the new inventory requisition, you can decide, among other things, whether the storage locations of the referenced inventory order are to be used or others.

Depending on the settings in the inventory requisition type, you must then release the generated inventory requisition and generate an inventory order so that the return transport can take place.

Inventory values changed in the destination warehouse are not restored by the return transport.

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