Procedures: Compare supplier quotations

Topic overview

Multiple supplier quotations can be received in response to a purchasing RFQ that you issued to multiple RFQ recipients. The system uses the Compare supplier quotations application to assist you in comparing the quotations received. In addition, you can select the best quotation or the best quotation line items in order to generate one or more purchase orders from this data.

This article describes how to work with the Compare supplier quotations application. You will learn how to query which supplier quotations have been received in response to a purchasing RFQ in order to compare them. In addition, you will learn how to select individual quotation line items or a complete supplier quotation in order to generate an order from this data.

For a detailed description of the Compare supplier quotations application, see
the document Compare supplier quotations.

Querying supplier quotations for an RFQ and displaying them

The Compare supplier quotations application is a query application and is, thus, not intended to be used to enter or process vouchers. For this reason, all data are displayed only and cannot be changed. The data are taken mainly from the purchasing RFQ or the supplier quotation. They can be changed there, if necessary. A few of the values and units displayed are calculated or converted by the system.


A purchasing RFQ has been entered. In order to compare quotations received in response to a purchasing RFQ, the supplier quotations connected with the RFQ via a voucher reference must be available. For this purpose, the supplier quotations must have been generated from the RFQ, or the voucher reference must have been manually entered in the quotation header and in the quotation line items. If no quotation with a voucher reference to the RFQ has been entered, only the supplier or suppliers from which quotations are still pending will be displayed.


1. Open the Compare supplier quotations application.

2. In RFQ enter the purchasing RFQ type and purchasing RFQ number of the
purchasing RFQ you want to examine.

3. Click [Update] in the standard toolbar.

  • The system will determine all quotations that are connected with the RFQ via a
    voucher reference and will display them. Likewise, all quotation line items and
    discounts in kind connected with a RFQ line item will be determined.

4. If required, choose the [Pending quotations] button in the list header in order to display the suppliers that received the RFQ but have not yet responded with a quotation.

5. You can then compare all quotations per item and highlight one for further processing into an order.

[Generate purchase orders] action

The [Generate purchase orders] action is available in the Compare supplier quotations application. There are no further actions or special functions available in the Compare supplier quotations application.

This action allows you to use Comarch ERP Enterprise to generate purchase orders from selected individual quotation line items or from a complete supplier quotation. For
this process, you can select which items you want to order from which supplier


The comparison of supplier quotations for a purchasing RFQ has been initiated
and at least one quotation is displayed as a result. Only the quotation line
items that are released in the quotation can be selected for generating orders.
If the complete quotation is to be selected, it must be released.


1. Select the supplier quotation line items that you want to order. To do so, select the check box at the end of the line containing the data of the quotation line item.
You can also select a supplier quotation as a whole. For this purpose, select the checkbox at the end of the line containing the data of the quotation header.

2. Click [Generate purchase orders] in the standard toolbar.

  • A dialog window will appear
If you click [No] in the dialog window, the action will be canceled without generating an order.

3. Specify the desired purchase order type in the dialog window.

4. Click the [OK] button in the dialog window.

  • Comarch ERP Enterprise will generate the corresponding purchase orders. In this process, the system will transfer all data from the supplier quotation to the corresponding purchase order and will generate a voucher reference. Missing data will be supplemented in the purchase order with additional defaults, for example, from the item master data or partner master data or the purchase order type.

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