Procedures: Warehouses

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures and actions for the Warehouses application. The procedures contain instructional steps for creating and editing a warehouse, for instance. Furthermore, this article will inform you about the expected  preconditions and effects.

The description of the Warehouses application, which also includes field and button descriptions, can be found in the article Warehouses.

Creating a new warehouse

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. Select the [New] button in the standard toolbar
  • A new warehouse is displayed. In the QA status field, the quality assurance status according to Customizing is displayed as the default value. In the Warehouse organization field, Simple warehouse is displayed as the default value.
  1. Enter a unique, unused identification for the new warehouse in the Warehouse field
  2. Enter a name for the warehouse in the Description field. If required, you can also enter translations in other languages
  3. Enter the identification of an inventory management server in the Inventory management server field
  4. In a multi-site environment, enter the site to which the warehouse belongs in the Site field
  5. If necessary, change the default values displayed. If you specify a warehouse organization that provides for the use of storage locations, you must also specify a storage strategy and enter warehouse zones in the Warehouse zones tab.
  6. If necessary, enter values in the other fields as well
  7. Save the new warehouse by selecting the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The data entered for the warehouse is checked. If the check is successful, the new warehouse is saved. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Duplicating a new warehouse

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Storage location field, enter the identification of the warehouse that you want to use as a template for duplication
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • Once the identification has been successfully checked, the warehouse is opened.
  1. Select the [Duplicate] button in the standard toolbar
  • If the warehouse has warehouse zones, you will be asked in a dialog box whether you want to duplicate the warehouse zones from the displayed warehouse.
  1. In the dialog box, enter whether you want to duplicate the warehouse zones from the displayed warehouse or not. If the warehouse zones are not duplicated, you must either change the warehouse organization to Simple warehouse or enter warehouse zones before you can save the new warehouse.
  • A new warehouse with empty identification is displayed.
  1. Enter a unique identification for the new warehouse in the Warehouse column
  2. If necessary, change the values in the other fields
  3. Save the new warehouse by pressing the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The data entered for the duplicated warehouse is checked. If the check is successful, the new warehouse is saved. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Querying and editing a warehouse

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. Enter the identification of the warehouse you wish to change in the Warehouse field
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • The specified identification is checked. After a successful check, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. If necessary, enter new values in the input fields of the warehouse
Please note that you cannot change some fields at all or only under certain circumstances.
  1. Save the warehouse by selecting the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The changed warehouse data is checked. If the check is successful, the warehouse is saved. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Marking a warehouse for deletion


To be able to mark a warehouse for deletion, the warehouse must not be used in the master data or in the Customizing application.

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse you want to mark for deletion
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • The specified identification is checked. After a successful check, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Mark the warehouse for deletion by selecting the [Mark for deletion] button in the standard toolbar
  • The system checks whether the loaded warehouse is no longer used. If the check is successful, the deletion marker is set.

Unmarking a warehouse for deletion

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse you want to unmark for deletion
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • The specified identification is checked. After a successful check, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Unmark the warehouse for deletion by selecting the [Unmark for deletion] button in the standard toolbar
  • The deletion marker is removed.

Deleting a warehouse


You can only delete a warehouse if other business objects do not refer to the warehouse. In particular, the following conditions must be met:

  • The warehouse has no item inventory
  • There are no inventory postings for the warehouse
  • There are no inventories for the warehouse
  • The warehouse is not assigned to any voucher types in Purchasing, such as purchasing RFQ types, supplier quotation types or purchase order types
  • The warehouse is not assigned to any voucher types in Sales and Distribution, such as sales order types or sales quotation types
  • The warehouse is not assigned to any voucher types in Production, such as production order types
  • The warehouse is not assigned to a supplier
  • No warehouse-specific item data exists
  • The warehouse is not used in the Customizing application, e.g. as a receipt of goods warehouse
  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. Enter the identification of the warehouse you wish to delete in the Warehouse field
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • The specified identification is checked. After a successful check, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Delete the warehouse by selecting the [Delete] button in the standard toolbar
  • The system checks whether the loaded warehouse is no longer in use. If the check is successful, the warehouse is deleted.

Creating a warehouse zone


To be able to create a warehouse zone, the warehouse organization of the warehouse must allow the use of storage locations.

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse for which you want to create a warehouse zone
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • Once the identification has been successfully checked, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Select the Warehouse zones tab
  2. Select the [New] button in the work pane toolbar
  • A new warehouse zone is displayed. Default values are displayed based on the specified values for the warehouse.
  1. In the Warehouse zone field, enter a unique warehouse zone identification that has not yet been used for the warehouse
  2. Enter a name for the warehouse zone in the Description field. If required, you can also enter translations in other languages
  3. Specify the warehouse organization and the use of the warehouse zone. Different input fields are available depending on the warehouse organization
  4. If necessary, enter values in the other fields as well
  5. Save the warehouse by selecting the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The data of the newly specified warehouse zone is checked. If the check is successful, the new warehouse zone is saved together with the warehouse. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Querying and editing warehouse zones


To be able to query and edit a warehouse zone, the warehouse organization of the warehouse must allow the use of storage locations.

  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse whose warehouse zones you want to query and edit
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • Once the identification has been successfully checked, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Select the Warehouse zones tab
  • The warehouse zones of the warehouse are displayed.
  1. If necessary, enter new values in the input fields of the warehouse zone
Please note that some fields cannot be changed at all or can only be changed under certain circumstances.
  1. Save the warehouse by selecting the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • The changed warehouse zone data is checked. If the check is successful, the warehouse zone is saved together with the warehouse. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Deleting a warehouse zone


You can only delete a warehouse zone if other business objects do not refer to the warehouse zone. In particular, the following conditions must be met:

  • The warehouse zone has no item inventories
  • There are no inventory postings for the warehouse zone
  • There are no inventories for the warehouse zone
  • The warehouse zone has no storage locations
  • If the warehouse organization of the warehouse provides for the use of storage locations, then after deleting the warehouse zone, there must still be exactly one receipt of goods zone, one issue of goods zone and one zone to which inventory differences can be posted and at least one warehouse zone of the usages Reserve or Not specified must exist for the warehouse
  1. Open the Warehouses application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse whose warehouse zones you want to query and edit
  3. Select the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar
  • Once the identification has been successfully checked, the specified warehouse is opened.
  1. Select the Warehouse zones tab
  • The warehouse zones of the warehouse are displayed.
  1. Select the warehouse zone to be deleted
  2. Select the [Delete] button in the toolbar
  3. Save the warehouse by selecting the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
  • After a successful deletion check, the warehouse zone is deleted and the warehouse is saved. If the check is not successful, a corresponding error message is displayed.

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