Procedures: Storage location types

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Storage location types application. The procedures contain instructional steps for assigning a storage unit to a storage location type, for instance. Furthermore, this article will also inform you about the expected preconditions and effects.

The description of the Storage location types application, which also includes field descriptions, can be found in the article Storage location types.


The procedures for the following topics can be found in the article Procedures: Voucher types:

  • Creating a new storage location type
  • Duplicating a storage location type
  • Marking storage location type for deletion
  • Deleting storage location type
  • Displaying and editing storage location type

Assigning a storage unit

For storage location types of the type Storage location without storage unit, put-away and withdrawal takes place without a storage unit. For this storage location type, the put away storage unit is used instead to determine the maximum storage capacity of the storage location.
  1. Open the Storage location types application
  2. Open the storage location type for which you want to a assign storage unit
  3. Select the [New] button in the toolbar of the table in the work area
    • A new line is added in the table
  4. In the Storage unit column, enter the storage unit that is to be assigned to storage locations of this storage location type
  5. In the Count column, enter the maximum number of storage unit allowed for a storage location of this storage location type
  6. Save the storage location type
    • The specifications are checked. After a successful check, the storage location type is saved together with the newly assigned storage unit. If the storage location type could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

Deleting assigned storage unit

  1. Open the Storage location types application
  2. Open the storage location type for which you want to delete an assigned storage unit
  3. In the work pane, select the table line with the storage unit whose assignment you want to delete
  4. Select the [Delete] button in the work pane toolbar
    • The selected line in the work pane is marked for deletion.
  5. Save the storage location type.
    • The system checks whether the storage unit assignment can be removed. If the check is successful, the storage location type is saved and the storage unit assignment is removed. If the storage location type could not be saved, a corresponding error message is displayed.

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