Cockpit: Supplier contracts/line items

Topic overview

The Cockpit: Supplier contracts/line items application is primarily used to query supplier contracts via their line item information, such as item or status. You can use this application to obtain an overview of the recorded contract items. In addition, further actions can be carried out from the application for one or more line items, such as releasing or blocking contract line items.

The main general description of cockpit applications, which includes the usual handling of a query and work pane, can be found in the Cockpits article. Information on customizing functions, business entities, and authorizations can be found in the Supplier contracts article, which describes the voucher application. The topics that apply specifically to the Cockpit: Supplier contracts/line items application are covered below.

Application description

You can use the Cockpit: Supplier contracts/line items query application to obtain an overview of all or selected supplier contract line items. Further processing options are also available, as the application allows you to:

  • Display the voucher chain for an individual voucher line item
  • Switch to the Supplier contracts application via the contract number for further processing of the voucher
  • Execute application-related actions

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query area

For information on the meaning of the fields, please refer to the explanations in the Supplier contracts article.

Work area

For a general description of the work pane, see the Cockpits article.

For information on the meaning of individual columns, refer to the explanations in the Supplier contracts article.

The following application-related actions are available in the Cockpit: Supplier contracts/line items application:

  • [Release supplier contract line items…]
  • [Block supplier contract line items…]
  • [Complete supplier contract line items…]

Further information can be found in the article Actions: Release, block and, complete voucher or line items.

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