Topic overview
This article describes the procedures for using the Purchase orders application. The procedures contain instructional steps, e.g. for creating or editing a purchase order. You will also be informed about possible preconditions and effects.
The description of the fields in the Purchase orders application can be found in the Purchase orders article.
The actions for processing a purchase order are described in the article Purchase orders: Actions.
Actions for processing
Standard actions
The procedures for the standard actions [New], [Duplicate header], [Refresh], [Validate], [Save], [Delete], as well as the interaction between the line item table and the line item editor are described in the article Procedures: Voucher applications.
Generating a purchase order from a supplier quotation
A purchase order can be created from a supplier quotation. This procedure is recommended as the standard procedure in the purchasing process: You have entered a purchasing RFQ and sent it to one or more suppliers. You would now like to respond to one of the received supplier quotations by generating a purchase order from it.
- Purchase order type
- Supplier quotation
This action is not available for the Consignment order category.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. If required, select the purchasing organization in the title bar for which you want to create the voucher.
3. Enter the identification of a purchase order type in the first part of the two-part Number field.
4. Select the [Generate from quotation…] action under the [New] button on the standard toolbar.
- A dialog window will open. You can find further information on the dialog window in the chapter Generate order from quotation dialog window.
5. In the dialog window, enter the type and number of the desired quotation based on which you want to create the purchase order. If you do not want to apply all quotation line items or if you want to change the line items, select the Accept line items using editor parameter.
6. Press the [OK] button.
- The system will create the new purchase order based on the entered quotation identification. The following data will be transferred from the quotation to the order: the supplier and the currency from the order header as well as the line items. Missing data will be suggested from the purchase order type and the supplier or item master data. The organization selected in the title bar will be applied as the purchasing organization.
- If you have not activated the Accept line items using editor parameter and no errors occur, the purchase order will be saved automatically.
7. Change and add to the default values as required.
8. Change or add to the order line items in the line item editor as required. Enter or change the prices, for example.
9. Press the [Save] button on the standard toolbar.
- The voucher will be saved.
- Voucher chain relationships between the supplier quotation and purchase order will be created.
- The order status of the accepted quotation line items and the quotation header will be updated.
Generate order from quotation dialog window
After you select the [Generate from quotation…] action, a dialog window opens first. The window contains the following elements:
- Quotation – in this field, enter the identification of the supplier quotation from which you want to generate the purchase order. The supplier quotation is uniquely identified by the supplier quotation type in the first input field and by the supplier quotation number in the second input field.
- Accept line items using editor (parameter) – if you activate this parameter, each quotation line item will be transferred individually to the line item editor as a new editable order line item. If the parameter is deactivated, a line item will only be transferred to the line item editor if an error occurs. If there are no errors, the line items will be automatically accepted in the line item table and saved.
Rescheduling dates
The description of the [Reschedule delivery date…] and [Move preferred date…] actions can be found in the article Actions: Reschedule reminder date, shipping date, delivery date, preferred date.
Completing delivery and billing
The description of the actions [Complete delivery manually…], [Remove manual completion of delivery…], and [Complete billing line items] can be found in the article Actions: Complete delivery and billing line items manually.
Canceling line items/removing cancellation
You can cancel those purchase order line items to which no receipt of goods or supplier invoice has been assigned yet. Receipts of goods or supplier invoices cannot be assigned to canceled line items.
Canceling line items
- The voucher is saved.
- The application is in Display mode.
- The voucher has not been canceled.
- The line item has not been canceled.
- The line item is not marked for deletion.
- The line item is not assigned to a receipt of goods or a supplier invoice.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the purchase order that contains the line items to be canceled.
3. Select the [Cancel line items…] action under the [Edit delivery dates and status] button on the standard toolbar.
- A dialog window with the list of all the line items that can be cancelled will open.
4. Use the checkboxes to select the line items you wish to cancel.
5. Press the [OK] button.
- The dialog window will close and the system will assigned the Canceled status to the selected line items.
- Warning messages will be automatically confirmed.
- The order will be automatically saved.
Removing a cancellation
- The voucher is saved.
- The application is in Display mode.
- At least one line item has been canceled.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the purchase order that contains the line items you want to unmark from cancellation.
3. Select the [Delete cancellation of the line items…] action under the [Edit delivery dates and status] button on the standard toolbar.
- A dialog window with the list of all canceled line items will open. All the line items will already be selected.
4. Change the selection using the checkboxes for the desired line items.
5. Press the [OK] button.
- The dialog window will close and the system will remove the cancellation from the selected line items.
- The order will be automatically saved.
Canceling (line item editor)
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the voucher containing the line item you wish to cancel.
3. Transfer the line item to be canceled to the line item editor.
4. Select the [Cancel] action under the [Actions] button on the line item editor toolbar.
- The Canceled status will be assigned to the line item in the line item editor.
5. Accept the line item in the line item table.
6. Select the [Save] button on the standard toolbar.
- The voucher will be saved.
Removing cancellation (line item editor)
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the voucher containing the line items you need to unmark from cancellation.
3. Accept the line item from which you need to remove the cancellation in the line item editor.
4. Select the [Delete cancellation] action under the [Actions] button on the line item editor toolbar.
- The Canceled status for the line item will be removed in the line item editor.
5. Accept the line item in the line item table.
6. Select the [Save] button on the standard toolbar.
- The voucher will be saved.
Dialog window for the actions [Cancel line items…] and [Delete cancellation of the line items…]
Before the [Cancel line items…] and [Delete cancellation of the line items…] actions are executed, a dialog window opens in which all line items are listed that can be cancelled or for which the cancellation can be removed. This allows you to process several line items at the same time.
The line items are listed in a table that contains the following columns:
1st column line:
- Line item number – the line item number is displayed.
- Item – item number and description are displayed.
- Delivery date – the delivery date of the line item is displayed.
- Preferred date – the preferred date of the line item is displayed.
- Total – the total quantity of the line item is displayed.
- Delivered – the delivered quantity of the line item is displayed.
- Status – the status information of the line item is displayed.
- (Selection) – use the checkbox in this column to select the line item that you want to cancel or whose cancellation you want to remove.
2nd/3rd column line:
- Availability date – the availability date of the line item is displayed.
- Open – the open quantity of the line item is displayed.
- Invoiced – the invoiced quantity of the line item is displayed.
[Change delivery partner data…] action
The description of the [Change delivery partner data…] action can be found in the article Action: Change delivery partner line item data.
[Change delivery data…] action
The description of the [Change delivery data…] action can be found in the article Action: Change delivery conditions.
[Change invoicing terms…] action
The description of the [Change invoicing terms…] action can be found in the article Action: Change invoicing terms.
[Change pseudo item descriptions…] action
With the [Change pseudo item descriptions…] action on the standard toolbar and the [Change pseudo item description…] action in the line item editor, you can store different descriptions for pseudo items as part of line item data.
Further information can be found in the article Action: Change pseudo item description(s).
This actions are not available for the Consignment order category.
Changing the general status
The description of the actions [Release], [Release line items…], [Block] and [Block line items…] under the [Actions] button on the standard toolbar can be found in the article Actions: Release, block, and complete voucher or line items.
This article also describes the [Release] and [Lock] actions under the [Actions] button in the line item editor toolbar.
[Find and add line items…] action
The description of the [Find and add line items…] action can be found in the article Action: Find and add line items.
[Find and add external manufacturing line items…] action
Externally manufactured line items can be moved from one purchase order to another. This allows purchase orders with external manufacturing line items to be combined.
The purchase order was created as part of external production and contains at least one external manufacturing line item.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the purchase order to which you want to add an externally manufactured line item.
3. Select the [Find and add external manufacturing line items…] action on the line item table toolbar.
- A dialog window will open. Further information can be found in the chapter Purchase order: find and add external manufacturing line items dialog window.
4. Enter search criteria in the input fields of the dialog window to search for the externally manufactured line items to be added.
5. Click the [Start] button on the toolbar of the dialog window.
- The table in the work pane of the dialog window will list all externally manufactured line items that match the search criteria entered.
6. Use the checkboxes at the end of a line in the table to select the line items that you want to add to the voucher and thus move.
7. Decide whether any warnings that occur should be confirmed automatically by activating or deactivating the Automatically confirm warnings parameter.
8. Press the [Accept all selected] button.
- The system will move the selected externally manufactured line items to the open purchase order: The selected external line items will be added to the open purchase order as new line items and deleted from the source purchase orders.
- If there are no more line items in a source purchase order, such a voucher will also be deleted.
- The open voucher will be saved.
Purchase order: find and add external manufacturing line items dialog window
The search results in the work pane of the dialog window only contain those externally manufactured line items that can be included in the open purchase order. For this reason, the voucher partners (e.g. supplier, invoicing party) and the currency must match. In addition, a given line item must not have been delivered or invoiced. You can use the query fields to enter search criteria in order to optimize the search for the desired external manufacturing line items.
You can obtain information on the externally manufactured line items in the results list using the buttons on the table toolbar:
- [Base]
- [Line item data]
- [Components]
With the Confirm all warnings parameter, you can force all warnings that occur when moving external manufacturing line items to be confirmed automatically.
You can use the [Accept all selected] action to move all selected externally manufactured line items to the open purchase order. Voucher relationships in the voucher references chain will be updated accordingly in the affected orders.
The external manufacturing line items will be deleted from the source purchase orders. If there are no more line items in a source purchase order, such a voucher will also be deleted.
The changes will be saved immediately.
[Find and add item…] action
The description of the [Find and add item…] action can be found in the article Action: Find and add item.
[Find and add variant item for reference item…] action
The description of the action [Find and add variant item for reference item…] can be found in the article Action: Find and add variant item for reference item.
[Alternative variant…] action
The description of the [Alternative variant…] action can be found in the article Action: Select variant item for reference item.
[Price origin…] action
The description of the [Price origin…] action can be found in the article Action: Price origin.
This action is not available for the Consignment order category.
[Update accounting data] action
Using the [Update accounting data] action under the [Actions] button on the toolbar of the line item editor, the account assignment data is determined from the master data, taking into account the calculation time point (header) and the delivery date (line item), and inserted into the respective fields.
This action is not available for the Consignment order category.
The following data is updated:
- Account origin
- Account
- Cost center
- Cost unit
The action is only available if the following requirements are met:
- The current user is an internal employee
- The voucher can be edited
- No deletion marker is set for the line item
- The line item has not been canceled
- The cost unit can be changed manually
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the purchase order whose accounting data you want to update or enter a new purchase order.
3. Transfer a line item to the line item editor or enter a new line item.
4. Click the [Update accounting data] action under the [Actions] button on the line item editor toolbar.
- The data for the fields Account origin, Account, Cost center, and Cost unit will be determined from the master data, taking into account the calculation time point (header) and the delivery date (line item), and inserted into the respective fields.
If the opened line item is a kit main line item, the determined account is also transferred to all components. In addition, the data for the Cost center and Cost unit fields is also redetermined in all components without any further setting options (they are independent of the set main line item).
[Inventory values…] action
The [Inventory values…] action opens a dialog window in which the inventory values are displayed for the item related to the line item opened in the editor.
A line item is open in the line item editor.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open the purchase order whose line item inventory values you want to display or create a new purchase order.
3. Transfer a line item to the line item editor or enter a new line item.
4. Click the [Inventory values…] action under the [Actions] button on the line item editor toolbar.
- A dialog window with the inventory values of the line item will open.
5. Click the [Close] button.
- The dialog window will close.
Inventory values dialog window
The following data is displayed in the dialog window:
Quantities section:
- Delivered – this field displays the delivered quantity resulting from the receipt of items assigned to the purchase order line item.
- Invoiced – this field displays the invoiced quantity resulting from the supplier invoice line items assigned to the purchase order line item.
Values section:
- Posted inventory value – this field displays the amount posted to the inventory account but not yet invoiced. The amount is calculated as a proportion of the total net value of the goods excluding purchasing costs in relation to the total quantity of the purchase order line item.
- Invoiced inventory value – this field displays the total of the supplier invoice values without additional costs, which refers to the quantity already invoiced. This value is important if supplier invoices for the supplied purchase order line item have already been posted before the receipt of goods.
- Posted and invoiced inventory value – this field shows the proportion of the invoiced inventory value that has been posted to the inventory account to date and is therefore covered by the corresponding receipts of goods.
Supplementary costs section:
- Posted additional costs – this field shows the proportion of the purchasing costs in relation to the total quantity of the purchase order line item that has been posted to the inventory account to date. These are additional costs known in advance.
- Invoiced additional costs – this field displays the additional costs that have been posted to date with supplier or additional cost invoices for this purchase order line item.
- Posted and invoiced additional costs – this field shows the proportion of invoiced additional costs that have been posted to the inventory account to date.
Contract references (when accepting a line item from the editor)
Supplier contracts are contractual outline agreements for the delivery of goods or services between a supplier and the company in the role of the client. Contracts are used in purchase orders through contract references. A contract line item can be assigned to a purchase order line item either automatically or manually.
- The contract line item to be assigned has been released
- The order line item concerned is not saved
This action is not available for the Consignment order category.
Instructions: Manual contract release
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open a purchase order to which you would like to add a line item with a contract release or enter a new purchase order.
3. Transfer an unsaved line item to the line item editor or enter a new item.
4. Enter the identification of the contract and the number of the contract line item you wish to call off in the Contract line item field in the line item editor.
5. Accept the line item to transfer it to the line item table.
- The contract line item will be assigned to the order line item and a relationship will be created between them.
6. Click the [Save] button on the standard toolbar.
- The voucher will be saved.
Instructions: Automatic contract selection
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open a purchase order to which you would like to add a line item with a contract release or enter a new purchase order.
3. Transfer an unsaved line item to the line item editor or enter a new item.
4. Activate the Automatic contract selection parameter in the line item editor.
5. Accept the line item to transfer it to the line item table or click [Validate] on the line item editor toolbar.
- The system will determine suitable supplier contract line items
- Depending on whether it finds one or more contract line items, the system will react as follows:
- If only one contract line item is found, it will be automatically accepted in the Contract line item field. This line item can then be accepted and transferred to the line table.
- If several suitable contract line items are available, a dialog window for selecting the contract line item will be opened.
6. If the dialog window for selecting a contract line item has been opened, either select one of the proposed contract line items and press the [Accept] button in the dialog window or select one of the [No assignment] or [Disable automatic selection ]buttons in the dialog window if you do not want to assign any of the suggested contract line items to the order line item.
- The dialog window will close. The order line item will be accepted in the line item table.
- The system will react depending on the button pressed:
- If you have selected a contract line item in the dialog window, this contract line item will be transferred to the Contract line item field.
- If you have pressed the [No assignment] button in the dialog window, no contract line item will be assigned. The Automatic contract selection parameter will remain active.
- If you have pressed the [Disable automatic selection] button in the dialog window, no contract line item will be assigned and the Automatic contract selection parameter will be deactivated.
7. Press the [Save] button on the standard toolbar.
- The voucher will be saved.
Contract selection dialog window
- Contract line item – a contract type and number as well as a contract line item number identify the specific contract line item
- Item – item identification and description are displayed
- Date – the date of the contract is displayed if the contract is a schedule contract
- Total – the total quantity or the total value of the contract item is displayed, depending on the contract category
- Open – the open quantity or the open amount for the contract line item is displayed, depending on the contract category
- General status – the status information for the contract line item is displayed
Actions in the Contract selection dialog window:
- [Accept] – the selected contract line item is transferred to the order line item as a voucher reference. It is assigned to the appropriate order line item. The dialog window is closed.
- [No assignment] – none of the contract line items are accepted. Only the warning that more than one contract has been found is confirmed. The Automatic contract selection parameter remains active. The dialog window is closed.
- [Disable automatic selection] – none of the contract line items are accepted. The Automatic contract selection parameter is deactivated for this order line item. The dialog window is closed.
- [Cancel] – the dialog window is closed without effect.
[Recalculate] action
You can use the [Recalculate] action to recalculate the prices and amounts of a purchase order if required.
The document must not be marked as Invalid with a reason other than Order discounts. If another invalid reason is specified, the invalid status must first be removed before the [Recalculate] action can be executed.
This action is not available for the Consignment order category.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open a purchase order for which you want to recalculate the prices and amounts.
3. Select the [Recalculate] action under the [Actions] button on the standard toolbar.
- The prices and amounts of the order will be recalculated. The changes will be saved immediately.
Creating subsequent vouchers and outputting voucher documents
In this chapter, you will find a general procedure for carrying out actions that allow you to:
- Output priced purchase order documents
- Output unpriced purchase order documents
- Output purchase order change documents
- Output confirmation reminders
- Output delivery dunnings
- Generate delivery orders for returns of goods
- Generate delivery orders and output return of goods slips with inventory postings
- Generate delivery orders and output return of goods slips without inventory postings
Further information on these actions can be found in the article Purchase orders: Actions.
1. Open the Purchase orders application.
2. Open a purchase order for which you want to generate a subsequent voucher or have a voucher document output.
3. If required, enter the allocated quantities in the corresponding view of the line item table for the creation of return delivery orders.
4. Select the relevant action under the [Actions] button on the standard toolbar.
- A dialog window will opens
5. Make any changes you need to the settings under the Parameters tab in the dialog window.
6. If required, enter the background and output settings.
7. Select [Output] or [Display] to execute.
- The dialog window will close and the system will generate the subsequent vouchers and output the corresponding voucher document, depending on the selected action.