Import storage locations

Topic overview

This article describes the procedure for using the Import data application in relation to storage locations and their maximum inventory and replenishment definitions. You will also be informed about possible preconditions, effects and restrictions.

The description of the Import data application, which also includes field and button descriptions, can be found in the Import data article.

General information

When importing storage locations, you can also import maximum inventory levels for storage locations of the type Fixed location without storage unit and replenishment levels for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit. More attributes are available for data export than for data import. It therefore makes sense to define separate filters for export and import.

1:1 relationships are generally based on a technical GUID attribute in the data model. Depending on the use case, either the technical GUID attribute or the functional key from the target object (usually codeor number) can be used during import. If the GUID of the storage location is also specified in the import file, this GUID is used. Otherwise, a new GUID is assigned for the storage location.

If you are not sure which format is suitable for the import file, proceed as follows: Enter a sample storage location via the Storage locations application and export it using the filter for import in the desired format with the desired attributes. The resulting sample file can be used as a template for the import files to be generated.

With regard to default values and checks, similar rules apply when importing storage locations as when editing via the Storage locations application. In contrast to editing, however, the associated inventory management servers must not be active when importing.

Existing storage locations can be expanded by importing additional data. The existing data is replaced by the import data.

Procedures: Importing storage locations

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Display this particular filter or a filter for this business object:
  • The filter for importing storage locations is opened. 3.
  1. Duplicate or create a new filter for this business object if required.
  2. Change the already selected attributes of the filter if required
  3. Select the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar.
  • The Import data dialog box opens.
  1. You can make settings for the import file in the Import data dialog box. A description of the fields can be found in the Import data article.
  2. Select one of the buttons [In background] or [Immediately].
  • The import is executed.

Overview: Identification and mandatory fields

The attributes of the individual business objects required for the import are listed below. The corresponding relationship name is also included for foreign key attributes. The identification and mandatory fields are subject to change and can be extended by making adjustments.

The identification attributes (key attributes) are marked with a (K).

Storage location (StorageLocation)

The identification of a storage location consists of warehouse, warehouse zone and a location. The row and level of the storage location can also be specified in the storage location.



Item assignment

area/warehouse (K)
Warehouse and warehouse zone (functional identification):
Necessary when changing/deleting if guid was not specified.
bin (K)Location of storage location:
The specification of this attribute is always necessary for a new storage location and when identifying the storage location via the functional key.
guid (K)Technical identification:
Relevant for changing/deleting data that has already been saved, if known.
level (K)Level of the storage location:
The specification of this attribute is necessary for a new storage location and when identifying the storage location via the technical key if the storage location is in a high rack storage area zone.
ownerOwnerInventory owner whose inventory may be stored in the storage location:
Specifying the inventory owner is only useful and necessary if As per storage location data is set for the inventory owner origin.
ownerOriginInventory owner origin:
The following settings can be imported:
  • As per storage location data

  • As per warehouse zone data

  • Dynamic

When importing new storage locations without inventory owner origin, As per warehouse zone data is used. This setting is also used as a default value in the Storage locations application.
priorityPriority of the storage location:
The specification is only useful and necessary if As per storage location data is set for the priority origin.
priorityOriginOrigin of the priority specification:
The following settings can be imported:
  • As per storage location type

  • As per storage location data
row (K)Row of the storage location:
The specification of this attribute is necessary for a new storage location and when identifying the storage location via the functional key if the storage location is in a high rack storage area or bulk storage.
typeTypeStorage location type:
Changing the storage location type is linked to certain conditions, which are described in the Storage locations article.
usableUsable (bool):
Use this attribute to specify whether the storage location is usable.

Maximum and replenishment definitions (PickingLocation)

Maximum and replenishment definitions can only be imported for storage locations of the type Fixed location without storage unit or Picking location without storage unit. The specification of a maximum definition is possible for storage locations of the type Fixed location without storage unit as well as for Picking location without storage unit. The specification of a replenishment definition is only possible for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit.



Item assignment

fillQuantityTarget inventory level of the article:
It only makes sense to specify the target inventory level for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit
guid (K)Technical identification:
For changing/deleting data already stored, if known.
item (K)ItemItem for which the maximum or replenishment definition is to apply.
maximumQuantityMaximum inventory of the item in the storage location.
minOnHandReorder level of the item:
It only makes sense to specify the reorder level for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit.
ReplenishmentQuantityReplenishment lot size of the storage location:
It only makes sense to specify the replenishment lot size for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit.
replenishmentZoneReplenishmentZoneReplenishment zone:
It only makes sense to specify the replenishment zone for storage locations of the type Picking location without storage unit.
The slot specification enables further structuring of the storage location.

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