Storage restrictions

Topic overview

A storage restriction consists of a put-away and a withdrawal restriction as well as a warehouse zone type. With the use of storage restrictions, you can define the warehouse zones that are excluded from put-away or withdrawal. The storage restriction can also specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones of a warehouse are taken into consideration.

In this article, you will learn how you can create and edit storage restrictions.

Definitions of terms

Warehouse organization
Warehouse organization determines the structure of a warehouse or warehouse zone. Using warehouse organization, warehouse structures such as simple warehouses, high rack storage areas, and bulk storage can be mapped.

A warehouse is a logically or physically defined area in which item inventory is maintained. A warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones and storage locations if storage location control is enabled in Customizing. The exact structure of the warehouse is defined by the warehouse organization.

Storage restrictions
A storage restriction consists of a put-away and a withdrawal restriction. It sets which storage locations are excluded when determining storage locations and item inventories in put-away and withdrawal. A storage restriction can also
specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones of a warehouse are considered. Using the withdrawal restriction, inventory units can be specified in which withdrawal is allowed or prohibited.

Storage zones
If storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, a warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones. A warehouse can have any number of warehouse zones.


A storage restriction consists of the following entries:

  • putaway restriction
  • withdrawal restriction
  • storage zone type

Each entry corresponds to an input field. In this field, you can define a value if required.

You can enter a storage restriction in the following applications:

  • Items
  • Classifications (inventory item classification 1)
  • Inventory order types

If you define a storage restriction in one of the applications, then the put-away restriction, the withdrawal restriction and warehouse zone type are displayed in the fields with the same name. If you change the value in one of the fields,
your entry in the Storage restriction field is deleted. If a storage restriction with the given combination of characteristics does not exist, then a new storage restriction is generated automatically. This storage restriction has neither an
identification nor a description. Automatically generated storage restrictions are not visible in the Storage restrictions application and cannot be edited there.

In the Warehouses application, you can define the put-away restriction and the withdrawal restriction on the warehouse level. You can assign warehouse zone types to the individual warehouse zones. Therefore, you cannot define a storage restriction in the Warehouses application, you can only define the individual components of the storage restriction.

The determination of the storage restriction to be used is done in the following sequence:

  1. item and warehouse (Warehouse data in the Inventory logistics view of the Items application)
  2. item (Inventory logistics view of the Items application)
  3. inventory item classification 1 (Classifications application)
  4. put-away and withdrawal restriction of the warehouse (Warehouses application)
  5. inventory order (Inventory order types application)

If a valid storage restriction has been found at a level, the levels under it are ignored. If you assign a storage restriction to the item or the item classification used by the item, then this storage restriction is valid in all warehouses. If you do not assign a storage restriction to either the item or the inventory item classification, the put-away and withdrawal restrictions defined in the warehouse apply. If there are no put-away restrictions saved in the warehouse, then the put-away takes place without utilization of a put-away restriction. Similarly, the withdrawal takes place without utilization of a withdrawal restriction if you have not defined a withdrawal restriction in the warehouse. In both cases, the priorities of the warehouse zones specify the sequence in which the warehouse zones are taken into account.

You can also specify that the put-away of an item should basically take place without utilization of a storage restriction, even if a put-away restriction was defined in the warehouse. Activate the Used check box for the item and leave the Put-away restriction field empty. If the withdrawal should take place without utilization of a withdrawal restriction, leave the Withdrawal restriction field empty.

The following examples illustrate the utilization of put-away restrictions based on posting of a receipt of goods. First, an example of utilization of a storage restriction assigned to the item:

  • A storage restriction is defined for the item to be put away. When determining storage location for put-away, this storage restriction is utilized on all warehouses.

The following example shows a put-away with utilization of a put-away restriction defined for the inventory item classification:

  • A storage restriction is not assigned to either the item or the inventory item classification. However, the Used check box is activated for the inventory item classification and a put-away restriction is defined. When determining storage location for put-away, this put-away restriction is utilized on all warehouses.

The following example shows a put-away without utilization of a put-away restriction:

  • A storage restriction is not assigned to either the item or the inventory item classification. The warehouse has three warehouse zones with reserve locations: R1, R2 and R3. No put-away restriction is defined in the warehouse. Therefore, no put-away restriction is utilized when determining storage locations. The warehouse zones are taken into account in the sequence determined by the Priority field (on the warehouse zone level).

Storage restrictions are relevant only for determination of storage locations through the put-away and withdrawal logic. If a specific storage location is specified in an inventory requisition or a manually entered inventory posting, the storage restriction is not taken into consideration. If the Strict FIFO withdrawal strategy is utilized, the storage restrictions or the withdrawal restrictions are not taken into consideration for the withdrawal.
The storage restrictions are created on a client-specific basis.

Application description

You can use the Storage restrictions application to enter or edit warehouse restrictions. The entered storage restrictions can be used in other applications, e.g. Items or Inventory order types.

The Storage restrictions application is not divided into an identification pane and a work pane. It consists of only one work pane with the following input fields:

Storage restriction – enter a unique, as yet unused, identification of the storage restriction in this field. The identification is used for finding the correct storage restriction in other applications. It consists of up to 25 numbers, letters or a number-letter combination.
A storage restriction consists of a put-away and a withdrawal restriction as well as a storage zone type. With the use of storage restrictions, you can define the warehouse zones that are excluded from put-away and withdrawal. The storage restriction can also specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones of a warehouse are taken into
The storage restrictions are only relevant for the determination of storage locations through the put-away and withdrawal logic. If a specific storage location is specified in an inventory requisition or a manually entered inventory posting, it is not taken into consideration.
After saving the storage restriction for the first time, the identification cannot be changed anymore.
The storage restrictions are created on a client-specific basis

Description -in this field, enter a description of the storage restriction.
The description is an additional name for the storage restriction. Meaningful descriptions simplify the search for the  correct storage restriction for the user. The description can be chosen and can be equivocal in the sense that several storage restrictions can have the same description. However, the use of different descriptions in each case is recommended. The description can be also entered in several languages.

Put-away restriction -in this field, you can assign a put-away restriction to the storage restriction, if required.
With the use of put-away restrictions, you can enter the warehouse zones that are excluded from the put-away. The put-away restriction can also specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones and rows are considered.

Withdrawal restriction – in this field, you can assign a withdrawal restriction to the storage restriction, if required.
With the use of withdrawal restrictions, you can enter the warehouse zones that are excluded from the withdrawal. The withdrawal restriction can also specify the sequence in which the individual warehouse zones are taken into consideration. You can also define which inventory units with the withdrawal restriction and from which warehouse zone
they can be withdrawn.

Warehouse zone type – in this field, you can assign a warehouse zone type to the storage restriction, if required.
If a storage restriction was assigned to an item or an inventory item classification by entering a warehouse zone type, this item is put away only in warehouse zones of the same warehouse zone type.


The Storage restrictions application is only available if the Storage location control function is active in the Customizing application under the main Inventory management function.

Business entities

The following business entities are relevant for the Storage restrictions application, which you use, for example, to

  • assign authorizations
  • set up activity definitions
  • import or export data

Storage restriction:

Put-away restriction:

Put-away restriction – warehouse zone:

Put-away restriction – row:

Withdrawal restriction:

Withdrawal restriction – zone:

Withdrawal restriction – unit:

The business entities belong to the following business entity group:

Inventory master data:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the technical article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

The Storage restrictions application has no special capabilities.

Organizational assignments

If the Content-based authorizations function is activated in the Customizing application, a person can only use the Storage restrictions application if an organization that is linked to at least one of the following structures has been
assigned to him or her in the partner master data:

  • Inventory logistics

Special features

There are no special features for the Storage restrictions application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Storage restrictions application is not released for business partners.

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