Cockpit: Posting Server

Topic overview

This document describes the Cockpit: Posting server” application. This application is used for displaying all existing posting servers that are set up, e.g., for the Financial Accounting, Controlling subsystems, etc.

The Posting server” cockpit is a customizable cockpit and can be flexibly adapted to every single user. For a detailed description of customizable cockpits, refer to the article Cockpits.

Application description

With the Cockpit: Posting server” application, you can gain an overview of all or individual posting servers and their status information. All posting servers that match the search criteria of the query pane will be displayed. With application-related actions, you can start or stop selected posting servers or remove existing locks.

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

In the query pane, query fields for limiting the display are available. The most important query fields are usually already present. However, the number of query fields and their placement can vary. You can determine which query fields are displayed.

Detailed description of query pane fields:

  • Name (Posting server) In this field, enter one or more names as a search criterion for the posting server.
  • Description (Posting server) if required, enter a description as the search criterion here. The description serves as an additional distinguishing characteristic and consists of userdefined text. The same description can exist more than once. The system displays all entries corresponding with the entered description.
  • Processing queue in this field, enter one or more processing queues as a search criterion, if required.
  • Sub system – choose one, several or all subsystems as a search criterion from the following list:
    •  Financial accounting
    • Controlling
    • Asset accounting
    • Transfer to controlling
    • Payment history
    • Liquidity management
    • Deferments
    • Automatic follow-up posting
    • Balances
  • Deletion marker – select the posting servers according to the deletion marker:
    • Not marked for deletion
    • Marked as deleted

Work pane

The work pane has a table in which the data of the queried posting servers are displayed. You can decide which information will be displayed.

The columns defined in the standard view are described below. However, you can select additional columns to be displayed in this view.

Standard” view

  • Name (Posting server) – this column displays the name that was defined for the posting server
  • Description (Posting server) – this column displays the description of the posting server
  • Status (Posting server) this column displays the current status of the posting server
  • Executed vouchers this column displays the count of vouchers that have already been processed
  • Processing queue this column displays the assigned processing queue
  • Action status if the posting server is locked by an application, the status of the application will be displayed in this column
  • Lock status this column shows whether the posting server is locked
  • Cancellation flag if the posting server is marked for deletion, the deletion marker is displayed here

The following application-related actions are available in the Cockpit: Posting server” application:

Start posting server

Via the action role in the standard toolbar, you can start a previously selected posting server with the Start posting server” action. If batch jobs exist, they will be processed after the start.

Only one posting server should be active per subsystem.
Start posting server in batch

You can use this action to create a previously selected posting server as a background job. This enables you to start and stop the posting server on a time-controlled basis.

Stop posting server

Via the action role in the standard toolbar, you can stop a previously selected posting server with the Stop posting server” action. If batch jobs still exist, they will be stopped.


The Cockpit: Posting server” application does not need any specific settings in Customizing.”

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Cockpit: Posting server” application that you use, for example, in order to:

  • Assign authorizations,
  • Set up activity definitions or
  • Import or export

Posting server


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as through a content-based authorization (by assignment to organizations). The authorization concept is described in the Authorizations article.

Special capabilities

The Following special capability, dependent on actions, is available for the Cockpit: Posting server” application. You can assign authorizations for this capability in the Authorization roles” application.

Resetting locks

If a user has these capabilities, they can reset the locks set for posting servers.

Organizational assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data can be viewed, used, or edited. The Content-based authorizations” function must be activated in the Customizing” application for this purpose.

To ensure that the Cockpit: Posting server” application is displayed for a person in the user menu, the user must be assigned to an organization that is connected to one of the following organization structures:

  • Financials

Special features

The Cockpit: Posting server” application has no special features.

Authorizations for business partners

The Cockpit: Posting server” application is not released for business partners.

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