Definition of row

Topic overview

This document describes the definition and use of row schemes. In Comarch Financials Enterprise there are standard evaluations and reports, such as open item lists, totals and balance lists, account statements or posting journals, for which the basic structure is largely specified. In contrast to these evaluations, you can create individually defined reports. These individually defined reports always consist of a column and a row scheme. Within the application Output defined reports, you can then combine the column and row scheme as well as the periods to be evaluated for printing.

Application description

Defined reports with columns and rows are among other things required to create a profit and loss account, a balance sheet or a cost distribution sheet. Due to the separate definition of columns and rows, complex and structured reports can be output. By numbering the lines and using different line types (e.g. text lines, value lines, formula lines, total lines), you can create as many subtotals, group totals and final totals as you want.
A row scheme is not permanently assigned to a report. Therefore, one row scheme can be used for multiple reports. The same applies to a column scheme. Only when printing or when creating a report, you specify which column and which row scheme should be used. Note that changes to a column or row schema affect all reports in which they are used.
There may be restrictions when combining columns and rows when creating a report, as not every column scheme matches every row scheme.
The monthly balances of all general and personal accounts as well as the totals of actual and planned figures of the optional dimensions are available as a database for your self-defined reports. Comparisons with the previous year and with planned and actual data are possible.

Identification pane

The identification pane contains the input fields that are necessary to identify a column scheme.
The fields in detail:
  • Column scheme type – by specifying the line schema type, you determine which data source is used for this report. This field is only released for a new creation. The following settings are available:
    • Cost types
    • Dimension element
    • Dimension element 2nd assignment
    • Object accounts
    • Creditor
    • Debtor
  • Dimension type – the dimension type must be specified if the selection Dimension element or Dimension elements 2nd assignment was specified in the line scheme type. This field is only released for a new creation.
  • Row scheme – enter the code for an existing row scheme in this field or enter a code for a new row scheme.
  • Description – the description serves as an additional identifier for the row scheme. Enter a meaningful, memorable and possibly a unique description for the search is made easier after that. The designation is freely selectable and can be ambiguous. I.e. several column schemes can have the same name. It is recommended to assign different names in each case. The designation can be entered in several languages.

Work pane

In the Row scheme application, the work pane consists of a position editor and a position table. The individual rows of a row scheme can be created and edited in the position editor. When a row is closed and saved, it is displayed in the position table with its essential information and can also be edited or deleted there.
Position table
It is possible to change some of the information for the rows within the position table. However, for extensive editing and for the creation of new rows, you have to switch to the position editor.
For the display of the rows you can choose different views in order to view the different information within the rows.
View General
  • Row number – the row numbering of the row scheme regulates the order in which the lines are printed. When specifying the rows in ascending order, we recommend that you select row numbering in increments of 10 or 100 in order to ensure that new rows can be added later. Row numbers in the range 1 to 9,999,999 can be assigned.
  • Description – the description serves as an additional identifier for the row scheme. Enter a meaningful, memorable and possibly a unique description for the search is made easier after that. The designation is freely selectable and can be ambiguous. I.e. several column schemes can have the same name. It is recommended to assign different names in each case. The designation can be entered in several languages.
  • Row type – the row type of a row cannot be overwritten in the position table; it can only be changed using the position editor.
  • Help row – all rows can be marked as help rows. They are used to save intermediate results; they are printed or hidden depending on the report call.
  • Zero suppression – here you determine whether or how the number zero should be displayed. The following settings are available:
    • Zero suppression
    • Zero suppression at resolution
    • Only output if negative
    • Without zero suppression
    • Negative value, output zero
  • Prefix reversal – here you specify how to proceed with the sign. This applies to the representation of numbers, to the formation of sums as well as to arithmetic operations in formulas.The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Without prefix reversal
    • Actual reversal of prefix
    • Sign reversal for print
  • Decimal places – here you define the number of decimal places. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Without decimal places
    • 1 decimal places
    • 2 decimal places
    • 3 decimal places
    • 4 decimal places
    • 5 decimal places
    • 6 decimal places
  • Convert – here you specify whether the values in this row are to be converted into foreign currency for reports with foreign currency or not. This parameter is not taken into account for reports in the main or parallel currency. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Do not convert
    • Convert  
At the moment, reports can only be called in local currency. This field must therefore be maintained in preparation.
  • Direct/Secondary – determining which data will be taken into account.
    • All data
    • Direct data
    • Definition in column
    • Secondary data
  • Function – This field is usually only of interest for financial accounting reports. E.g. the presentation of substitute items for balance sheets / profit loss. The following settings are available:
    • Normal balance account leve –  only values are printed / displayed that correspond to the normal balance of the row. The normal balance is determined for each account in the row depending on the debit / credit field.
    • Normal balance row level – only values are printed / displayed that correspond to the normal balance of the line. The normal balance is determined with all accounts in the line depending on the debit / credit field.
    • Transaction figures – depending on the Debit / Credit field, only the debit or credit value is printed / displayed in the line (not the balance).
    • Print check – this parameter controls whether optional dimensions are suppressed or output in reports with print check. If a print check is specified for the report, the optional dimension is only displayed if at least one of the marked value or total rows contains values. The Print check field is only open for input for a row scheme of the type Cost type or Dimension element 2nd assignment.
    • Line resolution –this field controls whether the value row is displayed in the report in a resolved or non-resolved manner. Activate the field if you want the row to be evaluated at account level. If the cumulative value of the row is sufficient for evaluation purposes, deactivate the field.
If the defined report is called up without line resolution, this field has no effect.
View Total
In addition to the row number, the decription, the row type and the print check, this view also contains the columns “Total 1 10”. All columns in this view can be changed. The Row type column is excluded.
View Percent
In addition to the row number, the description, the row type and the print check, this view contains the columns Percent 1 of row to Percent 4 of line. All columns in this view can be changed. The Row type column is excluded.
View Miscellaneous
In addition to the row number, the description, the row type and the print check, this view also contains the Additional text column. All columns in this view can be changed. The Row type column is excluded.
Position editor
In the position editor, the individual rows of a row scheme can be created and edited comprehensively. The position editor consists of the following tabs and fields:
 Tab Genaral
  • Row type – the content of this field determines the tab that is displayed, on which further information can be given depending on the context. The following settings are available:
    • Formula line: With the help of formula lines, arithmetical linkages can be defined within a row scheme.
    • Form feed: This row type causes a new page to be started with the following report line.
    • Totals lines 1-10: With the help of totals lines, subtotals can be formed for several value lines within a defined report
    • Text line: Text lines are purely informational. For example, they contain headings.
    • Separator line: With the help of a separator line you can insert a blank line before the following report line. The output of the report can thus be made more visually clear.
    • Value line: The assigned accounts and cost types are evaluated in value lines. Value lines can be summarized.
  • Description – the description serves as an additional identifier for the row. Enter a meaningful, memorable and possibly a unique description for the search is made easier after that. The designation is freely selectable and can be ambiguous. I.e. several column schemes can have the same name. It is recommended to assign different names in each case. The designation can be entered in several languages.
  • Short description – the short description is a freely definable short term for the line. This abbreviation is used instead of the description for reports with 12 columns or more.
  • Additional text – you can enter additional text per line in this field. This is an optional text that is only displayed in the template optimized for Excel and in the application Defined reports query. You can control whether this text is displayed using the field Show additional text in the column definition. This ensures that the additional text is always displayed after the line description. The length of the additional text is limited to 20 characters.
  • Help line – all lines can be marked as Help lines. They are used to save intermediate results; they are printed or hidden depending on the report call.
  • Line resolution – this field controls whether the value row is displayed in the report in a resolved or non-resolved manner. Activate the field if you want the row to be evaluated at account level. If the cumulative value of the row is sufficient for evaluation purposes, deactivate the field.
If the defined report is called up without line resolution, this field has no effect.
Tab Print
  • Zero suppression – here you determine whether or how the number zero should be displayed. The following settings are available:
    • Zero suppression
    • Zero suppression at resolution
    • Only output if negative
    • Without zero suppression
    • Negative value, output zero
  • Prefix reversal – here you specify how to proceed with the sign. This applies to the representation of numbers, to the formation of sums as well as to arithmetic operations in formulas. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Without prefix reversal
    • Actual reversal of prefix
    • Sign reversal for print
  • Function – this field is only used if the following values are defined in the Debit / Credit field:
    • Debit
    • Credit
    • Definition in column
    • For a more detailed description see field Debit / Credit.
  • Debit/Credit – this field is only used if the following characteristics are defined in the Function field:
    • Normal balance account level
    • Normal balance row level
    • Transaction figures

Otherwise, only the following expression is permitted here

  • Not relevant

If the selection Normal balance account level or Normal balance row level has been made in the Function field, the values Debit and Credit are permitted in the Debit / Credit field. If the value Normal balance account level or Normal balance row level is defined in the Function field, the report checks whether both a debit line and a credit line have been defined for this account. If this is the case, the debit or credit value is transferred to the corresponding line. If the value Transaction figures is defined in the Function field, the values Definition in column, Debit and Credit are permitted. This function only applies to reports from financial accounting, because only there transaction figures are kept. If you select the option Definition in column, you can decide in the column whether the debit or credit should be output. If nothing is specified in a column, the balance is shown

  • Period total – determination, which value is used for the period total. The following settings are available:
    • Average
    • Definition in column
    • Total
    • 1st period value
    • Last period value
    • Rounding type – definition, which rounding type is used. Possible values:
    • Round off
    • Round up
    • Commercial
  • Negative values – definition, how negative values are represented. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • 123,00 (black)
    • 123,00 (black)
    • (123,00) (black)
    • 123,00 (red)
    • 123,00 (red)
    • (123,00) (red)
  • Figure dimension – here you specify the unit of numbers for values. If e.g. If the value in hundreds is given, the number 12,345,678.90 is displayed in this column as 123,456.79 when the report is printed or displayed. The 2nd decimal is due to the type of rounding. The following settings are available:
    • In ones
    • In tens
    • In hundreds
    • In thousands
    • In tens of thousands
    • In hundreds of thousands
    • In millions
  • Decimal places – here you define the number of decimal places. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Without decimal places
    • 1 decimal places
    • 2 decimal places
    • 3 decimal places
    • 4 decimal places
    • 5 decimal places
    • 6 decimal places
  • Bold print – information to font design. The following settings are available for the text display:
    • Definition in column
    • Bold type
    • Italic
    • Normal
    • Font size – definition of font size.
    • The following settings are available for the text display:
    • Definition in column
    • Normal
    • Enlarged
  • Underline – definition of the font layout. The following settings are available for the text display:
    • Double underlining (only for separator lines)
    • Simply underlining (for all lines)
    • Dashed (only for separator lines)
    • No underlining
  • Convert – here you specify whether the values in this row are to be converted into foreign currency for reports with foreign currency or not. This parameter is not taken into account for reports in the main or parallel currency. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Do not convert
    • Convert
      At the moment, reports can only be called in local currency. This field must therefore be maintained in preparation.
  • Convert – here you specify whether the values in this row are to be converted into foreign currency for reports with foreign currency or not. This parameter is not taken into account for reports in the main or parallel currency. The following settings are available:
    • Definition in column
    • Do not convert
    • Convert 
      At the moment, reports can only be called in local currency. This field must therefore be maintained in preparation.
  • Print check – this parameter controls whether optional dimensions are suppressed or output in reports with print check. If a print check is specified for the report, the optional dimension is only displayed if at least one of the marked value or total rows contains values. The Print check field is only open for input for a row scheme of the type Cost type or Dimension element 2nd assignment.
Tab Add up in total
This tab is only displayed for the Value line and Formula line line types.
  • Total 1 to 10 – total control for the creation of subtotals and grand totals. The row values are added to the selected total. Possible values:
    • Don’t add up
    • Just add up negatives
    • Just add up positives
    • Sum up
Tab Formula
The tab Formula is only displayed for the Formula line line type.
Formula – formulas may only be specified for the Formula line line type. With the help of formula lines, arithmetical links can be defined within a row scheme. The rows with which the desired arithmetic operation is to be carried out must be defined. It is also possible to include constants in the formulas.
The calculation formulas that are possible are described under Calculation formulas.
Tab Assignments
This tab is only displayed for the row types Value line and Formula line.
  • Use classification – specification which classification is used. The following settings are available:
    • Without classification
    • With classification 1
    • With classification 2
    • With classification 3
    • With classification 4
    • With classification 5
  • Assignment level – if a value is specified here, all nodes and sheets that are assigned to this level in the classification are processed. Individual nodes and sheets on this level can be selected via the assignments.
  • Resolution level – determination up to which level the nodes and sheets are resolved. If no value is specified here, the nodes and sheets are resolved to their users when the rows are resolved..
  • Selection – definition of the columns for which the values of this cost type or object account assignment are relevant. If no entry is made here, the values of this assignment are relevant for all columns.


Up to 3 corresponding items of information can then be entered within a column (e.g. ABC). When the report is printed or displayed, this column only shows values from the accounts or cost types that have been defined with selection indicators A, B, C or without specification in the line assignment.

Tab Percent to row
The tab Percent to row is only displayed for the line types Value line and Formula line as well as the line types Sum 1 – 10. For the percentage calculation in defined reports, you can enter corresponding rows under this tab as a percentage basis (100%) for determining the percentage.
  • Percent 1 from row – from the row scheme, select the line that is to be used as the percentage basis (100%) for determining the percentage. Whether this field should be evaluated and for which column the references should be made depends on whether a column of the type percentage column 1 is defined in the assigned column scheme.
Only rows of the type “Value line“, “Formula line” or “Total” can be selected for this field.
  • Percent 2 from row – from the row scheme, select the line that is to be used as the percentage basis (100%) for determining the percentage. Whether this field should be evaluated and for which column the references should be made depends on whether a column of the type percentage column 2 is defined in the assigned column scheme.
Only rows of the type “Value line“, “Formula line” or “Total” can be selected for this field.
  • Percent 3 from row – from the row scheme, select the line that is to be used as the percentage basis (100%) for determining the percentage. Whether this field should be evaluated and for which column the references should be made depends on whether a column of the type percentage column 3 is defined in the assigned column scheme.
Only rows of the type “Value line“, “Formula line” or “Total” can be selected for this field.
  • Percent 4 from row – from the row scheme, select the line that is to be used as the percentage basis (100%) for determining the percentage. Whether this field should be evaluated and for which column the references should be made depends on whether a column of the type percentage column 4 is defined in the assigned column scheme.
Only rows of the type “Value line“, “Formula line” or “Total” can be selected for this field.
Tab Additional selection
On this tab, further selection features can be specified depending on the row scheme type. This tab is only displayed for the row types Value line and Formula line.
  • Posting type – this selection field is only open for input for a row scheme to which a row type from financial accounting (e.g. object accounts) is assigned. With this selection you control which data should be considered in the row. The following settings can be selected:
    • Definition in columns: with this setting, the information in the fields Posting type and Simulation posting type from the information in the column definition are used.
    • Real posting: the real postings are taken into account in the row.
    • Simulation posting: the simulation postings are taken into account in the row.
With the setting Definition in columns, a combination with one of the other settings is not possible. The settings Real posting and Simulation posting can be used in combination to evaluate both the real and the simulation bookings in the line.
  • Simulation posting type – this field is only open for input if the setting Simulation posting has been selected for the Posting type field. If simulation postings should be evaluated, you can additionally restrict the selection of the simulation postings to be evaluated by specifying one or more simulation posting types. If you do not specify a simulation posting type, all simulation postings are taken into account.
  • Direct / secondary – this selection field is only open for entry for a row schema to which a row type from Controlling (e.g. cost types) is assigned. With this selection you control which data should be considered in the row. The following settings can be selected:
    • Definition in columns: with this setting, the information in the fields Direct / Secondary and Transaction type from the information in the column definition are used.
    • Direct data: the direct data are taken into account in the row.
    • Secondary data: The secondary data are taken into account in the row
With the setting Definition in columns, a combination with one of the other settings is not possible. The settings Direct data and Secondary data can be used in combination to evaluate both the direct and the secondary data in the row.
  • Transaction type – this field is only open for input if the setting Definition in columns has not been selected for the Direct / Secondary field. In this field you can make a selection according to the gransaction type. If this entry is left blank, the balances of all transaction types are taken into account.
Calculation formulas
Row numbers can be used as operators within formulas. The specification is made with the suffix “ID_” + row number. You have the same option in a column scheme, provided that a column has been defined as a formula line. The specification is also made here with the suffix “ID_” + column number.
You want to add row 10 and row 30 in row 40. Row 40 should be defined as a formula row. The following information must be stored as a formula: ID_10 + ID_30
Multiplication with a fixed value is also possible, e.g. ID_10x (-1)
Formula lines can access any value lines within the row scheme. If totals or formula lines are to be accessed, these must be defined before the current formula line.
Functions and brackets
(Example: 11/3=3, Rest 2
Syntax: 11%3  Result: 2)
(Bracket opened
)Bracket closed
The following application-related actions are available in the “Row scheme” application.
• Allocated items
• Not allocated items
• Multiple allocated items
• Realign rows
• Assign lines to percent
Allocated items
When this action is called, the Allocated items dialog box opens. Depending on the row scheme type, all data (e.g. all object account for a row scheme of the type Object accounts) that are assigned to the row schema are displayed here.
Not allocated items
When this action is called, the Not allocated items dialog box opens. Depending on the row scheme type, all data (e.g. all object accounts for a row scheme of the type Object accounts) that are not assigned to the row scheme are displayed here.
Multiple allocated items
When this action is called, the Multiple allocated items dialog box opens. Depending on the line schema type, all data (e.g. all object accounts for a row schema of the type Object accounts) that are assigned multiple times within the row schema are displayed here.
Realign rows
With this action, the rows within the row scheme are renumbered. The new row number is assigned in steps of 10.
This action is carried out directly in the dialog without confirmation and cannot be undone.
Assign lines to percent
With this action, the rows for percent 1 to percent 4 can be automatically preassigned in the row scheme. When the action is called, the dialog window for background processing Assign lines to percent opens. In addition to the parameters displayed for information, the following fields must be entered:
  • Row scheme – the line schema for which the action should be carried out is defaulted in this field. This field is protected.
  • Processing for percent – in this field, select which value should be defaulted. The following setting can be selected:
    • Percent 1 from row
    • Percent 2 from row
    • Percent 3 from row
    • Percent 4 from row
  • Percent x from row – the processing takes place depending on the selected setting in the Processing for percent field. If no line is specified here, the values Percent x of row for the selected rows are initialized in the fields Assign from row and Assign to row. If a row is specified here, the values percent x from line for the selected lines (line-from and line-to) are preset with this value.
  • Assign from row – from this row of the row scheme, the values for Percent x of row are overwritten. Separator, text and feed lines are not taken into account.
  • Assign until row – the values for Percent x of row are overwritten up to this row of the row scheme. Separator, text and feed lines are not taken into account.
The assignment can be processed immediately or in the background.


No settings need to be made for the Row scheme application in the Customizing application.

Business Entitys

The following business entity is relevant for the Row scheme application that you use, for instance, for:
• Assign authorizations
• Set up activity definitions
• Import or export data
Row scheme
The business entity is part of the following business entity group:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the technical documentation Authorizations.

Special capabilities

The Row scheme application has no special capabilities.

Organizational assignments

An organizational assignment is not required for the Row scheme application.

Special features

There are no special features for the Row scheme application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Row scheme application is not released for business partners.

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