Debtor credits

Topic overview

A debtor credit is an amount that has been posted to a debtor account, for example due to a payment by the debtor to a bank account. A debtor credit can be offset against future receivables, transferred back to the debtor (bank transfer) or paid out in cash (cash register).

This article describes how customer credits are used in the system and how the application of the same name is structured. Find out what relationship a customer credit can have to other applications and business entities and how it is integrated into the business processes. This article does not describe the creation of customer credit balances on a customer account.

The role of customer credit types and how they are recorded is described in the article Debtor credit types.

Instructions for handling customer credit balances, e.g. how to process customer credit balances, can be found in the article Procedures: Debtor credit.

Application description

You use this application to assign a customer credit to a sales document (e.g. a down payment request). This initially reserves the credit for offsetting against the service to be rendered. If the service is settled with an outgoing invoice, the amount reserved for this is allocated to the outgoing invoice. The customer credit that can still be allocated is reduced by the allocated amount. The allocation must be confirmed with a posting by the financial accounting department used. This means that the receivable from the outgoing invoice is (partially) offset in the amount of the confirmed allocation.

Debtor credits are created by postings to debtor accounts in financial accounting, e.g. in Comarch Financials Enterprise, without being able to assign this credit directly to a service. Debtor credits are also created at a cash register, for example, when money is received from a customer.

This application can be used to assign customer credit balances at any time. The actual settlement of an outgoing invoice only takes place with the necessary postings for both the credit and the receivable in financial accounting.

The application Debtor credits application consists of an identification area and a work area.

Identification area

The identification area contains the fields that uniquely identify a customer credit balance as well as the basic data that is generally valid for the customer credit balance. You will also find further data under tabs, which are described in the following sections:

  • General tab
  • Document assignment tab
  • Company tab
  • Tax apportionments – advance payments tab
  • Document output tab
  • Texts tab
You can find out how to edit the item data in the item editor and then transfer it back into the item table in the operating guide.
Comarch ERP Enterprise supports the mass entry of items: In the item editor, you can use a special keyboard control for document applications to enter item data, including multiple items, using the numeric keypad on your keyboard if required (use the plus and minus keys instead of the tab key). This is described in the operating guide under Keyboard control.
Fields for identification

The fields in detail:

  • Number – the unique identification of the customer credit is entered in the Number field. It consists of two entries: the customer credit type in the first input field and the customer credit number in the second input field. The customer credit type used, together with the customer credit number, is used to identify the customer credit. Please note that new customer credit balances cannot be entered. They are always generated by other processes.
    • A/R credit type – as a selection feature, select a customer credit type for the customer credit you want to open.
    • A/R credit number – the customer credit number is automatically generated by the system based on the number range defined in the customer credit type. Select the number of the customer credit you wish to open.
A customer credit is automatically generated by the system when a payment is posted in the connected financial accounting system. You cannot enter any new customer credits in this application.
  • Status – the following statuses are displayed for customer credit balances:
    • general status
    • release status
    • reservation status
    • allocation status
      further information can be found in the chapter Status and status changes.
  • Accounts receivable – this field displays the identification of the partner for whom the customer credit was generated. The partner must be identified as a customer in the partner master data. In a multi-site system, the credit generated relates to the company selected at the time of generation.
General tab

The General tab displays data on the debtor and the credit balances.

The fields in detail:

  • Name and address – the name and address of the customer are entered in these fields. The Name and Address fields are automatically filled by the system from the partner master data. If required, the name and address for a document with the status In process or Released can be changed either manually, via a selection action, or via an update action.
Data changed in these fields is only saved in the document, not in the partner master data. If the name or address of the addressee has changed in the master data, the current data can be transferred to the document using the Update button to the right of the Name field.
  • Care of – the customer’s contact person is entered in this field. A contact person at the addressee can be selected, changed, or entered freely in the fields labeled Care of. The preferred general contact person is suggested, which can be defined in the addressee’s partner master data. Further information on these fields can be found in the article Field Care of.
  • Generation date – the date on which the customer credit voucher was created. The date refers to the time zone of the company to which the credit voucher belongs. The date of the customer credit voucher is displayed in this field. The date was determined by the document that generated the credit.


  • the date of the posting document in financial accounting
  • the date of the cash receipt with which the amount was collected
  • Output date – the date on which the customer credit voucher was issued as a customer credit confirmation.
  • Credit category – The type of credit is displayed in this field. A distinction is made between the following types:
    • Down payment – the down payment type requires a tax breakdown of the down payment amount to at least one tax key (tax percentage). This is calculated pro rata to the amount actually charged when the credit reservation is allocated.
    • Other – the Other type is not subject to tax splitting. Any tax information is missing.
  • Substitute A/R credit – if a customer credit was not confirmed by financial accounting as it was generated in advance, this customer credit document is assigned the status Invalid. As a replacement, another customer credit voucher is generated and posted by financial accounting. This replacement document is displayed in this field in the invalid customer credit voucher. This enables the user to change the reservations already entered in the invalid customer credit voucher.
  • Generation voucher category – this field displays the document type on the basis of which the customer credit voucher was created. The underlying document type is system-dependent. For example, the following document types can be displayed:
    • Accounting record financial accounting – the credit balance was collected via financial accounting by means of an account entry.
    • Cash voucher – collection of the credit balance by a fund.
  • Generation voucher reference – this field displays the identification of the voucher or voucher item on the basis of which the customer credit voucher was created.
  • Voucher amount – this field displays the amount of the credit in the voucher currency.
  • Reservable credit – the amount that can still be reserved is displayed in this field. The amount is therefore the difference between the voucher amount and the reserved credit in the voucher currency. Further reservations for vouchers (e.g., sales orders, down payment requests) can be entered in the amount of the reservable credit.
  • Reserved credit – this field displays the amount reserved by the voucher amount in the voucher currency.
  • Allocated credit – this field displays the amount already allocated by the voucher amount for receivables in the voucher currency.
Voucher assignment tab

Under the Document assignment tab, you will find the identification of the sales document assigned to the customer credit balance and further information from financial accounting, for example a note to payee that could originate from a bank document.

The fields in detail:

  • Description – in this field, the original purpose of use is displayed as it was transmitted by the bank, for example. It serves as a reference for the manual assignment of the customer credit to a sales document.
  • Voucher assignment recommendation – this text field displays the document types and numbers of documents determined by financial accounting from the purpose of a customer credit posting document that were used to attempt an automated document assignment. The information is used to check and refine the set procedure (e.g., a purpose profile), which automatically converts a purely textual purpose of a bank transfer into a document identification. They also help a user determine the correct document(s) for which the customer credit is to be reserved.
  • Assignment voucher category – this field displays the document type to which the customer credit document has been assigned. The assignment document types are system-dependent and can be the following, for example:
    • Sales order
    • Prepayment request
  • Assignment voucher reference – the determined identification of a sales document is displayed in this field.
    • If a customer credit voucher has been created and this refers directly to a posting for a down payment request, the voucher reference to this down payment request is displayed in this field. This document reference is used to automatically reserve the credit for the documents referenced in the down payment request.
    • If a payment relates to one or more sales orders without a down payment request, the first document reference is displayed in this field.
Firm tab

Under the Firm tab you will find, among other things, the identification of the company that has collected the customer credit.

The fields in detail:

  • Firm – this field displays the partner identification of the company that collected the customer credit. This is the company for which the customer credit voucher was created.
  • Name – the name of the company is displayed in this field. The field is automatically filled in by the system from the partner master data.
  • Address – the address of the company is displayed in this field. The field is automatically filled in by the system from the partner master data.
  • Employee responsible – the partner identification of an employee who is responsible for the company can be entered in this field.
Tax apportionings – Down payments tab

Under the Tax apportionings – Down payments tab, you will find further information on the tax splits that originate from the connected financial accounting for customer credit balances of the Down payments type only.

The fields in detail:

  • Net amount – the total of all net amounts is displayed in this field.
  • Tax amount – the total of all tax amounts is displayed in this field.

The table with the tax splits contains the following columns:

  • Tax code – this column shows the tax key that was used when the down payment was posted in financial accounting. A tax key only occurs once in the table.
  • Tax percentage – this column displays the tax percentage rate used when posting the down payment in financial accounting.
    Please note that the tax percentage rate can be changed in the tax key and that Financial Accounting uses the tax percentage rate that was defined for posting the customer credit.
  • Net amount – this column shows the net amount that was posted for the displayed tax key when the down payment was posted in financial accounting.
  • Tax amount – this column shows the tax amount that was posted for the displayed tax key when the down payment was posted in financial accounting.
  • Gross amount – this column shows the gross amount that was posted for the displayed tax key when the down payment was posted in financial accounting.
Voucher output tab

The settings for the output of the available voucher documents are displayed or suggested in a table under the Voucher output tab. The output settings originate from a document template. The voucher document template stored in the customer’s partner master data is used. If this is missing in the partner master data, the document template defined in the Customizing application, main function Financial accounting, sub-function Documents is used.

Further information on the output settings can be found in the operating guide. It also describes which other applications, system and user settings play a role in document output and when which settings come into play.

The columns in detail:

  • Voucher category – this column shows the document type for which the output settings are displayed in this row. The following document types are available in this application:
    • Down payment confirmation
    • Debtor credit confirmation
  • Medium – the output medium on which the document is output according to the template is displayed. The following output media are generally available:
    • Printer (output to file also possible)
    • E-Mail
    • Fax
      If several document templates exist for the return voucher and these are stored in the customer master data or in the Customizing application for several output media, you can select an output medium.
  • Communication connection – the system determines a communication link (a fax number or an e-mail address) for the output media Fax and E-mail and displays it.
    You can change or add to the fax number or e-mail address displayed.
    You can enter several e-mail recipients by separating the e-mail addresses with a comma and space.
File attachments/Texts tab

Texts, text modules and file attachments can be saved under the File attachments/texts tab. Saved texts and file attachments are indicated by a note icon, which can be found on the File attachments/texts tab.

Further information on texts and file attachments and their use can be found in the Texts article..

Work pane

In the work pane you will find an item table with item editor for reserving the customer credit. The columns and fields are described in the following sections:

  • Line item table
  • Line item editor

Please note that a debtor credit can be reserved, allocated and the allocation can be canceled again with different item categories. Please refer to the following chapters, which describe the item categories:

  • Line item category Fixed reservation
  • Line item category Allocation
  • Line item category Allocation cancellation
Item category Reservation

The Fixed reservation item category is used to reserve a customer credit for a sales document. The reservation items are entered or created using an action. It is always a basic item and the reserved credit is displayed for it.

Item category Allocation

The Allocation item category is used to allocate a receivables document, such as an outgoing invoice, to a reservation item (e.g. a sales order item). This item category is therefore always a detail item for the basic item. This detail item cannot be entered. It is created when the receivables document for the referenced sales document is created. For allocation items, the credit allocated to the item is displayed.

Item category Allocation cancellation

An allocation item is canceled with the Allocation cancellation item category. For example, if an outgoing invoice was generated for a sales document with reserved customer credit, an allocation item is created. If the generated outgoing invoice is canceled again, an allocation reversal item is automatically generated to release the allocated amount again.

This item category is always a detailed item for the basic item. For allocation reversal items, the credit allocated to the item is displayed with a negative sign. In addition, the identification of the allotment item (original allotment) is displayed, which is canceled with the allotment cancellation item.

Line item table

The line item table contains a clear extract of the data that is recorded in the line item editor. Some data can also be changed in the table. The descriptions of the columns correspond to those of the fields in the item editor.

Further information can be found in the chapter Line item editor.

Table toolbar actions

In addition to the usual buttons for tables, you will also find the Reserve customer credit manually button. This button opens a dialog box in which you can search for vouchers or line items in order to reserve a credit amount for them. Which vouchers and line items can be searched for depends on the system.

The elements of the dialog window are described below as an example for selecting sales orders:

Field Explanation
Source document In this field, you can select whether you want to search for sales orders or sales order items. The setting is used as a search characteristic accordingly.
Firm This field shows the company that has collected the debtor credit. The search uses this entry as a search criterion and the result returns those vouchers that belong to the company.
Debtor The customer for whom the customer credit was posted is displayed in this field. The search uses this entry as a search characteristic and the result returns those documents in which the customer was used as the invoice recipient or payment partner.
Currency This field displays the currency in which the customer credit was posted. The search uses the currency as a search feature and returns documents in which the currency matches the customer credit currency.
Category Sales order
Sales order type Enter a sales order type as a search characteristic.
Sales order number Enter a sales order number as a search feature.
Client Enter a partner identification for the client of a sales order as a search characteristic.
Invoice recipient Enter a partner identification for the invoice recipient of a sales order as a search characteristic.
Payment partner Enter a partner identification for the payment partner of a sales order as a search characteristic.
Entry date Enter an entry date for the sales order as a search characteristic.
Status Enter the status of a sales order as a search characteristic.

The results list provides the document data according to the search characteristics entered. Please note that the columns vary in relation to the selected source document. Select the desired document or document items to transfer them to the item table or the item editor.

Below the results list you will find the Suggest reservable credit function.

This function is used to propose the reservable credit in the reservation item to be created. If several items have been selected, the first item receives the full possible and necessary credit amount. A possible remainder is suggested in the following line item and so on. If the credit amount has been used up, all further items receive the default value zero.

Buttons in the footer of the dialog window:
Each selected line item is transferred individually to the line item editor as a new line item using the Transfer individually action. You can edit the data in the item editor. You must then transfer the item to the item list.

You can use the Transfer total action to transfer all voucher items to the item list as new items in one step. The credit voucher is then saved immediately. If an error occurs during the transfer, the system automatically switches to Transfer individually mode.

Line item editor

You use the item editor to enter the credit reservation items. The line item editor comprises a toolbar and a tab. See the following chapters:

  • Toolbar
  • General tab
How to edit the data in the item editor and then transfer it back into the item table is described in the operating guide.
The system supports the mass entry of items: In the item editor, you can use a special keyboard control for document applications to enter item data, including multiple items, using the numeric keypad on your keyboard if required (use the plus and minus keys instead of the tab key). This is described in the operating guide under Keyboard control.

The toolbar contains standard actions, the explanations of which are listed in the operating guide. The toolbar also contains the following element:

  • Line item – the item number is used to precisely identify the individual customer credit item. The item number can be used to link the individual items in different documents via a document reference.
    • The item number is generated automatically by the system based on the number range defined in the customer credit type used.
    • You can assign the item number manually in the item editor for items of the Reservation type.
    • Once an item has been transferred to the item table, the item number can no longer be changed.
    • Detail items for allocations and allocation reversals cannot be entered; they are created when a receivables document is created for the reservation item, such as an outgoing invoice for the referenced sales order item.
    • The items are automatically sorted by the system based on the item number. The user cannot change this sorting directly; it can only be influenced by manually assigning item numbers.
Due to automatic numbering and sorting, new items can be inserted but cannot be placed between two existing items. New items are always initially assigned the next consecutive number and sorted at the end of the items. It is advisable to define item numbering in increments of 5 or 10 in the number range, allowing manual insertion of items between existing ones.

The fields in detail:

  • Category – the item type is displayed both in the item table and in the item editor. A distinction is made between the following item types:
    • Fixed reservation – always a basic item with which a customer credit is reserved for a sales document.
    • Allocation – always a detailed item for the reservation item; this item category is for the vouchers to which the credit reserved with the basic item has been allocated.
    • Allocation cancellation – always a detailed item for the reservation item; this item category is for vouchers to which the credit reserved with the basic item was initially allocated but then canceled.
  • Status – one of the following statuses is displayed both in the item table and in the item editor:
    • General status:
      • Released – the item has the allocation status “Not allocated” or “Partially allocated.”
      • Completed – the item has the allocation status “Fully allocated.”
    • Allocation status:
      • Not allocated – reservations may exist; credit has not been allocated.
      • Partially allocated – credit has already been allocated for at least one reservation.
      • Completely allocated – the entire credit balance was allocated.
  • Generation time point – the time at which the reservation, allocation, or allocation cancellation was created is displayed both in the line item table and in the item editor.
  • Voucher category – the document type for which a credit has been reserved or allocated is displayed both in the item table and in the item editor. The underlying document type is system-dependent and also depends on the item category. Examples of document types:
    • Sales order
    • Trade document
  • Voucher reference – the voucher or voucher item for which a credit has been reserved or allocated is entered or displayed both in the item table and in the item editor. The voucher reference according to the item category can be changed if no amount has been allocated.
  • Reserved credit – enter a positive amount for an item of the type Fixed reservation in the item table or in the item editor that is to be reserved from the customer credit. The maximum amount of the credit to be reserved results from the amount that can still be reserved. The amount that can be reserved is calculated from the customer credit amount minus any credit already reserved. The amount is recorded in the currency of the customer credit balance.
The amount must not be less than the credit already allocated to the reservation item. If both amounts are 0, this is permissible and indicates that a reservation is no longer required. The sum of the reserved amounts in all reservations must be less than or equal to the document amount of the customer credit balance.
  • Open reserved credit – both in the item table and in the item editor, the amount that is reserved but not allocated for a document is displayed for items of the type Fixed reservation.
  • Allocated credit – the amount that has already been allocated to one or more receivables documents according to the reservation amount is displayed both in the item table and in the item editor. The respective item amount is displayed for items of the types Allocation and Allocation cancellation. For the Fixed reservation type, the total of all allocations minus the allocation reversals is displayed. How an allocation item is created depends on the system. For example, an allocation item is created on the basis of a generated outgoing invoice for the sales order for which a customer credit has been reserved.
  • Confirmation (checkbox) – this function is used to inform whether the allocation or allocation reversal has been confirmed by Financial Accounting.
  • Original allocation – for an item of the type Allocation cancellation, the system displays which document item of the type Allocation has been fully or partially reversed by the allocation reversal item.

You have access to application-related actions in the application Debitor credits application, which are described in the following chapters:

  • Generate and issue down payment confirmation
  • Issue down payment confirmation copy
  • Generate and issue credit confirmation
  • Issue credit confirmation copy
  • Reserve automatically
  • Reduce unallocated credit reservations
Generate and issue down payment confirmation

This action is used to generate and output the Down payment confirmation document for a customer credit of the type Down payment. The Output date setting and Output date parameters are available in the dialog box for executing this action. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Down payment has both the status Released and the status Not issued.

Issue down payment confirmation copy

This action is used to issue a down payment confirmation copy for a customer credit of the type Down payment for which the document Down payment confirmation has already been created and issued. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Down payment has the status Issued.

Generate and issue credit confirmation

This action is used to generate and output the Credit confirmation document for a customer credit of the type Other. The Output date setting and Output date parameters are available in the dialog box for executing this action. This action is only offered to you if the customer credit of the type Other has both the status Released and the status Not issued.

Issue credit confirmation copy

This action is used to issue a credit confirmation copy for a customer credit of the type Other for which the document Credit confirmation has already been created and issued. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Other has the status Issued.

Reserve automatically

The Reserve automatically... action can be used to automatically create reservations for a customer credit that has the status In process or Released and for which no reservations exist yet. The prerequisite is that a sales order or item is referenced that was generated either on the basis of a down payment request or a cash document. The full customer credit amount is reserved for this.

Reduce unallocated credit reservations
  • You can use the Reduce unallocated credit reservations… application to reduce reserved credit that has not been allocated. The system checks in advance whether the assigned document, e.g. a sales order, has the status Completed. Only in this case is the following executed:
  • The reserved credit balance will be reduced to the allocated credit balance if it is higher.
  • The reserved credit balance is reduced to zero if nothing has been allocated.

If the Delete credit reservations function is also activated, a credit reservation is deleted under the following conditions:

  • The reserved credit balance was reduced to zero or was already zero.
  • The reserved credit balance has neither allocations nor cancellations of allocations.

Status and status changes

The debtor credit balances and debtor credit items can have different statuses, which are described in the following sections:

  • General status
  • Output status
  • Reservation status
  • Allocation status
General status

Both the debtor credit and the debtor credit item have a general status, which is described in the following sections:

  • Debtor credit balance
  • Debtor credit line item
Debtor credit balance

The general status of a debtor credit shows the following statuses:

  • In progress – as long as the payment has not been posted in financial accounting, the customer credit has the status In process.
  • Released – if the corresponding open item was posted in financial accounting, the status for the customer credit is changed to Released.
  • Invalid – if a payment originating from an accounting system cannot be posted in the same way as the customer credit was generated (e.g., due to a currency difference or amount discrepancy), the status is set to Invalid. In this case, the new customer credit balance generated by Financial Accounting is entered as a reference in the invalid customer credit balance.
  • Completed – the Completed status is achieved when the customer credit has been fully reserved by one or more reservations and all reservations have been allocated in full, meaning the full amount of the credit has been used.
  • Reorganization started – this status is available if the reorganization has been started but the document has not yet been completely reorganized.
Debtor credit line item

The general status of a customer credit item shows the following statuses:

This status is not included in the determination of the general status of the debtor credit and therefore does not prevent settlement.
  • Released – the customer credit item has the initial status Released. For reservation items, the status changes with the allocation of receivables documents. For allocation and allocation reversal items, this status only changes with the posting and confirmation by Financial Accounting.
    This status is not included in the determination of the general status of the debtor credit and therefore does not prevent settlement.
  • Completed – if the reserved credit balance of a reservation item has been completely used up by receivables documents of the associated allocation items, the reservation item is assigned the status Completed. If the allocation or allocation reversal item has been confirmed by Financial Accounting and thus posted, it is assigned the status Completed.
Output status

The issue status of a debtor credit shows the following statuses:

  • Not issued – depending on the credit type, neither a customer credit confirmation nor a down payment confirmation was generated or issued.
  • Issued – depending on the credit type, a customer credit confirmation or a down payment confirmation was generated and issued.
Reservation status

The reservation status of a customer credit shows the following statuses:

  • Not reserved – this status is assigned in the following cases:
    • No credit is reserved.
    • The general status Invalid is assigned to the credit.
    • The reserved amount is zero, although there are reservations whose users have been canceled.
  • Partially reserved – the credit balance is partially reserved.
  • Completely reserved – the credit balance is fully reserved. This means that the amounts displayed for the credit amount and the reserved credit are identical.
Allocation status

Both the debtor credit and the debtor credit item have an allocation status, which is described in the following sections:

  • Debtor credit balance
  • Debtor credit line item
Debtor credit balance

The allocation status of a debtor credit shows the following statuses:

  • Not allocated – reservations may exist, allocations are missing.
  • Partially allocated – credit has already been allocated for at least one reservation. Further allocations are missing.
  • Fully allocated – the entire credit balance was allocated.
Debtor credit line item

The allocation status of a customer credit item shows the following statuses:

  • Not allocated – reservations may exist, allocations are missing.
  • Partially allocated – credit has already been allocated for at least one reservation. Further allocations are missing.
  • Fully allocated – the entire reserved credit balance was allocated.


For the application Debitor credits application, the following settings in the Financials main function are relevant in the Customizing application.

Debtor credit function
  • Debtor credit – if you activate this function, credit balances on customer accounts are made available in the Customer Credit Balances application so that they can be reserved for sales documents. These provided credit balances include down payments according to down payment requirements as well as prepayment payments. In the Customer Credit Balance application, you reserve a credit balance provided for sales documents. By activating this function, the previous payment allocations that were made using the Allocate Prepayment Payments application are also replaced by reservations and made available in the Customer Credit Balance application.
  • A/R credit type – enter a customer credit type in this field that is to be used by the system when a customer credit is generated that can be reserved for a down payment request or another sales document, for example.
Documents function
  • Documents – if the Debtor Credit function is activated, the Documents function can also be used to store settings for the Customer Credit Confirmation document type, such as a document template or file attachments/texts.

Business entities

For the application Debitor credits application, the following business entity is relevant, which you use, for example, to

  • to assign authorizations,
  • Set up activity definitions or
  • import or export data.

Debtor credit balance


Permissions can be assigned using the permission roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept can be found in the article Authorizations.

Special skills

For the application Debitor credits application, the following special capabilities exist that relate to actions. You can assign authorizations for these capabilities in the Authorization roles application.

  • Override document templates

You can use this function to change the output settings defined in the document template in the output dialog box when outputting documents.

  • Use a different e-mail sender

This function allows you to change the sender’s e-mail address in the output dialog box when outputting documents.

  • Use a different fax sender

This function allows you to change the sender’s fax number in the output dialog box when outputting documents.

Organizational assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data is visible, usable or editable. To do this, the Content-related authorizations function must be activated in the Customizing application.

To enable a person to use the Debitor credits application is displayed to a person in the user menu, they must be assigned to an organization that is integrated into one of the following organizational structures:

  • Client
  • Accounting

For a person to be able to open a customer credit balance or edit data in it, one of the organizations assigned to them must be entered in the Authorizations table in the Customer credit balance types application.

Further information on the Authorizations table and a comprehensive overview of content-related authorizations can be found in the Content-related authorizations article.

Special features

For the application Debitor credits application, there are no special features.

Authorizations for business partners

The application Debitor credits application is not released for business partners.


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