Sales channel partners

The Sales channel partners application in the Multi-channel sales framework allows the user to create and edit sales channel partners. Each sales channel partner represents an assignment between a sales channel and a CEE partner. The application contains information necessary to identify the corresponding partner in the external system.

Assignments created in the Sales channel partners application are directly used by the other applications in the Multi-channel sales framework:

  • The batch applications Export customers and Import customers use sales channel partners to identify corresponding partners in external systems
    • The Export customers batch application transfers only those partners who have been assigned to a particular sales channel prior to the export
    • The Import customers batch application automatically assigns each newly transferred partner to the respective sales channel

The Sales channel partners application is used to preview, create, and edit sales channel partners in order to configure assignments between sales channels and partners in CEE system.

This article describes the structure of the Sales channel partners application. For an overview of the Multi-channel sales framework, see the Introduction: Multi-channel sales article.

Application description

The Sales channel partners application is composed of a header and a work pane.

Sales channel partners application

The application header makes it possible to use selection fields to filter sales channel partner assignments to be displayed in the work pane.

The header is composed of the following selection fields:

  • Sales channel – a sales channel’s identification. Using the [Value assistant] button, it is possible to select one or more sales channels for which assignments should be displayed. Available values are retrieved from the Sales channels application.
  • Adapter – it contains a drop-down list from which it is necessary to select an adapter whose data should be displayed. By default, all the options are selected.
    The availability of adapters depends on which of them have been installed and activated in the Customizing application.

    Available values include:

    • Amazon
    • Cloud
    • Comarch ERP Webshop
    • Comarch POS
    • Comarch SFA
    • IBUS
    • Magento
    • OXID eSales
    • Shopware
  • Partner – in this field, the identification of one or more partners should be entered or selected from the list available under the [Value assistant] button. Assignments are displayed in the work pane based on selected partners.
  • Name – it allows filtering associations based on the name of a partner entered on the partner form
  • Customer account – the name of a customer account in the context of a particular sales channel (first name, surname, e-mail address). Values for this field are automatically retrieved following the import of partners.
  • Customer account ID – a unique external account ID of the customer in the context of a particular sales channel. A customer account ID may look differently depending on a selected adapter.
  • Customer type – in this field, a customer type should be selected from a drop-down list:
    • B2B – business-to-business (organization)
    • B2C – business-to-customer (customer)
    • B2B & B2C
    • (Other)
  • End user – in this field, it is possible to specify whether the application should display partners who are or are not marked as End consumers (the parameter may be found on the partner form, in the Financials view).
  • Sales price listing – in this field, it is possible to specify a sales price listing entered on the partner form (Customer view) and display results based on the specified data
  • Assortment listing – in this field, it is possible to specify an assortment listing entered on the partner form (Customer view) and display results based on the specified data
  • Employer – in this field, a partner of the Company category should be selected in order to display all assignments where a particular partner plays the role of employer
  • Status – a status partner with regard to the use in a sales channel. Available statuses include:
    • Blocked
    • Released
    • (Other)

To open the list of sales channel partners filtered out according to data entered in the application header, select the [Refresh] button.

In case of B2B partners, it is necessary to approve them in the Cockpit:
Customer approval application to allow further usage of such partners in sales-related processes, including:

  • Importing the sales orders of those partners from a sales channel
  • Exporting the partners to a sales channel

A partner is approved by changing the partner’s status from Blocked to Released. The application Cockpit: Customer approval may be used to quickly overview partners awaiting approval.

Work pane

The work pane displays search results based on criteria defined in the application header. It allows the user to preview data, export it to a file, and create new sales channel partner assignments.

The work pane has the form of a table. The following action buttons are available in the work pane’s toolbar:

  • [Sort] – it allows the user to sort assignments by the values Partner, Customer type, or Sales channel. Sorting can be done in alphabetical or reverse order.
  • [Find and add B2C partner] – it opens the list of partners of the Person category defined in the Partners application and makes it possible to search and select one or more partners for a sales channel
  • [Find and add B2B partner] – it opens the list of partners of the Company category defined in the Partners application and makes it possible to search and select one or more partners for a sales channel

Column names correspond to the names of the selection fields in the header. Furthermore, the table contains two additional columns providing more details on sales channel partner assignments:

  • Creation date – the date on which a customer’s data was imported and saved in the CEE system
  • Deactivation date – if a customer account has been deleted within a sales channel, the column displays the date of the data upload where the customer has been identified as deleted.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Sales channel partners application:

  • Sales channel relation:

It is used, for example, to assign a partner to sales channels. The business entity is not a part of any business entity group.


No settings need to be made in the Customizing application for the Sales channel partners application.


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assignment to organizations. Authorization management principles have been described in the technical documentation.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Sales channel partners application.

Organization assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data can be viewed, used, or edited. For this purpose, the Content-based authorizations parameter must be activated in the Customizing application (Base function).

To ensure that a person can see the Sales channel partners application in the user menu and can open it, the user must be assigned to an organization that is connected to one of the following organization structures:

  • Sales

Special features

There are no special features for the Sales channel partners application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Sales channel partners application is not released for business partners.

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