ERP reserve inventory levels

Application ERP Reserve inventory levels, which belongs to the Multi-channel sales area, allows for reserving items which are supposed to be sold through adapters, for the purposes related to the sales in the Comarch ERP Enterprise system. Reservations diminish the quantity of a reserved item in every external system with the use of which it is sold.

ERP Reserve inventory levels

Application description

The ERP Reserve inventory levels allows for reserving specific items and blocks their sale in the external system.

By default, the application ERP Reserve inventory levels displays all reservations created for items sold in all active sales channels. The reservations are displayed in a table.

The application  is composed of the identification pane and the workspace.

Identification pane

In the identification pane, there are fields used for filtering search results according to selected criteria:

  • Owner of inventory – from a drop-down list available under the [Value assistant] button, it is possible to select an organization (with financials utilization) which is the owner of the inventory levels. The values for this field are retrieved from the Organizations application.
  • Item – this field allows for selecting a specific item/items (with inventory management utilization) whose information is supposed to be displayed. The values for this field are retrieved from the Items application and are available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Warehouse – in this field, it is possible to select warehouse/warehouses which will constitute a criterion for searching reserved items. The values for this field are retrieved from the Warehouses application and are available under the [Value assistant].

Work pane

The work pane contains table presenting existing reservations.

It is composed of the following columns:

  • Inventory owner (mandatory field) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the data of the inventory owner for whom the reservation for purposes related to sales processes executed in the Comarch ERP Enterprise system is to be created. By default, the organization to which the user is currently logged-in, is suggested. The value can be changed manually with the use of a drop-down list available under the [Value assistant] button.
  • Item (mandatory field) – in this field, it is necessary to enter the item which should be reserved for purposes related to the sales processes performed in the system.
Reserved item must possess inventory management data for the warehouse organization and for the specified item, otherwise it will not be possible to create the reservation.
  • Warehouse (mandatory field) – in this field, it is necessary to specify the warehouse for which the reservation is to be made.
  • Reserve quantity – this field allows for entering the quantity by which the resources in the external system are supposed to be diminished. The base item unit is retrieved from the item form.

Once an unused reservation is deleted in the ERP Reserve inventory levels and the item availability is exported to the sales channel with the use of the Export item availability application, the quantity of items in the sales channel will increase by the quantity of the unused item from the reservation.

In the ERP Reserve inventory levels application, a reservation for 10 pieces of item Washing machine X has been made. After exporting the item availability, the quantity of available items in all sales channels using that item will be diminished by 10 pieces. In a situation where for the needs of the Comarch ERP Enterprise system, 5 reserved washing machines have been sold, the reservation will not be required anymore and it can be deleted in the ERP Reserve inventory levels application. After executing another export of the item to the sales channel, the quantity of the item Washing machine x in the external shop will be increased by the 5 pieces from the unused reservation.

If in the Sales channel reservations application, a reservation for a given item is created, its quantity in the sales channel will not decrease below that reservation, even if in the reservation in the ERP Reserve inventory levels application exceeds the quantity available in the sales channel.

In the Sales channel reservations application, reservation for 2 pieces of item Children bicycle, in XYZ sales channel, has been created. The quantity of the bikes in the XYZ sales channel equals to 5 pieces. In a situation where the user creates in the ERP Reserve inventory levels a reservation for 5 bikes and exports the item availability, the quantity of bikes in the sales channel will not decrease below 2 pieces.

Business entities

The following business entity is important for the ERP Reserve inventory levels application:

The business entity is not a part of any business entity group.


The ERP Reserve inventory levels application does not require additional settings in the Customizing application.


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by  assignment to organizations.

Special features

The ERP Reserve inventory levels does not have any special features.

Organizational assignments

Organizational structures are used to control which data can be viewed, used or  edited. For this purpose, the Content-based authorizations function must be  activated in the Customizing application → function Base.

To ensure that a person can see the ERP Reserve inventory levels application in  the user menu and can open it, the user must be assigned to an organization  that is connected to one of the following organization structures: Sales.

Authorizations for Business Partners

The ERP Reserve inventory levels is not released for business partners.



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