Adding opening balance manually

In the system, the opening balance can be added:

  • Manually – manual entering of opening balance at the beginning of the work with the system
  • Automatically – opening balance addition on the basis of postings from previous accounting period

Before adding the opening balance manually, it is necessary to:

  • In application Transaction codes financial accounting create transaction type of Opening balances type

Opening balances type transaction

  • In application Fiscal years add fiscal yeard with period of Carry–forward period type

Period of Carry–forward period type

  • In Object accounts application, add account of Opening balance manually type

Opening balance is added manually from the level of Posting financial accounting. To do so, in Transaction type, select Opening balances transaction type.

Searching available Opening balances transaction types

Then, click on the [Add] button and fill–in the following editor fields:

  • Voucher – field composed of two parts in the first part, enter document number. In the second part, enter document date.
  • Posting period – the opening balance shoud be added to period of Carry–forward period type. In this field, enter the start/end date of the period (application Fiscal years → period of Carry–forward period type, Start/End field)
  • Account – field composed of two parts. In the firs part, select the account type – when adding the manual opening balance, GL value must be selected. In the second part:
    • For a posting being the leading line item – select GL account of Opening balance manually type
    • For partial postings, being subsequent line items – select GL account which is not an open item account and account of Deferment account type.
  • Posting amount – field composed of three parts. In the first part, enter the amount to be posted. In the second part, specify the posting side (Credit/Debit) In the third part, enter the posting currency

It is possible to leave a posting amount equal to 0,00, if for the selected document type, in the Transaction codes financial accounting application, parameter Zero posting allowed s checked.

Checked parameter Zero posting allowed


The possibility of entering vouchers for negative amounts depends on the value selected for parameter Negative amounts (System Management module → Customizing → [Functions] button → Defaults posting → Negative amounts parameter). If for the parameter is selected value:

  • Allowed – it is possible to enter vouchers with negative amounts
  • Not allowed – it is not possible to enter vouchers with negative amounts


  • Accounting standard – accounting standard, defined in Accounting standards application, allows for presenting financial data in accordance with  applicable accounting legistlation

Posting financial accounting, editor

After completing required fields, click on [Accept] button.


If in the system, parallel currencies are configured, in order to transfer items from the editor to Line item section, it is necessary to accept the warning. It informs that the alance will not be automatically converted to the parallel currencies. It must be also posted in each created parallel currency.


To add further postings, it is necessary to complete each time fields Account and  General ledger and click on the [Accept] button.

Manual opening balance line items can be added to clearing accounts and to accouns of Deferment account type.

After entering the line item, click on the [Save] button.

In order to post the opening balance, click on [Select action] → [Post voucher].

[Post voucher] action Then, it is necessary to click on the [Refresh] button. The message informing whether the document was balanced and correctl posted is displayed in the main section, next to the Transaction type field.


Amounts entered within the opening balance will be visible from the level of the application Cockpit: Financial accounting, in Balances and Query acount sums and balances, in Balance carried forward column, after clicking on the [Refresh] button.

In relation to the beginning of the work in the system, the user entered manually the opening balance in the accounting period 01.01.2020 – 12.31.2020. To do so, yet before beginning to enter the balance:

  • In application Transaction codes financial accounting, the user created transaction type of Opening balances type 830 Opening balance
  • In the application Fiscal years, the user added the accounting period for the 2020 year with period of Carry–forward period type, falling on the 01.01.2020.
  • In Object accounts application, the user added an account of Opening balance manually type – 998 Collective account for manual OB

In the Posting financial accounting application, in the Transaction type field, the user has selected value: 830 Opening balance Then, clicked on the [Add] button and filled–in the following editor fields for the leading posting:

  • Document – OB/2020, 01.01.2020
  • Posting period – 01.01.2020
  • Account – General ledger, 998 Collective account for manual OB
  • Posting amount – 00, Credit, PLN
  • Posting standard – 100

After filling-in the fields, the user clicked on [Accept] button and accepted the warning regarding the necessity of posting the balance in each created parallel currency.

The user added subsequent postings:

Account Posting amount
Fixed Assets
100,000.00 Debit
Intangible assets
20,000.00 Debit
Long–term financial assets
50,000.00 Debit
5,000.00 Debit
Share capital
100,000.00 Credit
Capital reserve
75,000.00 Credit


After entering all line items, the user clicked on [Save] button. Then posted the opening balance, by clicking on [Select action] → [Post voucher].

Entered opening balance items

Adding open items accounts item to the opening balance

Items of manual opening balance cannot be added to open items accounts. In relation to that, entries on open items accounts, resulting from unpaid invoices from previous years, can be added to the opening balance:

  • By importing a file containing the list of postings with the use of Import data application and Filter field. The imported postings will be visible from the level of application Cockpit: Posting runs financial accounting. Salda rozrachunków należy przenieść do kolejnego okresu obrachunkowego jako bilans automatyczny.
  • Posting in GL, editor for a period preceding the period in which the opening balance is being entered, it is necessary to add postings of Invoices transaction type.

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