Changes to existing application for JPK_V7M purposes

In response to the revisions of the legislation related to the value−added tax, a series of changes regarding already existing functionalities was introduced to the system. Those changes ai to ensure the possibility of keeping tax records in a way that enables generating VAT declaration and JPK_V7M file.

Changes to Tax codes application

In Comarch ERP Enterprise Poland, in the identification pane, the name of parameter Tax treatment was changed to Tax treatment for JPK_VAT.
New view, Comarch ERP Enterprise Poland, was added. The parameter Tax treatment, available in the identification pane, indicates whether the entry from the VAT register, with a given tax code, will appear in the VAT registry. This parameter can assume one of the following values:

  • Standard − the entry will be included in the VAT registry; this value is assigned automatically when adding new tax code
  • Non−taxable − the entry will be included in the VAT register. The value results from the legislation
  • Tax−exempt− the entry will be included in the VAT register. The value results from the legislation
  • Not reportable − the entry will not be included in the VAT register.
For systems already working in versions without the new field, the values for the field Tax treatment are automatically transferred from the parameter Tax treatment for JPK_VAT in Comarch Financials Enterprise Poland view during the update of the system version.

For the Comarch ERP Enterprise Poland view, also JPK_V7M assignment section was added. The settings from this section determine the way in which a VAT registry entry with a given tax code will be included in the JPK_V7M declaration part, as well as in the JPK_V7M file itself.

  • Schema version − this value defines the schema version in accordance with which the mapping to declaration items and JPK_V7M file items is prepared for the JPK_V7M file. The valid schema version is automatically transferred.
  • Relevant for schema − value Yes is assumed automatically. After changing the value to No, the entry will not be included in the generation of the declaration part and in the JPK_V7M file for a given schema version.
  • Registry assignment for sale − the values that can be selected in the column refer to fields in Input tax settlement section of JPK_V7M declaration. The column is editable, if the column Relevant for schema assumes the value Yes and if in the identification pane, for Category parameter, one of the following values is selected:
    • Input tax
    • Intra−community delivery
    • Intra−community purchase
    • EU service with transferred tax liability
    • Purchase with tax liability of the service recipient
  • Registry assignment for purchase − the values that can be selected in the column refer to fields in VAT amount settlement section of JPK_V7M declaration. The column is editable, if the column Relevant for schema assumes the value Yes and if in the identification pane, for Category parameter, one of the following values is selected:
    • Value added tax
    • Intra-community purchase
    • Purchase with tax liability of the service recipient
  • Registry assignment for purchase of fixed assets – the values that can be selected in this column refer to fields in VAT amount settlement section of JPK_V7M declaration. The column is editable, if the column Relevant for schema assumes the value Yes and if in the identification pane, for Category parameter, one of the following values is selected:
    • Value added tax
    • Intra-community purchase
    • Purchase with tax liability of the service recipient
For Polish organizations, for tax codes created in the system before the described changes were implemented, it is necessary to fill−in the JPK_V7M assignment section.

Changes to Items application

For Financials function, in Comarch ERP Enterprise for Poland view, in Classifications section, field Goods and services group was added. VAT registry entry related to a sales invoice containing Item will automatically retrieve the value specified in the above−mentioned field at the moment of entry generation.

For items that require GTU marking, it is mandatory to fill−in the Goods and services group field.

Changes to Partners application

For Financials function, in Comarch ERP Enterprise for Poland view, in Financial accounting tab, parameter Affiliated partner was added. A VAT registry entry related to an invoice regarding an affiliated partner will be marked with TP parameter.

For affiliated partners defined in the system before the described changes were implemented, it is required to activate the Affiliated partner parameter.


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