Cockpit: Item price history

The application Cockpit: Item price history allows for previewing changes of item prices for defined time interval.

The buttons available in the applications of Cockpit type and the functionalities of these applications (e.g., handling fields available in the identification pane and additional sections) are described in article Batch applications.

The application  is composed of the identification pane and the workspace.

Application Cockpit: Item price history

Identification pane

In the application, it is possible to filter data according to the following information:

  • Item – allows for selecting an item or more items for which the data in the table should be displayed
  • Warehouse – allows for selecting a warehouse or more warehouses for which the data in the table should be displayed
  • Item valid from – if more versions of the same item are used in the system, this field allows for defining the lower limit of the time interval for the items which are supposed to be displayed in the table
  • Item valid until – if more versions of the same item are used in the system, this field allows for defining the upper limit of the time interval for the items which are supposed to be displayed in the table
  • Price valid from – allows for defining the lower limit of the time interval for the items which are supposed to be displayed in the table
  • Price valid to – allows for defining the upper limit of the time interval for the items which are supposed to be displayed in the table
  • Valuation price – allows for selecting item prices for which the data in the table should be displayed The following options are available:
    • Calculation price from 1 to 5 – the price is retrieved from the Items application, Financials view.
    • Inventory count price – the price is retrieved from the Items application, Financials view.
    • Last cost price – price retrieved for material pricing. It is the value of the last purchase of a given material and gets automatically updated after each material receipt.
    • Average price – price retrieved for material pricing. It is the average value of the material pricing and gets automatically updated after each material receipt.
The [Value assistant] button allows for selecting several values in a given field.
With the use of the button [Define query and result properties] → [Specify search fields], available in the table, it is possible to activate additional filtering fields.

Work pane

The work pane of the application contains table which displays data according to the filters defined in the identification pane. The following buttons are available in the table:

  • Define query and result properties – allows for defining a view, adding/deleting columns from the table and modifying sorting settings
  • [Hide/Show ranges] – allows for modifying displayed table, the following options are available:
    • Hide/Show list header – hides/shows the descriptions of table columns
    • Hide/Show line status – hides/shows the column with the line status
    • Show grouping and sort area – allows for dragging the name of a column onto displayed area and grouping data according to selected attribute
    • Hide grouping and sort area – allows for hiding of the grouping area
    • Expand all groups – expands line items grouped in the table.
    • Reduce all groups – reduces line items grouped in the table
    • Show all areas – displays all columns and descriptions
    • Hide all areas – hides all columns and descriptions

More information regarding the configuration of views can be found in article Customizable user inferface.

The columns in the table correspond to the descriptions of the fields available in the application header. Additionally, a column containing cost rates is displayed:

Price – the price assigned to the item is displayed


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