Cockpit: JPK_V7M declaration data

Application Cockpit: JPK_V7M data allows for previewing data related to JPK_V7M declarations and for exporting them to a spreadsheet.

Identification pane

The identification pane is composed of fields allowing for filtering data related to JPK_V7M declarations. The following parameters are available there:

  • Status − JPK_V7M declaration status
    • (All)
    • Created
    • Confirmed
    • Generated
    • Sent
  • Tax rate
  • Source voucher
  • Source voucher external number
  • Purpose of submission
    • Declaration
    • Correction
  • Origin
    • Supplier invoice
    • Customer invoice
    • Posting
    • Manual
  • Fixed Asset
    • Yes
    • No
    • Ignore
  • Declaration number
  • Source voucher currency
  • VAT registry − code of the registry concerned by the declaration
  • Schema version − schema version number
    • (All)
    • 1 (effective 01.10 2020 − 31.12.2021)
  • Field of declaration − JPK_V7M declaration field number
  • Tax period − period concerned to which the declaration refers

The user can hide, add and reorganize the view of the identification pane parameters from the level of the context menu of the identification pane.

Work pane

The work pane contains table presenting filtered VAT registry entries. The user can hide and add table columns from the level of the context menu of the identification pane.  The following options are available from this level:

  • Sorting
  • Grouping options for results
  • Deleting columns
  • Adjusting size
  • Managing properties of columns


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