Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs

Topic overview

The Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs application is primarily used to query purchasing RFQs based on their basic data, such as purchasing RFQ type and number. You can use this application to obtain an overview of the recorded RFQs. In addition, further actions can be carried out from the application for one or more vouchers, such as setting and removing the deletion marker for reorganization or issuing RFQs.

For a general description of all cockpit applications, including information on the usual handling of the query and work panes, see the Cockpits article. For information on customizing, business entities, and authorizations, see the Purchasing RFQs article, which describes the voucher application. The following article, in turn, discusses topics that apply specifically to the Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs application.

Application description

You can use the Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs query application to obtain an overview of all or selected purchasing RFQs. Further processing options are also available. For instance, you can:

  • Display the voucher references chain for an individual voucher
  • Use a voucher number to switch to the Purchasing RFQs application and further process the voucher
  • Set and remove the deletion marker for the purpose of reorganization
  • Perform application-related actions

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

The query pane is used to store query fields. As a rule, the most important query fields are already provided. However, the number of query fields and their placement can vary.

The query pane is saved for each view. You can determine which query fields you want to be displayed. To do so, you choose the desired query fields from a set of fields. Usually you can find a full description of the query fields in the What’s this help.

For a general description of query fields, see the Cockpits article.

For information on the meaning of individual fields, refer to the explanations in the Purchasing RFQs article.

Detailed searches

Furthermore, a detailed search can be used in addition to the main search with query fields in the query pane. Detailed searches can be combined with the main search so that both the search criteria from the query pane and the search criteria of the detailed search can be analyzed as AND link. To combine them, a checkbox is available in the grouping line of the detailed search. In order to display corresponding results in the work pane, as well, a button is
available carrying the name of the detailed search. If this button is activated, another heading line will appear in the work pane, including relevant detailed information.

The following detailed searches are available:

  • Basic line items
  • Sub-items
  • RFQ recipient
  • Quotations

As a rule, the most important query fields are already available. You can determine which query fields you want to be displayed. To do so, choose the desired query fields from a set of fields. Usually you can find a full description of the query fields in the What’s this help. If required, use the value assistant for the query field.

Work pane

The table available in the work pane displays the queried purchasing RFQs. You can determine yourself which information on the purchasing RFQs should be displayed. You can also create several views to view a purchasing RFQ in different ways with different information.

If you have also activated the detailed search buttons, the table will contain additional header rows and detailed information.

For a general description of the work pane, see the Cockpits article.

For information on the meaning of individual columns, refer to the explanations in the Purchasing RFQs article.

The following application-related actions are available in the Cockpit: Purchasing RFQs application:

  • [Release purchasing RFQs…]
  • [Block purchasing RFQs…]
  • [Output RFQs…]

[Release purchasing RFQs…] action

You can use the [Release purchasing RFQs…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar to release vouchers.

When the action is performed, the header and all line items of a given voucher receive the status Released.

[Block purchasing RFQs…] action

If the voucher header does not have the status Completed or Invalid, you can block the entire voucher including all of its line items.

To do this, perform the [Block purchasing RFQs…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar for a given voucher. Afterwards, the header and all line items of the voucher will be assigned the Blocked status.

[Output RFQs…] action

You can output RFQs using the [Output RFQs…] action under the [Actions] button in the standard toolbar.

This action is only executed for vouchers whose general status is Released. The status of the line items is not relevant for the output.

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