Cockpit: Storage location inventories/Items

Topic overview

The Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application is primarily used to query storage location inventories in relation to items at the current time. You can use this application to obtain an overview of your inventories based on inventory characteristics.

The main general description of a cockpit, which includes the usual handling of a query and work pane, can be found in the Cockpits article.

Application description

The Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application provides an overview of the storage location inventories at the current time, regardless of an item identifier. You can query the items and important storage location information.

In addition, you can open the Edit logistic units application in a dockable window for an item selected in the result list in order to pack or unpack a logistic unit for this item.

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane. In addition, there is the dockable Search window, in which you can search for storage locations and transfer an entry from the result table to the query fields of the application.

Query pane

Query fields are stored in the query pane. As a rule, the most important query fields are already available. However, the number of query fields and their placement can vary.

The query pane is saved per view. You can determine which query fields are displayed. To do this, select the desired query fields from a list of fields. The description of the query fields can usually be found in the direct help.

General descriptions of a query pane can be found in the Cockpits article.

You can search for storage locations in the dockable Search window. In the search results, click on the desired storage location entry to transfer its data (warehouse, warehouse zone, row, level, location) to the query pane as query characteristics.

In addition to the main search with the query characteristics in the query pane, detailed searches can also be used. Detailed searches can be combined with the main search so that both the query characteristics from the query pane and the query characteristics of the detailed search are evaluated as an AND link. A checkbox is available in the section line of the detailed search for combining. A separate button is available for each detailed search so that corresponding results can also be displayed in the work pane. If this button is activated, an additional heading line appears in the work pane with the corresponding detailed information.

The following detailed searches are available:

  • Item units
  • Identifiers
    This detailed search has further detailed searches: Open identifiers operations and below that the detailed search Open identifiers voucher data
  • Open processes
    This detailed search has a further detailed search: Open voucher data.

Work pane

A table is available in the work pane in which the queried storage location inventories are displayed. You can determine yourself which information is displayed for the storage location inventories. Several views can be created to view the inventory data in different ways with different information.

If required, use the actions in the standard toolbar under the [Calculate and display totals] button. You can display the quantities of all displayed objects or the quantities per group characteristic in total, e.g. per item or per storage location.

The following views are available for the results, which you can find in the title bar under the [Select and organize views] button:

  • Storage locations/items – this view answers the question as to which items are located in a specific storage location, storage location or storage zone and in which characteristics. In addition, the future receipts and issues of the items and loading equipment in the respective storage locations or storage locations are displayed. The description and number of loading equipment items are also displayed.
  • Enhanced inventory data – in this view you will find various information about the utilization of the storage locations.
  • Items/storage locations – this view answers the question as to which warehouse zones and which storage locations or slots contain which quantities of a particular item. In addition, the future receipts and issues of the item in the respective storage locations or slots are displayed.

[Edit logistic unit] button

Use the [Edit logistic units] button to open the application of the same name in a dockable window at the edge of the application area. You can use the Edit logistic units application to pack items whose packaging units are inventoried into the packaging units provided or to unpack the packed items.

To do this, use the checkbox in the work pane to select the line with the item or characteristic whose logistic units you want to edit and select the [Edit logistic units] button. The required information is transferred to the dockable window.

A description of the Edit logistic units application can be found in the Edit logistic units article.

The button is only available if the Manage inventory in logistic units function is active in the Customizing application Inventory management function  Inventories sub-function.


The following settings are relevant for the Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application in the Customizing application:

  • Inventory management function Warehouse inventory sub-function → Manage inventory in logistic units checkbox – the columns with packaging information are available if the Manage inventory in logistic units function is activated.
  • Shipping function → Loading units sub-function – the fields and columns for loading units are available if the Loading units function is activated.

Business entities

The following business entities are relevant for the Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application, which you use, for example, to:

  • assign authorizations
  • set up activity definitions or
  • import or export data.

Inventory in storage location/slot or warehouse zone:

Inventory (items on storage units):

The business entity is part of the following business entity group:

Warehouse voucher data:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application.

Organisational assignements

Organizational structures are used to specify which data can be viewed, used or edited. The Content-based authorizations function must be activated in the Customizing application for this purpose.
To ensure that a person can see the Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application, the user must be assigned to an organization in the partner master data that is connected to at least one of the following organization structures:

  • Inventory management

To ensure that a person can query the inventory data for a warehouse, one of the organizations assigned to them must be entered in the Authorizations table in the Warehouses application.

Further information on the Authorizations table and a comprehensive overview on content-related authorizations can be found in the article: Content-related authorizations.

Special features

There are no special features for the Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Cockpit: Storage location inventories/items application is released for the following types of business partners:

  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Representatives

The preconditions for the visibility of data are type-dependent for external partners.


Business partners of the type Customer can only query those inventoy data that are stored in warehouse for which the customer has authorization. The authorizations for warehouses are determined for customers via the responsible sales organization.

For a customer to be able to query inventory data for warehouses, the following requirements must be met:

  • A sales organization is assigned to the customer in the Customer logon authorizations” application.
  • The sales organization assigned to the customer is entered in the Authorizations table in the Warehouses application.


Business partners of the type Supplier can only query those inventory data that are stored in warehouses for which the supplier has authorization. The authorizations for storage locations are determined for suppliers by the responsible purchasing organization.

For a supplier to be able to query inventory data for warehouses, the following requirements must be met:

  • A purchasing organization is assigned to the supplier in the Supplier logon authorizations application.
  • The purchasing organization assigned to the supplier is entered in the Authorizations table in the Warehouses application.

External sales representative

Business partners of the type Sales representative can only query those inventory data that are stored in warehouses for which the sales representative has authorization. The authorizations for warehouses are determined for representatives via the responsible sales organization.

The following requirements must be met for a sales representative to be able to query inventory data for warehouses:

  • A sales organization is assigned to the sales representative in the Sales representative logon authorizations application.
  • The sales organization assigned to the sales representative is entered in the Authorizations table in the Warehouses application.

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