Configure data export for tax audit

Topic overview

This document describes the configuration for data export to data transfer GDPdU.

The procedures for the Configure data export for tax audit application correspond to the general procedures for table applications that can be found in the article General Procedures for Table Applications.

Application description

In the Configure data export for tax audit application, you can specify with configured with the correct filter. Thus, a filter must be tax code object, which refers to the business entity

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

If required, you can enter search criteria in the query pane and then use the [Refresh] action to search for the corresponding configurations in the system and display them in the work pane.

Detailed description of fields:

  • Export object – choose the export object to be displayed. If you select All, all valid export objects will be displayed in the work pane.
  • Filter – enter the filter as the search criterion for display or select it with the value assistant of the field

Work pane

In the work pane of the application, you can create a new configuration or edit an existing one. The work pane of the application consists of the following fields:

  • Export object This field displays the export object for data output. If a new object should be added, choose it from the available list in the field. The following export objects can be chosen:
    • Addresses
    • Asset master data
    • Asset master data method of depreciation
    • Asset transaction amount
    • Balance file
    • Partner bank data
    • Object accounts
    • One-time address
    • One-time bank
    • Open item amount
    • Partner financials data
    • Payment term
    • Half posting amount
    • Tax code
  • Filter In this field, you can display or enter the filter to be used for the data export. The filter defines which fields of the export object are output.
Due to the fact that the filter defines which fields of the export object are output, care must be taken to assign the correct filter. Thus, a filter is to be assigned, e.g., to the tax code object, which refers to the business entity 


The Configure data export for tax audit application does not need any entries to be made in Customizing.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Configure data export for tax audit application that you use, for example, in order to:

  • Assign authorizations,
  • Set up activity definitions or
  • Import or export

Configure data export for tax audit


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as through a content-based authorization (by assignment to organizations). The authorization concept is described in the Authorizations article.

Special capabilities

The Configure data export for tax audit application has no special capabilities.

Organizational assignments

If the Content-based authorizations function is activated in the Customizing application, a person can only use the Configure data export for tax audit application if an organization that is linked to at least one of the following organizational structures has been assigned to him or her in the partner master data:

  • Financials

Special features

The Configure data export for tax audit application has no special features.

Authorizations for business partners

The Configure data export for tax audit application is not released for business partners.

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