Topic overview
Application description
Query pane
Identification pane
Fields Explanations
Report definitions
Tab General
- Row scheme – the name uniquely identifies the row scheme. You can assign names using either numbers or letters.
- Column scheme – the name uniquely identifies the column schema. You can assign names using either numbers or letters.
- Accounting standard – accounting standards are used to evaluate and present the financial accounting according to various accounting regulations (e.g., in the HGB, the depreciation regulations differ from the IAS, leading to different valuations in the balance sheet and a different profit/loss calculation). If an accounting standard is specified in a posting, the values are only posted in this accounting standard. If necessary, enter the accounting standard as a search criterion.
- Internal currency – internal currency to be evaluated.
- Type of time frame – calculated time frame of evaluation.
- Additional organizational units – organizational unit(s) that are also evaluated.
- Analysis period – evaluation period with which the analysis period is determined.
- Calendar month – start month for the selection of dates. The data will not be displayed before the start month entered here.
- Creator – person who entered the data record.
- Check for complete authorizations – when activated, a check is made to ensure that the evaluation authorization is available for all selected posting objects. If authorization is missing for a posting object, the value is set to zero, and the information No authorization is displayed. Otherwise, it could be assumed that the full values are listed when they are not.
- Creation time – date and time of initial entry.
Tab Column headers
- Heading 1 to 5 – depending on how many heading lines (1 to max. 5) you use, you can enter an individual text for each heading line in these fields per column
Tab Column details
- Output help columns – determination of whether help columns are displayed or printed in report evaluations.
- Without columns / assignment selection – determination of whether the column / assignment selection should be taken into account. This parameter is only useful if information has been provided in the columns in the field Assignment selection. If this parameter is set, the assigned elements (e.g., cost types, object accounts) are assigned to all columns. Otherwise, each value of an assignment is checked to determine which column it should be assigned to.
- Show additional text – determination of whether the additional text of the line definition should be displayed or output in the template optimized for Excel.
- Hit column – determination of the column according to which the report is sorted. Only values and formula columns can be specified as hit columns. It can be sorted in ascending or descending order according to values. Negative and positive values are taken into account.
- Sort hit column – the sorting of the hit column can only be specified if the hit column is used. It can be sorted in ascending or descending order according to values. The following settings are available:
- Descending
- Ascending
- Not relevant
Tab Row details
- Output help rows – determination of whether help rows are displayed in report evaluations.
- Line resolution – you can use the selection in this field to control the display of the value lines within the report. The following setting can be selected:
- With resolution
Select this setting if you want a detailed analysis of the cost types or accounts posted. For this purpose, only those value lines are resolved for which the field Line resolution is activated in the specified row scheme. For these value lines, additional lines appear in the report according to the number of assigned cost types or accounts.
- Without resolution
Select this setting if only the row values should be displayed in the report. The field Line resolution from the specified row scheme has no influence on the display in the report.
- Font size for resolved lines – this parameter is only useful if the report is called with line resolution. It defines the font size of the resolved lines. The following settings are available:
- Analog lines
- Normal
- Enlarged
- Bold print for resolved lines – this parameter is only useful if the report is called with line resolution. It defines the bold print of the resolved lines.The following settings are available:
- Analog lines
- Bold print
- Normal
- Figure dimension for resolved lines – this parameter is only useful if the report is called with line resolution. The parameter defines the number unit for the values in the resolved lines. If the value is in hundreds, the number 12,345,678.90 is displayed in this column as 123,456.79 when the report is printed or displayed. The 2nd decimal is due to the type of rounding. The following settings are available:
- Analog lines
- In ones
- In tens
- In hundreds
- In thousands
- In tens of thousands
- In hundreds of thousands
- In millions
- Decimal places for resolved lines – this parameter is only useful if the report is called with line resolution. The parameter defines the number of decimal places for the values in the resolved lines. The following settings are available:
- Analog to column
- Without decimal places
- 1 decimal places
- 2 decimal places
- 3 decimal places
- 4 decimal places
- 5 decimal places
- 6 decimal places
Tab Dimensions
- Types – types selected individually or via a classification. The following settings are available:
- Without classification
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
If you select Without classification, the stored cost type is selected for report evaluations.
When selecting a classification, all cost types that are assigned to the stored node within the classification tree are selected for report evaluations.
- Classification cost types – if one of the classifications from 1 to 5 has been selected in the field Use classification cost types, enter a node from the corresponding classification in this field. Only the cost types that are assigned to this node in the tree are processed.
- 2nd assignment – if the value Without classification has been selected in the field Use classification 2nd assignment, enter an optional dimension in this field.
- Use classification 2nd assignment – in this field you specify whether optional dimension of the second assignment can be selected individually or via a classification. The following settings are available:
- Without classification
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
If you select Without classification, the stored optional dimension is selected for report evaluations. When selecting a classification, all optional dimensions that are assigned to the stored node within the classification tree are selected for report.
- Classification 2nd assignment – if one of the classifications from 1 to 5 has been selected in the field Use classification 2nd assignment, enter a node from the corresponding classification in this field. Only the optional dimensions of the 2nd assignment that are assigned to this node in the tree are processed.
Tab Financial accounting
- Current account breakdown – determination of whether and how a current account breakdown takes place.
- The following settings are available:
- By balances
- By balances from OI
- No
In this example, both debtors have the same collective receivables account.
Debtor 1 has three open items: OI 001 = 1.500,00
D; OI 002 = 1.500,00 D und OI 003 = 500,00 C
Debtor 2 has one open item OI 004 = 1.000,00 C
Selection current account breakdown No
The receivables and payables or credits are shown balanced according to the receivables collective account.
According to the example, there is a total debit balance of 1,500.00 on the collective receivables account; this is shown on the assets side in the report.
Selection current account breakdown by balances
A total of all debit balances and a total of all credit balances are determined.
There is a debit balance of 2,500.00 on debtor 1.
For customer 2 there is a credit balance of 1,000.00
In the report, the collective receivables account is shown once on the assets side with 2,500.00 in debit and once on the liabilities side with 1,000.00 in credit.
- Check for complete authorizations – determination of whether a check for authorizations takes place
Tab Output settings
- Voucher template – specifying the document template is optional. If nothing is specified here, the voucher template from the defined report is used. If nothing is stored here, the voucher template is determined from the number of columns in the report (standard). If the voucher template is specified here, it will be used. For the Excel output e.g. DEFREPEXCEL.
- Directory – specifying the folder is optional. If nothing is specified here, the folder from the defined report is used. If nothing is stored there, the folder from the voucher template is used, which is determined by the number of columns in the report (standard). If a folder is specified here, this will be used.
- File name – the specification of the file name is optional. If nothing is specified here, the file name from the defined report is used. If nothing is stored there, the file name from the voucher template is used, which is determined by the number of columns in the report (standard). If a file name is given here, it will be used.
Tab Info system (deviation analysis)
- Base column – in this field, enter the number of the column that you want to evaluate as the first comparison column in the deviation analysis. Only a value column from the level column scheme specified in the report is permitted as a base column. You can use the input help Find column position to select the desired column.
- Reference column – in this field, enter the number of the column that should be compared with the base column as a comparison column in the variance analysis. Only one value column from the column scheme specified in the report is permitted as a reference column. You can use the input help Find column position to select the desired column.
- Analysis row – you can optionally enter a row number here in order to limit the deviation analysis to one row. The report is then only created for this row. Only one value line from the row scheme specified in the report is permitted as an analysis row. You can select the required row using the input help Find row number.
- Column scheme (Info system) – in this field you enter a column schema of the type Information system (variance analysis). The columns from this column scheme supplement the deviation analysis with freely definable deviation calculations. You can use the input help Find column header to select the desired column scheme.