Topic overview
The dimension types are needed for definition of 20 optional dimensions. In the dimension types, properties of the optional dimensions are specified, e.g., whether the dimension for Controlling, Financial Accounting or Asset Accounting can be used, which classification can be used, which source vouchers from which framework are assigned to the dimension, whether balance records are generated in one or two dimensions, etc.
Thus, the dimension types define what happens in the optional dimensions.
Definition of terms
Dimension type
The dimension type defines the functionality of optional dimensions. In the dimension type, properties of the optional dimensions are specified, e.g., whether the dimension for Controlling, Financial Accounting or Asset Accounting can be used; which dimension and classification assignment can be used; which classification can be used; which source vouchers from which framework are assigned to the dimension; whether balance records are generated in one or two dimensions, etc.
Application description
The Dimension types application delivers an overview for the dimension types defined in the organization.
The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.
Identification pane
Query fields are shown in the identification pane (query pane). Detailed description of identification pane fields:
- Dimension type – here you define the dimension to which master and transaction data are transferred. For master data, the dimension defines the specific BO (OptionalDimension01, OptionalDimension02, etc.) to which the data are transferred.
- Description – the description serves as an additional identifier and may consist of user-defined text. Enter a meaningful, memorable, and possibly unique name to make searching easier. A homonymous name can exist.
- Usable in controlling – determining whether this dimension is usable in controlling.
- Usable in financial accounting – determining whether this dimension is usable in financial accounting.
- Usable in asset accounting – determining whether this dimension is usable in asset accounting.
- Usable in ERP – determining whether this dimension is usable in ERP.
Work pane
The work pane has a table in which the dimension types are displayed. You can select a dimension type, define and edit it in the individual tabs. Two views are available:
General view
All important table columns of this view are described below. They contain the central fields of the General tab.
- Dimension type – here you define the dimension to which master and transaction data are transferred. For master data, the dimension defines the specific BO (OptionalDimension01, OptionalDimension02, etc.) to which the data are transferred.
- Description – the description serves as an additional identifier and may consist of user-defined text. Enter a meaningful, memorable, and possibly unique name to make searching easier. A homonymous name can exist.
- Short description – here you enter a concise short term that is used for variable labels.
- Content – There is established for what it is in this dimension. Possible values:
- Suppliers
- Cost centers
(Optional dimensions for this dimension are compared with the BO cost centers of the ERP system if they are relevant to the ERP system.)
- Cost units
(Optional dimensions for this dimension are compared with the BO cost centers of the ERP system if they are relevant to the ERP system.)
- Customers
- Projects
- Individually
The following possible values of the dimension may occur more than once in a company:
- Suppliers
- Cost centers
- Cost units
- Customers
- Projects
All other dimension types are created with the value Individually
Controlling view
All important table columns of this view are described below. They contain mainly the fields of the Controlling tab.
- Dimension type – here you define the dimension to which master and transaction data are transferred. For master data, the dimension defines the specific BO (OptionalDimension01, OptionalDimension02, etc.) to which the data are transferred.
- Dimension of second assignment – if a dimension is specified here, the balance records are generated in two dimensions. Analyses, secondary costs, and planning can then be performed in two dimensions as well.
- With carry forward – definition of whether postings with this dimension will create carried forward periods for the following financial years. Possible values: Yes, No.
- Direct/structure costs – indicator of whether this field of activity involves direct costs or structure costs. The following settings are available: Direct costs, Structure costs.
Line item editor
All important table columns of this view are described below. Here, the dimension type selected above and its description are specified for the sake of clarity.
- Dimension type – here you define the dimension to which master and transaction data are transferred. For master data the dimension defines the specific BO (OptionalDimension01, OptionalDimension02 etc.), to which the data are transferred.
- Description – te description serves as an additional identifier. It may consist of user defined text. Enter a meaningful, memorable and possibly a unique name, to make the search easier. A homonymous name can exist
General tab
All important table columns of this view are described below.
- Content – There is established for what it is in this dimension. Possible values:
- Suppliers
- Cost centers
(Optional dimensions for this dimension are compared with the BO cost centers of the ERP system if they are relevant to the ERP system.)
- Cost units
(Optional dimensions for this dimension are compared with the BO cost centers of the ERP system if they are relevant to the ERP system.)
- Customers
- Projects
- Individually
The following possible values of the dimension may occur more than once in a company:
- Suppliers
- Cost centers
- Cost units
- Customers
- Projects
- Projects
All other dimension types are created with the value Individually
- Short description – here you enter a concise short term that is used for variable labels.
- Usable in financial accounting – determining whether this dimension is usable in financial accounting.
- Usable in ERP – determining whether this dimension is usable in ERP.
- Usable in asset accounting – determining whether this dimension is usable in asset accounting.
- Mandatory in asset accounting – specifies whether this dimension is mandatory in Asset Accounting.
- Classification 1 usable – classification means a classification system in which you can classify data and entities in structure levels, like the folder structure of an explorer.Based on these assignments data are organized and can be structured for different kinds of analysis. With classifications, the data can be grouped and summarized for analysis on several levels.Here you define, whether classification 1 should be used. Possible values:
- Yes
- No
- Classification 2 to 5 – similar with classification 1
Controlling tab
All important table columns of this view are described below.
- Usable in controlling – determining whether this dimension is usable in controlling.
- With carry forward – definition, whether postings with this dimension will create carried forward periods for the following financial years. Possible values:
- Yes
- No
- Dimension of second assignment – if a dimension is specified here, the balance records are generated in two dimensions. Analyses, secondary costs and plannings can be then performed in two dimensions as well.
- Direct/structure costs – indicator, whether this field of activity is direct costs or structure costs. The following settings are available:
- Direct cost
- Structure cost
Dimension assignments tab
In this tab, the dimension assignments are displayed. It is not possible to create / change and delete them. They can be created with the Dimension assignments application. All important table columns of this view are described below.
- Framework – thematic assignment of the application. The application is visible under the specified framework in the navigation pane. The application is transferred in the where-used list of the framework.
- Source voucher – this field displays the source voucher of the current view. The field cannot be changed. In the Sales view, you have the Customer invoice source voucher available. In the Purchasing view, you have the Supplier invoice source voucher available. In this column, the information is specified that will be used for enhancing transaction data. The following supplementary information cen be selecred fro Sales:
- Cost center
- Cost unit
- Item
- Customer
- Sales representative
- Country
- Organzational unit
- Sales order type
- Sales order
The following supplementary information can be selected for Purchasing:
- Cost center
- Cost unit
- Item
- Country
- Supplier
- Organizational unit
- Purchase order type
- Purchase order
- Supplier invoice type
- Timestamp total import – timestamp total import
Classification assignment tab
In this tab, the classification assignments are displayed. It is possible to create/change and delete them if suitable dimension assignments are defined. All important table columns of this view are described below.
- Origin – in this column, the origin is specified that will be used for populating the classification assignments. The following origins can be selected:
- Operation
- Item
- Purchase order
- Supplier invoice type
- Customer
- Supplier
- Production order
- Production order type
- Resource
- Sales order
- Target classifications – definition, which classification is used. The following settings are available:
- Without classification
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
- Process target classifications – definition, which classification is used. The following settings are available:
- Without classification
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
- Source classifications – definition, which classification is used. The following settings are available:
- Without classification
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
- Source assignment – definition, which classification is used. The following settings are available:
- With classification 1
- With classification 2
- With classification 3
- With classification 4
- With classification 5
- Source organization – here, you can specify the source organization from which the master data will be transferred.
Checks and calculations
- Regular users have all rights in this application, but third-party users do not have any.
- A dimension category can be deleted only as long as it is not
- The Dimension type of second assignment attribute cannot be changed if a posting for dimension types with a second assignment already
- A visible attribute cannot be changed from visible to invisible as soon as optional dimensions are defined for the dimension
The Dimension types application does not need any specific settings in Customizing.
Business entities
The following business entity is relevant for the Dimension types application. Dimension types
Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as through a content-based authorization (by assignment to organizations). The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.
Special capabilities
The Dimension types application has no special capabilities.
Organizational assignments
An organization assignment is not required for the Dimension types application.
Special features
The Dimension types application has no special features.
Authorizations for business partners
The Dimension types application is not released for business partners.