Export and import of voucher document templates

Voucher document templates can be transferred to another CEE system. This article describes how to export and import voucher document templates with the help of Business Integration Service (BIS), that is Export data and Import data applications.


In the Filter tab, you can select one or more voucher document templates to be exported. More information can be found under Work pane – Filter tab.

Since most attributes are mandatory fields, an export file in XML format is preferred.

If you export a voucher document template that contains a substitute or additional voucher document template, these voucher document templates must be exported first, especially if you want to import the exported voucher document templates into another OLTP database.
If a voucher document template includes the Knowledge Store paths, their workspace names, which correspond to the database names, are replaced by the variables during export. During import, the variables are replaced by the database names.

How to export data

  1. Open the Export data application.
  2. Select the business entity cisag.app.general.obj.DocumentOutputOptions in the Filter field.
    The filter for the data export is loaded.
  3. The check boxes of the attributes selected in the filter are already selected. Filters are editable in the Filter tab.
  4. You can limit the data to export in the Restriction tab. More information can be found under Work pane – Restriction tab.
  5. Select the [Export data] button in the standard toolbar.
    A dialog window Export data opens.
  6. You can specify the export file settings. For a detailed description of fields, refer to articles describing the Export data application.
  7. Select [In background] button to run the data export.


The file previously exported from a different CEE environment is required in order to import data. To import a voucher document template to which the substitute or additional voucher document template was assigned, these templates must be imported first.

How to import data

  1. Open the Import data application.
  2. Select the business entity cisag.app.general.obj.DocumentOutputOptions in the Filter field.
    The filter for the data import is loaded.
  3. The check boxes of the attributes selected in the filter are already selected. Filters are editable in the Filter tab.
  4. Select the [Import data] button available on the standard toolbar.
    A dialog window Import data opens.
  5. You can specify the import file settings. For a detailed description of fields, refer to articles describing the Import data application.
  6. Select [In background] button to run the data import.

Work pane – Restriction tab

In the Restriction tab, you can limit the voucher document templates to export. Following fields and buttons are available in this tab:

  • Search – you can select a restriction mode for data export:
    • Voucher document templates – restricts the export of data in the system interface.
    • With OQL statement – restricts the export of data using the object query language.
  • Technical name (default field) – presents the business entity of the exported data
  • [New search] – defines a new export restriction
  • [Save search template] – saves a new export restriction; selectable options are:
    • [Save search template] – saves a new export restriction
    • [Rename search template] – renames the saved export template
    • [Adapt search] – edits the search attributes in the Adapt searches application
    • [Save view] – saves a defined view
    • [Restore view] – restores the default view
  • Select search template – you can select a defined export restriction in this field
  • Voucher document template – in this field, you can select voucher document templates to be output
  • Description – filters data in the table by description
  • Output mode – filters data in the table by output mode
  • Output medium – filters data in the table by a defined voucher document output medium

Selected line item of voucher document templates, which will be output by the application, are listed in the table below the work pane.

Work pane – Filter tab

Below is a description of mandatory fields and main attributes for individual business objects.

The BIS data model for voucher document templates consists of the main object DocumentOutputOptions and the relationships AdditionsReplacements and FilterDefinition. The FilterDefinition relationship is a foreign relationship. Additions and Replacements are dependents. The main object DocumentOutputOptions of the BIS data model contains the following attributes:

Field name/Main attribute


code (main attribute) (mandatory field)

Template name composed of 25 characters maximum.


GUID of voucher document template.


Document template description. The description is limited to 65 characters and is translatable.


GUID of a report to be used for a voucher document.

reportName (mandatory field)

Name of the report to be used for a voucher document. The name is limited to 200 characters.

modes (mandatory field)

This attribute contains in coded modes for the output settings defined in the Voucher document templates application. (e.g., printer setting, paper feed setting, etc.).

values (mandatory field)

This attribute contains the output settings in a coded form (e.g., media size, number of copies, etc.).

outputMode (mandatory field)

Output mode that specifies whether the output of a voucher document should take place. Selectable values:
  • Output

  • No outputting

outputMedium (mandatory field)

Output medium to which the output should be made when using the voucher document template. Selectable values:
  • Printer

  • Fax

  • E-mail

Depending on this selection, relevant settings will be displayed in the Voucher document templates application.

outputDeviceName (mandatory field)

Name of the output device that should be used during the output of a voucher document. This attribute is calculated during export based on the values attribute. During import its value for the values attribute is taken into account.

printerRedirectDirectory (mandatory field)

Folder where the file will be saved. If the folder does not exist, it will be created when the file is created. file:/// or kstore:// must be specified as the full path of the folder. Variables can be used in the file name. When the file is created, the variables are replaced by their corresponding values. The variables and their meaning are given below:
  • {report} report description

  • {user} user name

  • {timestamp} date and time in milliseconds (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS)

  • {datetime} date and time (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)

  • {date} date (yyyyMMdd)

  • {time} time (HHmmss)

  • {week} calendar week (ww)

  • {year} year (yyyy)

  • {month} month (MM)

  • {day} day (dd)

  • {document} document description

  • {number} whole order number (category and number)

For import/export the following variables are also supported:


This attribute is calculated during export based on the values attribute. During import its value for the values attribute is taken into account.

printerRedirectFile (mandatory field)

Name of the file without file extension. Variables can be used in the file name. This attribute is calculated during export based on the values attribute. During import its value for the values attribute is taken into account.

exportMode (mandatory field)

Export mode for electronic data exchange. Selectable values:
  • Export

  • No export


Filter that will be used for export. The export filter must be first created in the Export data application and must match the business entity of the voucher document that will be output with the voucher document template.

exportCreateMode (mandatory field)

Time point of the export. The selection in this attribute refers to the setting in the Export mode attribute. Selectable values:
  • During first output

  • During output and reprint

exportDirectory (mandatory field)

Destination folder of the export for electronic data exchange. file:/// or kstore:// must be specified as the full path of the folder.
To prevent too many files from being placed in one folder, you can use the following variables to assign the folder name:
  • {report} report description

  • {user} user name

  • {timestamp} date and time in milliseconds (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS)

  • {datetime} date and time (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)

  • {date} date (yyyyMMdd)

  • {time} time (HHmmss)

  • {week} calendar week (ww)

  • {year} year (yyyy)

  • {month} month (MM)

  • {day} day (dd)

  • {document} document description

  • {number} whole order number (category and number)

For import/export the following variables are also supported:


exportFileName (mandatory field)

Name of the destination file for export without specifying the file extension. Variables can be used in the file name. When the file is created, the variables are replaced by their corresponding values. The variables and their meaning are given below:
  • {report} report description

  • {user} user name

  • {timestamp} date and time in milliseconds (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS)

  • {datetime} date and time (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)

  • {date} date (yyyyMMdd)

  • {time} time (HHmmss)

  • {week} calendar week (ww)

  • {year} year (yyyy)

  • {month} month (MM)

  • {day} day (dd)

  • {document} document description

  • {number} whole order number (category and number)

exportMimeType (mandatory field)

File type of the files created during export. Currently only XML (*.xml) is supported.

archiveMode (mandatory field)

Storage mode in Document Management. Selectable values:
  • Store

  • No storing

If you have not licensed the document management, the value No storing is available only.

archiveCreateMode (mandatory field)

Time point stored in the storage folder. The selection in this field refers to the setting in the Storage mode field. Selectable values:
  • During first output

  • During the first output and copy output

archiveDirectory (mandatory field)

Folder for storing archive copies in Document Management. kstore:// must be specified as the full path of the folder.
To prevent too many files from being placed in one folder, you can use the following variables to assign the folder name:
  • {report} report description

  • {user} user name

  • {timestamp} date and time in milliseconds (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS)

  • {datetime} date and time (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)

  • {date} date (yyyyMMdd)

  • {time} time (HHmmss)

  • {week} calendar week (ww)

  • {year} year (yyyy)

  • {month} month (MM)

  • {day} day (dd)

  • {document} document description

  • {number} whole order number (category and number)

For import/export the following variables are also supported:


If a voucher document template includes the Knowledge Store paths, their workspace names, which correspond to the database names, are replaced by the variables during export. During import, the variables are replaced by the database names.

archiveFileName (mandatory field)

Name of the storage file in the Document Management without specifying the file extension. The file extension is added automatically.
Variables can be used in the file name. The variables and their meaning are given below:
  • {report} report description

  • {user} user name

  • {timestamp} date and time in milliseconds (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS)

  • {datetime} date and time (yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)

  • {date} date (yyyyMMdd)

  • {time} time (HHmmss)

  • {week} calendar week (ww)

  • {year} year (yyyy)

  • {month} month (MM)

  • {day} day (dd)

  • {document} document description

  • {number} whole order number (category and number)

archiveOutputFormat (mandatory field)

File type of the files created in document management. Selectable values:
  • PDF (*.pdf)

  • Crystal Reports (*.rpt)

  • HTML (*.html)

  • Microsoft Excel (*.xls)

  • Microsoft Word (*.doc)

  • Rich Text Format (*.rtf)

  • Text (*.txt)

  • Comma-separated values (*.csv)

  • Tab-separated values (*.tsv)

  • XML (*.xml)

The Additions dependent of the BIS data model describes the additional voucher document template and contains the following attributes:

Field name/Main attribute



GUID of voucher document template dependent.

documentOutputOptionsGuid (main attribute)

GUID of the main voucher document template.

sequenceNumber (main attribute)

The attribute determines the order of outputting the additional voucher document templates.

additional DocumentOutputOptionsGuid

GUID of the addition voucher document template.

The Replacements dependent of the BIS data model describes the substitute voucher document template and contains the following attributes:

Field name/Main attribute



GUID of voucher document template dependent.

documentOutputOptionsGuid (main attribute)

GUID of the main voucher document template.

personGuid (main attribute)

Person for whom the substitute voucher document template should be used.


GUID of the substitute voucher document template.

The FilterDefinition foreign relationhip describes the filter used for the export and contains the following attributes:

Field name/Main attribute



GUID of the filter

name (main attribute)

Filter name

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