Greeting formulas

This article describes the Greeting formulas application that is used in the document management mail-merge letters.

Application description

In the Greeting formulas application you can enter new greeting and closing formulas used when corresponding with people. The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Greeting formulas application

Query pane

In the query pane, you can enter search criteria and finally find the corresponding greeting formula through the action [Refresh]. The search results are displayed in the work pane.

Available search criteria:

  • Salutation – a drop-down list with values defined in the Salutations application
  • Title – a drop-down list with values defined in the Titles application
  • Context – additional description
  • Greeting formula – expression defined as a welcome greeting used in correspondence
  • Valediction formula – expression defined as closing formula used in correspondence

 Work pane

The work pane consists of a line item table and a line item editor.

Greeting formulas application with framed work pane sections

Work pane – line item table

The table lists only the line items that meet the search criteria entered in the query pane. The tables is composed of the following columns:

  • Salutation – a drop-down list with values defined in the Salutations application
  • Title – a drop-down list with values defined in the Titles application
  • Context – additional description
  • Greeting formula – expression defined as a welcome greeting used in correspondence
  • Valediction formula – expression defined as closing formula used in correspondence

Work pane – line item editor

In the line item editor you can add new formulas using the following options:

[Add] – creates a new formula

[Duplicate] – duplicates an existing record as editable

Fields available in the line item editor:

  • Salutation – (mandatory field) a drop-down list with values defined in the Salutations application
  • Title – (mandatory field) a drop-down list with values defined in the Titles application
  • Context – you can enter a combination of up to 32 characters (digits, letters or a combination of both)
  • Greeting formula – expression defined as a welcome greeting used in correspondence
  • Valediction formula – expression defined as closing formula used in correspondence
It is not possible to add two identical entries in fields: Salutation, Title, and Context. At least one of the values in the these fields should be unique in the application to preserve the uniqueness of the combination.


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization.

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