Import availability rules

Topic overview

This article describes the procedure for using the Import data application in relation to availability rules. These procedures contain general instruction steps and the special features to be taken into account. You will also be informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Import data application, which also includes field and button descriptions, can be found in the article: Import data.

General information

The import of an availability rule is essentially based on the current data model, which is stored in the repository database. More attributes are available for data export than for data import. It therefore makes sense to define separate filters for export and import.

1:1 relationships are usually based on a technical GUID attribute in the data model. Depending on the use case, either the technical GUID attribute or the business key from the target object (usually code or number) can be used during import. For some business objects, an organization is required to convert the business key to the technical key. The relevant organization is normally not directly in the import source, but is specified via the voucher context. Further information on this can be found in under: Overview: Attributes.

Certain availability rule data, such as internal auxiliary attributes, cannot be imported.

If you are not sure which format is suitable for the import file, proceed as follows: Create a sample rule via the Availability rules application and export it with the filter for the import in the desired format with the desired attributes. The resulting sample file can be used as a template for the import files to be created.

The same rules apply when importing as when editing via the application. For example, the rule in a saved rule can no longer be changed retrospectively. Attribute values are ignored if they cannot be adopted in the current context. The same logic is applied when determining default values, so that import and application behave identically. The same applies to the checks.

Existing availability rules can be extended by importing additional data. Where possible, the existing data is replaced by the imported data

Procedures: Importing availability rules

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Display the filter(s) for this business object:
    • The filter for importing availability rules is opened.
  1. Duplicate or create a new filter for this business object if required
  2. If necessary, change the attributes of the filter that have already been selected
  3. Select the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar
    • The Import data dialog box opens.
  1. You can make settings for the import file in the Import data dialog box. You can find a description of the fields in this article: Import data
  2. Select one of the [In background] or [Immediately] buttons.
    • The import is executed.

Overview: Attributes

The attributes of the individual business objects that are available for import are listed below. The corresponding relationship name is also included for foreign key attributes. The identification and mandatory fields are subject to change and can be extended by making adjustments.

The identification attributes (key attributes) are identified by a (K).

Availability rule (AvailabilityCalculationRule)

The identification of an availability rule consists of the rule itself.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
code (K) Rule (professional identification)
Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.
description Description
guid (K) Technical identification for the
modification/deletion of already stored data – if known.
withHeldOnhand Consider blocked inventory
withQuarantineOnhand Consider quarantined inventory
withReorderTime Consider replenishment lead time

Detailed line items (AvailabilityCalculationRuleDetail)

Attribute Relationship Explanation
calculateEntered Switch for Calculation – In progress
calculateOnhold Switch for Calculation – Blocked
calculateReleased Switch for Calculation – Released
displayEntered Switch for Display – In progress
displayOnhold Switch for Display – Blocked
displayReleased Switch for Display – Released
guid (K) Technical identification (position) for the modification/deletion of already stored data – if known.
orderSubtypeCode (K) Type (technical identification)
Only required if the import is to be carried out for a specific voucher type.
ownerGroupConsideration Data for multiple inventory owners
pastDueEntered Switch for Back orders – In process
pastDueOnhold Switch for Back orders – Blocked
pastDueReleased Switch for Back orders – Released
type (K) Order category (technical identification)
Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.


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