Import countries

Application Import data allows for importing selected data from the system knowledge store, for example as an .xml file, with the use of a service called Business Integration Service (BIS). Such data can be exported from the system to a file with the use of Export data application, and then, after applying changes, imported to the same or another (e.g., newer) system.

This article contains procedures for using the Import data application in the context of the data regarding countries.


The data regarding regions make part of the data regarding a country and it cannot be imported separately.

Detailed information regarding data import, including descriptions of fields and buttons, can be found in Import data technical documentation.

General information

In the Comarch ERP Enterprise system, countries make part of addresses and belong to the basic data. They allow, among others, for saving Intrastat numbers appropriate for a given country or address codes.

For a country, it is possible to define currency, language, area code, as well as address formats and tax data.

In the Comarch ERP Enterprise system, there are two types of data exchange:

  • data exchange between existing Comarch ERP Enterprise systems
  • data import from an earlier system version to its newer version

This article contains information regarding the process of importing data from a previous system version. Detailed description of data exchange between the Comarch ERP Enterprise system can be found in documents Import data and Export data.


If the user is not sure about which format is suitable for the import file, the best solution is to use the application Countries for creating an exemplary country template and export that template in required format and with required template attributes with the use of the Export data application. Such exemplary file can be used as a template for generated import files. .

The conditions that must be fulfilled when importing country data and procedures regarding the work with the Import data application are presented in the following chapters:

  • Data import
  • Attributes necessary for the import
  • Import of new countries
  • Import of regions to existing countries

Country data import


  • availability of filter for business object:, which contains attributes to import

If in the filters searched by the user, the system does not find required business object, then, with the use of [Search] button, in the docked window, it is necessary to search the given area and then save the filter as a new one.  However, it must be remembered that the set of available filters does not contain all business units, but only part of them as predefined values. Other business units must be searched and saved as a new filter.

  • the user must possess a file previously exported from another Comarch ERP Enterprise environment

To import country data, it is necessary to:

  1. Open Import data application.
  2. In the identification pane of the application, in the Filter filed, with the use of the [Value assistant] button, select COUNTRY filter (business entity:
  3. In the work pane, predefined attributes to be imported are selected, which are described in successive chapters. At this stage, it is possible to mark additional attributes.
  4. Click on the [Import data] button on the standard toolbar.  Batch application Import data is opened.
  5. In the Import data application, it is necessary to:
Import data application
  • in Source file field, select the source file which is supposed to be imported and from the system knowledge store it is necessary to select the file type. The following file extensions are available:
    • XML (*.xml)
    • Comma separated values (*.csv)
    • UNICODE text (*.xls)
    • JSON (*.json)
  • select processing queue in the Batch settings tab
  • configure processing settings at own discretion, e.g., define system’s behavior in case of an error or change application server

6. Click on the [In batch] button

Attributes necessary for the import

To import a file from a previous system version, it is necessary to define at least the following attributes for each business entity:

  • identification attributes (business key)
Business key is the attribute number for the Country object. Main key is the technical identifier (specified as GUID), generated automatically during the import.
  • mandatory fields

It is not possible to assign the business object Country without identification attributes.

For the business object, there are associations with other business objects which do not belong directly to it (associations through external keys, in italics). They can be imported only after being selected by the user. Data to which external keys refer cannot be imported along with a country – the country must already exist in the system.

If the main key of a business object is composed, internally or partially, of external keys, then the business object they refer to must be included in the import file.

Import of new countries

For the import to be carried out correctly, all identification attributes and mandatory attributes of the basic data, must be included in the import file. Region data can be included in the same or in a separate file.


Detailed information regarding combination of separate import files can be found in Import data technical documentation.

Example of data import for a new country:

isoCode (country ISO code) Description (country description) Regions.code (region code) Regions. Description (region description)
DE Deutschland NDS Niedersachsen

Import of regions to existing countries

To be able to import a region in a correct way, first it is necessary to import data of the country to which that region belongs. The identification attribute isoCode must be specified in the import file.


If other basic data attributes are specified or the region to be imported already exists, the data will be overwritten.

Example of import file for region data update:

isoCode (country ISO code) Regions.code (region code) Regions. Description (region description)
DE NDS Niedersachsen

Identification attributes and mandatory fields

For the business objects the following identification and mandatory attributes are required:

Basic data:

Attribute path Description Relation with external key
isoCode (ISO code) Country identifier
Description (Description) Country description
Currency (Currency) Country currency Currency

Region data:

Attribute path Description Relation with external key
Regions.code (region code) Country region code



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