Import item characteristic classifications

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for importing item characteristic classifications with the Import data application. These procedures contain general instructions, such as the sequence that must be followed for the import. Furthermore, they will inform about the expected preconditions, effects, and restrictions.
A classification represents the superordinate and subordinate relationship between objects. It determines the ranking order in the system and can consist of several levels. Classifications consist of interdependent  nodes. The higher, parent node in each case is called folder. The node underneath the last folder is called leaf.


There are two standard types of import:

  • exchange of data between existing CEE systems
  • import of data from a predecessor system to a newly configured CEE system

This article describes only the import of data from the predecessor systems.


Below described are the procedures for importing item characteristic classifications.

There are no OQL searches for the export. As a result, the item characteristic classifications are exported with an OQL query. The following example demonstrates  an OQL for exporting all item characteristic classifications:

select distinct h:guid, h:path from h

order by h:path

Import data

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Select the business entity in the Filter field using the [Value assistant] button
  3. The filter for the data import is displayed.
  4. Select the necessary filter attributes. If required, you can still adapt the attributes as described in section Necessary attributes for the import.
  5. Select the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar.
  6. The Import data dialog window opens.
  7. You can enter the settings for the import file in this dialog window. For a detailed description of the fields, see the section of the same name in the article Import data.
  8. To start the import, click the [Batch] button.
When data are imported, use of the Process as batch job option is only recommended for data that are independent of one another.

Sequence for classifications

It is important here that a node in the import file is preceded by the parent node A or that the parent node is already present in the database.

path description
A …
A-1 …
Not permissible:
path description
A-1 …
A …

Use the following OQL for an export of the item characteristic classifications in order to ensure the proper sequence:

select distinct h:guid, h:path from h

order by h:path

Sequence of the dependent business objects

The following sequence must be followed for the data import without exception:
1. Import all data types ( used in item or configuration characteristics.
2. Import the item characteristic definitions  (
3. Import the user-defined classifications ( Only necessary if these are used in the item characteristics.
4. Import the item characteristic classification (
5. Following successful import, perform the [Generate table schema] action in the Item characteristic classifications application.

Necessary attributes for the import

Specify at least the following attributes for each business entity:

  • Identification attributes – they are used to identify a business object, an attribute is required in order to save a business object
  • Required fields
You must use the path attribute and not the code attribute for the import. The code attribute is determined automatically from the path attribute.

The business entity cannot be assigned without the identification attributes. Furthermore, if a required field is missing, the postprocessing step starts up in each case. The required fields and identification attributes of the item characteristic classifications are presented in the next chapter.

The following chapter Identification fields and required fields describes all identification fields and required fields for  importing metadata of item characteristics and configuration characteristics, together with the assignment to classification nodes. The actual identifiers of the item characteristics (useful data) must be imported following the import of the item characteristic classification. For more information, refer to the article Import item characteristics.

If you are not certain what the format of the import file should look like, use the Item characteristic classifications application to create a sample file and export it in the desired format with the desired
attributes. The sample file produced can be used as a template for the import files to be generated.

Identification fields and required fields

Before the import of the item characteristic classifications, all item characteristic definitions, described in section Sequence of the dependent business objects, must be imported successfully.

Item characteristic definitions

Filter in Import data application for business object:

Item characteristic classifications

Filter in Import data application for business object:

Attribute path


path (K)Path of the node
Configuration characteristics
EntityExtensionAssignments Assignments of the item characteristics and configuration characteristics to the classification
.levelLevel of the node or leaf
SELECTION = Item characteristic
PARAMETER = Configuration characteristic
.EntityExtension.nameName of assigned user-defined field

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