Import items

The Import data application makes it possible to import specific data (e.g. items, countries, texts) from another Comarch ERP Enterprise system with the use of the Business Integration Service (BIS).

The Import data application consists of an application header, allowing the user to enter an import filter in the Filter field, and a work pane that displays attributes available for import that belong to the filter.

If the import of a selected business entity is not supported, a relevant notification is displayed upon opening the filter.

Except for filters saved in the database, it is also possible to use newly created filters. In order to use a new filter, it does not need to be saved. However, such a filter can be saved to make it reusable.

Saved filters are available in both the Import data and Export data applications, so they can be used for both import and export. Note that the data model of some business entities is different for import and export. Therefore, it is recommended to use different filters for import and export.

The Import items article contains procedures for working with the Import data application with regard to items; for instance, the article discusses the sequence in which items should be imported. Moreover, the article describes potential requirements and results of import operations.

More information on the Import data application, including the description of its fields and buttons, may be found in the Import data article.

The data exchange between Comarch ERP systems is described in detail in the Import data and Export data articles. This article describes data import from previous systems with the use of the Import data application.

The following import formats are available:

  • XML is a file format characterized by the extensible markup language; it makes it possible to save data in a text file. The description language enables the definition, transfer, checking, and interpretation of data between applications and allows structured data exchange. Content, structure, and information are separated for presentation in XML documents. XML is coordinated and defined as a standard by W3C.
  • CSV is a file format which contains text with separators; individual values are separated with commas. It is a file type in which the values of individual columns are delimited by a separator, while rows are delimited by line breaks. The separator must be known in order to import a given file. Frequent separators are, for example, the comma and the semicolon. Data saved in this format can be used and processed in numerous application programs.
This file type is not suitable for mapping complex data structures.
  • XLS is a file format which contains text separated with tabs. This file type is similar to CSV, except that the separator is a tab and the character encoding used is Unicode. Files in this format can be used in Microsoft Excel, among other applications.

If import is carried out in XML format, it is possible to import all requested data as part of a single import operation.

If import is carried out in CSV format, a different procedure is necessary. A technical limitation exists in that parallel 1:n relationships between business objects cannot be represented in one import file. That means, for example, that it is not possible to import inventory management and sales data from one file.

Example of invalid item data import

However, it is possible to import inventory management data and related warehouse data. There is a 1:n relationship between an item and its inventory management data as well as between the inventory management data and warehouse data. However, these are built one on top of the other and can therefore be imported from one file.

Example of valid item data import
If the user is not certain which import file is suitable, it is necessary to proceed as follows: Create a sample item in the Items application and export it with the filter for import in the desired format with the desired attributes. The sample file created in this way can be used as a template for the import files to be generated.


The following chapter contains information about the requirements that must be met for importing item data and procedures for working with the Import data application:

Importing data

In order to import item data:

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Select the filter, or one of the filters, for the business object. The filter and its attributes will be displayed in the work pane.
Import data application with Filter field filled in
  1. Selected filter attributes will be displayed automatically. The user can additionally select those attributes that should be imported.
  2. Click the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar. The Import data dialog window will open.
Import data application: [Import data] button
  1. The window makes it possible to configure import file settings. More information on the fields in the Import data dialog window may be found in the Import data article.
Import data dialog window
  1. Click the [In background] button to initiate import
Upon data import, the [In background] option is only available for independent data.

Necessary attributes for importing data from old systems

When importing data from previous systems, it is necessary to specify the following attributes for each Item business object:

  • Identification attributes (business key)
  • Required fields

The Item business object cannot be assigned without identification attributes. The required fields and identification attributes of particular business objects are listed in the chapter Identification fields and required fields.

In addition, there are also relationships with other business objects that are not directly associated with the Item business object (relationships via external keys, which are labeled using italics in the filter). To resolve these relationships, the identification attributes of these business objects must be selected in the filter.

If the primary key of a business object consists solely or partly of external keys, the business object to which this external key refers must be resolved in the import file by means of its identification attributes.

The primary key of every view may contain the organizationalUnit attribute. This attribute refers to an organization that is, in turn, specified by an identification (string).


If the user wants to import data items that are dependent on one another, it is necessary to follow a defined sequence.

Standard sequence

  1. Base data
  2. Country data/Intrastat data (if this data is relevant based on the settings of the Customizing application)
  3. Financial data
  4. Purchasing and sales data
  5. Inventory management data
  6. Planning and production data
It is not necessary to import financial and country data before other utilization data, but this practice should be followed whenever possible for reasons of system performance.

Item data for a supplier, customer, customer classification, and customer planning can be imported using separate import filters.

Sequence and additional conditions for a multi-site environment

In order to import a Purchasing, Sales, Inventory Management, Planning, or Production role, it is necessary to import the active OLTP client data before all other organizations.

The user must comply with the following sequence for each organization in the case of import operations: inventory management data must be imported before planning data and production data.

The data import can then be performed immediately or as a batch job. In the latter case, the system initiates processes. Also, the system determines the time at which these processes start. The user cannot influence the start time.

If the import of a view for the active OLTP client data is started in the initial batch job, and the corresponding data of a subordinate organization in a subsequent job, this can result in an incorrect import operation. In this case, it is necessary to first wait for successful import of the active OLTP client data.
Upon data import, the [In background] option is only recommended for data items that are independent of one another. That is, simultaneous import of dependent data using different batch processes can result in data errors.

Importing a new item


  • The destination system does not yet contain any items with a corresponding key
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported


  1. Verify that the import file to be generated contains at least the item number (identification item)
  2. Ensure that all required fields (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) of the base data are specified, to the extent possible
  3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Importing data

Importing a new item view (at the active OLTP client level)


  • The destination system already contains an item with the corresponding key. That is, the base data has already been imported.
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported
  • An import file has been generated that contains the item number as an attribute
  • The view data to be imported refers to the organization of the active OLTP client


  1. Verify that the import file to be generated contains at least the item number (identification item) and the key of the view to be imported
  2. Ensure that all required fields (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) of the view to be imported are specified, to the extent possible
  3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Importing data
It is first necessary to create data at the active OLTP client level for the Purchasing, Inventory management, Planning, Sales, and Production views. Next, it is possible to generate corresponding data for subordinate organizations.

Importing an item view for a subordinate organization


  • The system is a multi-site environment
  • The destination system already contains an item with the corresponding key. That is, the base data has already been imported.
  • Before the import is started, data for the relevant view at the active OLTP client level must already exist
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains all readable attributes


  1. Verify that the import file to be generated contains at least the item number (identification item) and the key of the view to be imported
  2. Ensure that all required fields  (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) of the view to be imported are specified, to the extent possible
  3. Ensure that the subordinate organization is authorized to maintain data for the view to be imported
  4. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Importing data
The key of the view to be imported in the import file refers to the organization that is to receive the view. There are views that also contain references to other organizations. These should not be confused with the key organization of the view.

Importing an inherited structure


  • The system is a multi-site environment or content-based authorizations are active. That is, there is more than one organization.
  • The organization that is to inherit the data must be authorized for this view
  • The organization must be a subordinate organization, that is, not the active OLTP client
  • The destination system already contains an item with the corresponding key. That is, the base data has already been imported.
  • At the level of the organization, data must already exist for the relevant view from which the destination organization is to inherit the data
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains all readable attributes


  1. Generate an import file that contains at least the item number (identification item) and the identification attributes of the imported object
  2. The inherited structure of the views is defined in the OrganizationalUnitItem business object. Each view having an inherited structure has a reference attribute in this business object:
ViewReference attribute
Inventory managementMaintainingInventory

Enter the organization from which the destination organization is to inherit in the attribute for the relevant view.

  1. Make sure that the subordinate organization has the following authorizations:
  • Authorization to maintain data for the view to be imported
  • Authorization for the view to be imported (e.g. only a sales organization can inherit the Sales view)
Organization authorizations can be verified in the Organizations application.
  1. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Importing data
Because this business object is usually maintained automatically by the Items application and the user cannot intervene in this process, special care must be taken during the import.

Special features for reference items

A reference item is used as a template for variants. A change in existing data or certain new data in the Items application causes a corresponding change in the associated variant items. The import of reference items is performed in the same way. More information on material types may be found in the Procedures: Items article.

Special features for variant items

A variant item always refers to a reference item. If the user wants to import a variant item, the related reference item must already exist in the database. In the case of variant items, it is only possible to import data that can be entered manually in the Items application. The user cannot create new views of variant items nor change or create an inherited structure. Also, it is not possible to change certain attributes via an import operation. Such data is controlled by the associated reference item. If the import file contains corresponding data, it is ignored during the import. However, the user can import a new variant item: more information may be found in the chapter Base data file for variant items.

Making changes via data import

The import functionality can also be used to make changes to existing item data. For instance, if the user wants to activate the availability check for all sales items, this can also be done via import.


Generate a filter that contains the identification of a relevant item, the key attribute of a view, and the fields to be changed. Then, export the corresponding items, e.g. in CSV format. In the file created, change the corresponding field to the desired value. Then, import the file again with the generated filter. The following example illustrates the method for activating the availability check of a sales item:

Changing the availability check:

4711Active OLTP clienttrue
4711Organization 1true
4711Organization 2true
4712Active OLTP clienttrue
4712Organization 1true

Deleting items or views

The import process can also be used to mark existing items or views for deletion. Likewise, a deletion marker can be deleted in this way. The import process then has the same effect as pressing the [Mark for deletion] or [Unmark for deletion] buttons in the Items application.

To set a deletion marker, the corresponding business object needs to be imported in the Delete mode. To remove a deletion marker, the corresponding business object also needs to be imported in the Delete mode. This mode can only be activated in XML format.

After another import in the Delete mode, it is no longer possible to completely undo the deletion operation – the same as with the [Unmark for deletion] action in the Items application. If the user sets a deletion marker for the base data in the first example of the table, all views of the items will also be marked for deletion. However, another import of this file removes only the deletion marker of the base data. More information may be found in the relevant chapter of the Items article.
<Item xmlns=”” mode=”delete”>


If item 4711 still has no deletion marker, it will now be marked in its entirety for deletion. That is, a deletion marker is also applied to all views in all organizations.

If item 4711 already has a deletion marker, it will be removed again for the base data. The deletion marker for views is not removed. See also: Procedures: Items.
<Item xmlns=””>


<PurchaseItems mode=”delete”>


Active OLTP client



If the Purchasing view of item 4712 still has no deletion marker at the organization level of the active OLTP client, the Purchasing view will now be marked in its entirety for deletion. The specification of data for the organization of the active OLTP client is sufficient. Any purchasing items created at the level of other organizations are also marked for deletion.

If the Purchasing view of item 4712 already has a deletion marker at the level of the active OLTP client, this will be removed if possible. The deletion markers for purchasing data of other organization are not removed. See also: Procedures: Items, Purchasing view.
<Item xmlns=””>

<PurchaseItems mode=”delete”>



If the Purchasing view of item 4713 still has no deletion marker at the level of organization 90000, the Purchasing view at this organization level will be marked for deletion.

If the Purchasing view of item 4713 already has a deletion marker at the level of organization 90000, this will be removed if possible.

Any purchasing data entered at the level of other organizations is not affected in either of these cases.

See also: Procedures: Items, Purchasing view.
<Item xmlns=””>

<ItemAccountingData mode=”delete”>


</ ItemAccountingData>

If the Financials view of item 4714 still has no deletion marker at the level of organization 92000, the Financials view at this organization level will be marked for deletion.

If the Financials view of item 4714 already has a deletion marker at the level of organization 92000, this will be removed if possible.

For financial data, every firm must enter its own data (that is, no inheritance is possible). Therefore, only the specified organization is ever affected in the case of financial data.

See also: Procedures: Items, Planning view.

Import with CSV files

For reasons of system performance, it is recommended to import as much information as possible in the first import operation, e.g. multiple item views and organizations. Individual files should have the following structure:

  • The main file: it should contain all information on the required base data. This file specifies which item will be imported.
  • Country data
This data can contain the first n lines for the first item from the base file, the next m lines for the second item, etc.
  • Financial data
In this file, for example, the first two lines are the financial data for item 1 in two firms, the next three lines are for item 2 in three organizations, and additional lines are for item 4; item 3 does not receive any financial data.
  • Sales data

In this file, it is important that the first line in which the item number changes always contain data for the active OLTP client organization. Data for subordinate organizations can then follow.

  • Similarly as in the case of sales data, it is possible to create files containing other inheritable views. It is important here that the sequence of items in the individual files correspond to the sequence of items in the main file. Individual item numbers can be omitted in the additional files, e.g. if a given item is not to have a view.

References of files


  • A filter is available for the business object which contains attributes to be imported
  • A main file containing the base data is available
  • One or more additional files with additional data are available
  • Each value of the referencing Item attribute must also be contained in the main file

Instructions for importing data with references of files

  1. Open the Import data application
  2. Select the filter, or one of the filters, for the business object. The filter for the import of item data will be displayed.
  3. Selected filter attributes will be displayed automatically. If required, it is possible to select additional attributes for import.
  4. Click the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar. The Import data dialog window will open.
  5. The window makes it possible to configure import file settings. More information on the fields in the Import data dialog window may be found in the Import data article.
  6. Select the [Create links] button. Another dialog window will open.
  7. The user may create a new reference by specifying the object path, an additional file as the source file, the error file, and the referencing attribute (Attribute number for item import).
    The object path describes the name of the relationship to the business object to be imported. One of the additional files is selected as the source file. Make sure that the connection to the additional file matches the object path information. If, for example, SalesItems is selected as the object path, the specified additional file should also contain the data for sales items.
  8. Repeat steps 7 to 8 until all additional files are referenced
  9. Click the [Accept] button
  10. Click the [In background] button to initiate import
It is important here that the additional files contain only keys (item numbers in this case) that are present in the main file. Otherwise, records that follow this record in the additional file will not be imported. For the same reason, the sorting of the referencing key attributes must match in the main and additional files.


The structure of the base data file and the additional files is described below. To learn which attributes are required fields and must therefore be specified to the extent possible, see the chapter Identification fields and required fields.

Base data file

4711Full description for 4711...
4712Full description for 4712...
4713Full description for 4713...

Base data file for variant items

The import of variant items is only possible if the associated reference item already exists. To import a new variant item, the following file is sufficient.


This example will create a new variant item with the REF1VAR1 item number, which is based on the REF1 reference item. In a multi-site environment, the total organizational structure of the reference item will also be transferred to the variant item.

Country data file


Item 4711 receives the standard record and, additionally, country data for Germany and Switzerland. Item 4712 receives only the standard record. Item 4713 receives the standard record and, additionally, country data for Austria.

Financial data file

4711Firm 1...
4711Firm 2...
4712Firm 3...

In this example, item 4711 receives financial data for Firm 1 and Firm 2 finance organizations. Item 4712 receives financial data for Firm 2 organization.

File for inheritable views

This example will specify the inheritable Sales view. The procedure is the same for the Purchasing, Inventory management, Planning, and Production views.

numberSalesItems.OrganizationalUnit ...
4711Active OLTP client...
4711Organization 1...
4711Organization 2...
4712Active OLTP client...
4712Organization 1...
4713Active OLTP client...

In this example, item 4711 receives sales data for Organization 1 and Organization 2 organizations. Item 4712 receives separate sales data for the active OLTP client and Organization 1. Item 4713 receives sales data only at the level of the active OLTP client.

It is important here that the organization of the active OLTP client is placed in front of each item.

Identification fields and required fields

The required fields and key attributes (K) of the individual business objects are listed below. The identification fields and required fields are subject to changes and can also be expanded by adaptations.

The following information is also available after opening the Items application, switching to the relevant view, and validating it with the [Validate] button. All fields exhibiting a red corner are required.

Base data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item
uoms[0]Base unit
descriptionFull description
MaintainingOrganization (only necessary if the system is a multi-site environment or if content-based authorizations are active)Organization responsible
ReferenceItem (only required for variant items)Reference item

If the item category (type attribute) and material category (materialType attribute) are not specified, a standard inventory item is assumed.

Country data

The specification of country data is only possible if the Intrastat parameter has been selected in Customizing Country-specifics.

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item
ItemCountryData.Country (K)Country (or empty value or Zeroguid for defaults)
ItemCountryData.intrastat.mandatoryfalse = following attributes are optional

true = following attributes are required
ItemCountryData.intrastat.CountryOfOriginCountry of origin
ItemCountryData.intrastat.IndexOfGoodsNumberItem number

Financial data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item
(Only necessary if the system is a multi-site environment)

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

The following attributes of financial data are not required fields. However, their specification is recommended because they co-determine the lock status for the Purchasing, Inventory management, and Sales applications.

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
ItemAccountingData.inputTaxClassificationInput tax classification
(for purchasing)
ItemAccountingData.outputTaxClassificationValue added tax classification
(for sales)
ItemAccountingData.expenseClassificationExpense account classification
(for purchasing)
ItemAccountingData.revenueClassificationRevenue account classification
(for sales)
ItemAccountingData.cogClassificationInventory account classification
(for inventory management)

Purchasing item data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item
PurchaseItems.classification1Classification 1

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

If the uom[0] and pricingUom attributes are not specified, they are preassigned with the base unit of the item.

Inventory item data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item number
InventoryItems.classification1Classification 1

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

If the ABC classification is not specified, the value is set to A.

Planning data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item
ItemPlanningData.makeOrBuyDemand coverage

Available values include:
- BUY (external purchasing)
- BUY_INTERNAL (internal purchasing)
- MAKE (production)

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

Depending on the setting of the makeOrBuy attribute, one of the following tables is applied. The import of files must then also contain these attributes.

Non-specified attributes are assigned relevant default values. If the input file is not to contain any production data, the value for the useProductionData field must be set to false. The field is preassigned the value true.

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
ItemPlanningData.usePurchaseDataExternal purchasing

(the value must be set as true)
ItemPlanningData.PurchasingOrganisationPurchasing organization
ItemPlanningData.PurchasingSchedulerPurchasing scheduler
Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
ItemPlanningData.useInternalPurchaseDataInternal purchasing

(the value must be set as true)
ItemPlanningData.InternalPurchasingOrganisationPurchasing organization
ItemPlanningData.InternalDeliveryPartnerSource site (must be a logistics organization that is also a supplier to the specified purchasing organization)
ItemPlanningData.InternalPurchasingSchedulerPurchasing scheduler
Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
ItemPlanningData.useProductionDataApply production data

(the value must be set as true)
ItemPlanningData.PurchasingSchedulerProduction scheduler

Sales item data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item number
Sales.classificationClassification 1

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

If the uoms[0] and pricingUom attributes are not specified, they are preassigned with the base unit of the item.

Production item data

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
number (K)Item number
ProductionItems.classification1Classification 1

The specification of the organization is only required in a multi-site environment. If the organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the organization is set to that of the active OLTP client.

If alternative production methods are permissible according to settings defined in the Customizing application:

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field

Values from the value set ProductionPlanKeyType (permitted values):
- BOM = Bill of material
- ROUTING = Bill of material and Routing
- PROCESS = Bill of resources (BOR)
ProductionItems.defaultProductionPlan.BillOfMaterial.codeBill of material

Required field if category = Bill of material or Bill of material and Routing
ProductionItems.defaultProductionPlan.BillOfMaterial.typeBill of material

Required field if category = Bill of material or Bill of material and Routing


Required field if category = Bill of material and Routing

Required field if category = Bill of material and Routing

ProductionItems.defaultProductionPlan.Process.codeBill of resources (BOR)

Required field if category = Bill of resources (BOR)
ProductionItems.defaultProductionPlan.Process.typeBill of resources (BOR)

Required field if category = Bill of resources (BOR)


If alternative production methods are not permissible according to settings defined in the Customizing application:

Required field/Key attribute (K)Field
ProductionItems.defaultProductionPlan.BillOfMaterial.typeValue = BILL_OF_MATERIAL

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