Import item, customer, and supplier data

Topic overview

The Import data application is used to perform the import transfer of selected data in such formats as an .xlsx file, which can be used, for instance, for material requirements planning.

The following article describes how to work with the Import data application
with regard to:

  • Customer item data
  • Supplier item data
  • Customer item classification data
  • Customer item planning data

The following describes the steps that must be completed when importing data. Also, the article documents expected preconditions and results.

More information may be found in the Import data article.

Data import procedures

1. Open the Import data application

2. Display the filter for an appropriate business unit using the [Value assistant] button

3. Selected attributes of the business unit filter are already activated in the work pane. At this stage, if necessary, it is possible to adjust required import attributes.

4. Select the [Import data] button available in the standard toolbar. The Import data dialog window will open.

5. In the opened Import data dialog window, select an import file. More information about the window’s fields may be found in the Import data article.

6. Select the button [In background] in the opened dialog window to initiate the import process.


When importing data items that are dependent on one another, it is necessary to follow a defined sequence. A given item must already exist.

  1. Item base data
  2. Purchasing data should be imported before importing supplier data
  3. Sales data should be imported before importing customer data, customer classification data, or customer planning data

Sequence and additional conditions for multi-site environments:

When importing supplier item data at a specific organization level, the item must already have data entered in the Purchasing view at that level.

When importing customer item, customer classification, or customer planning data at a specific organization level, the item must already have data entered in the Sales view at that level.

1. Purchasing data should be imported before importing supplier item data

2. Sales data should be imported before importing customer data, customer classification data, or customer planning data

In the case of multi-site environments, it is not obligatory to fill in organization data in appropriate views.

Import of supplier items


  • Purchasing data has already been defined for the item at a specific organization level
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported


1. Make sure that the import file to be generated contains at least one reference to the item, organization, and supplier

2. Make sure that all the required fields related to the supplier item data (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) are filled in

3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Data import procedures

Import of customer items


  • Sales data has already been defined for the item at a specific organization level
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported


1. Make sure that the import file to be generated contains at least the identification of the item, organization, and customer

2. Make sure that all the required fields related to the customer item data (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) are filled in

3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Data import procedures

Import of customer classification item data


  • Sales data has already been defined for the item at a specific organization level
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported


1. Make sure that the import file to be generated contains at least the identification of the item, organization, and customer classification

2. Make sure that all the required fields related to the customer classification item data (see the chapter Identification fields and required fields) are filled in

3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Data import procedures

Import of customer planning item data


  • Sales data has already been defined for the item at a specific organization level
  • A filter is available for the business entity which contains attributes to be imported


1. Make sure that the import file to be generated contains at least the identification of the item, organization, and customer

2. Make sure that all the required fields related to the customer planning item data are filled in

3. Perform the steps as described in the chapter Data import procedures

Special features for reference items

A reference item is directly associated with variant items, but is not subject to purchasing and sales processes. It serves as an information carrier for the associated variant items and as their template.  A change in existing or new data in the Items application causes a corresponding change in the associated variant items. In the case of reference items, it also refers to supplier item data, customer item data, customer classification data, and customer planning data.

Special features for variant items

A variant item always refers to a reference item. In the case of variant items, it is only possible to import data that can be entered manually in the Items application. The import operation cannot be used to change attributes that cannot be edited in a selected application view.

Changes made via import

The import functionality can also be used to make changes to existing data.

For instance, if the user wants to activate the availability check for all customer items, this can also be done via import.


1. Generate a filter that contains the identification of a relevant item, the key attribute of the utilization, and the fields to be changed

2. Then export the corresponding items, for instance in the CSV format

3. In the file created, change the corresponding field to the desired value

4. Then import the file again with the generated filter

The following example will activate the availability check of customer items.


Changing the availability check:

Item numberOrganizational unitPartner with Customer roleAvailability check parameter activated
4711Organization 1Customer 1yes
4711Organization 1Customer 2yes
4711Organization 2Customer 1yes
4712Organization 1Customer 3yes

The handling of supplier item, customer classification item, and customer planning item data is similar.

Identification fields and required fields

Below are listed the required fields and key attributes (K) of individual business objects. The identification fields and required fields are subject to changes.

The following information may also be referred to by opening the Items application, switching to the relevant view, and validating it by clicking the [Validate] button. All fields marked with a red corner are required.

Supplier item data

If the attribute column in the supplier item data import file is not filled in, while a corresponding attribute exists in purchasing data, the value from purchasing data will be assigned to the value of that attribute in supplier item data.
Required field/key attribute (K)Field
Item.number (K)Item
OrganizationalUnit (K)Organization
SupplierPartner (K)Supplier

Specifying an organization is mandatory only in a multi-site environment. If an organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the default organization of the active OLTP client will be set.

The following units are required fields; by default, their values are retrieved from item units:

Required fieldUnit
Uom[0]Purchasing unit
PricingUomPrice unit

Customer item data

If the attribute column in the customer item data import file is not filled in, while a corresponding attribute exists in sales data, the value from sales data will be assigned to the value of that attribute in customer item data.
Required field/key attribute (K)Field
Item.number (K)Item
OrganizationalUnit (K)Organization
CustomerPartner (K)Customer

Specifying an organization is mandatory only in a multi-site environment. If an organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the default organization of the active OLTP client will be set.

The following units are required fields; by default, they are assigned the primary unit of an item:

Required fieldUnit
Uom[0]Sales unit
PricingUomPrice unit

Customer classification item data

If the attribute column in the customer classification item data import file is not filled in, while a corresponding attribute exists in sales data, the value from sales data will be assigned to the value of that attribute in customer classification item data.
Required field/key attribute (K)Field
Item.number (K)Item
OrganizationalUnit (K)Organization
CustomerClassification (K)Customer classification

Specifying an organization is mandatory only in a multi-site environment. If an organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the default organization of the active OLTP client will be set.

The following units are required fields; by default, they are assigned the primary unit of an item:

Required fieldUnit
Uom[0]Sales unit
PricingUomPrice unit

Customer planning item data

Required field/key attribute (K)Field
Item.number (K)Item
OrganizationalUnit (K)Organization
Customer (K)Customer

Specifying an organization is mandatory only in a multi-site environment. If an organization is not specified in a single-site environment, the default organization of the active OLTP client will be set.

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