Import supplier quotations

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Import data application in relation to supplier quotations. These procedures contain general instructions and special features to be taken into account. You will also be informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Import data application, which also includes field and button descriptions, can be found in the Import data article.

General information

The import of supplier quotations is essentially based on the current data model, which is stored in the repository database. More attributes are available for data export than for data import. It therefore makes sense to define separate filters for export and import.

1:1 relationships are generally based on a technical GUID attribute in the data model. Depending on the use case, either the technical GUID attribute or the business key from the target object (usually code or number) can be used for the import. For some business objects, an organization is required to convert the functional key to the technical key. The relevant organization is normally not directly in the import source, but is specified via the voucher context. Further information on this can be found in the chapter Overview: Attributes.

Hash code business objects are referenced both in the header and in the line item of a supplier quotation. These are technically related attribute groups that are always the same for many quotations and whose reuse saves some storage space in the database and in the main memory. Using a special conversion, these hash code business objects are represented as parts for export or import.

Certain supplier quotation data such as local currency values, status and internal auxiliary attributes cannot be imported.

If you are not sure which format is suitable for the import file, proceed as follows: enter a sample supplier quotation via the Supplier quotations application and export it using the filter for import in the desired format with the desired attributes. The resulting sample file can be used as a template for the import files to be generated.

The same rules apply when importing as when editing via the application. For example, an item in a saved line item can no longer be changed. Attribute values are ignored if they cannot be adopted in the current context. The same logic is applied when determining the default value, so that the import process and the application behave identically. The same applies to data validations.

Existing supplier quotations can be extended by importing additional data. The existing data is replaced by the import data if possible.

Procedure: Importing supplier quotations

1. Open the Import data application.

2. Display the filter for this business object:

  • The filter for importing supplier quotations will be opened.

3. Duplicate or create a new filter for this business object, if required.

4. Change the already selected attributes of the filter, if required.

5. Press the [Import data] button in the standard toolbar.

  • The Import data dialog window will be opened.

6. You can make settings for the import file in the Import data dialog window. A description of the fields can be found in the Import data article.

7. Press the [In background] or [Immediately] button.

  • The import will be executed

Automatic release after the import

If the import was carried out successfully, you can automatically release a processed supplier quotation. This option is particularly useful in combination with the creation status In process (see Type). This prevents a supplier quotation that has not yet been fully imported from being used in subsequent vouchers. During release, the supplier quotation is assigned the status Invalid, meaning that the supplier quotation cannot be used in this step either.

For this functionality, you must set the virtual base attribute autoRelease to true for the relevant instance.

If this function is activated and there are no other errors, an additional information message is displayed in the message log stating that the supplier quotation has been automatically released. If this was not possible, a warning is issued.

Overview: Attributes

Below, you can find the attributes of the individual business objects that are available for import. The corresponding relationship name is also included for foreign key attributes. Identification and mandatory fields are changeable and can be extended by making adjustments.

For some business objects, an organization is required for the conversion of functional keys to technical keys. In the attribute lists, this is indicated by the following notes in the Attribute column.

  • Purchasing organization (always according to the header)
  • Firm (always according to the header)
  • Firm country (always according to the header)
  • Logistics organization (according to the header or line item)

Identification attributes (key attributes) are also marked with a (K).

Header data

Supplier quotation (SupplierProposal)

Attribute Relationship Explanation
autoRelease Release automatically (virtual attribute); see the chapter Automatic release after the import

(Purchasing organization)

Classification1 Classification 1

(Purchasing organization)

Classification2 Classification 2

(Purchasing organization)

Classification3 Classification 3

(Purchasing organization)

Classification4 Classification 4

(Purchasing organization)

Classification5 Classification 5
confirmationRequired Confirmation required
date Entry date
deliveryData See the chapter Delivery data (deliveryData)
deliveryRecipientData See the chapter Recipient data (deliveryRecipientData)
deliverySupplierData See the chapter Supplier data (supplierData, deliverySupplierData, invoiceSupplierData)
discountOriginType Discount origin

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
discounts[0..3] Discounts 1 to 4
guid (K) Technical identification for changing/deleting already saved data – if known.
invoiceRecipientData See the chapter Purchasing organization (invoiceRecipientData)
invoiceSupplierData See the chapter Supplier data (supplierData, deliverySupplierData, invoiceSupplierData)
invoicingData See the chapter Invoicing data (invoicingData)
noClassificationDiscounts  No multi-item discounts
noOrderValueDiscounts No order value discounts
number (K) Number (technical identification), optional for new creation – otherwise determined automatically.

Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.

orderDeliveryData  See the chapter Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData)
ownerOrigin  Inventory owner origin

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
priceDate  Calculation time

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
priceListing  PriceListing Price listing

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
priceValidityDate  Reference date for price determination

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
pricingPartnerRelation  Partner usage

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
pricingSupplier PricingSupplierPartner Pricing partner in case of partner usage Invoicing party

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
requestDate.value Requested date
requestHeader RequestForProposal Purchasing RFQ
responsible ResponsiblePartner Employee responsible
status   General status (only Released or Blocked)

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.
storageAreaDefault   Default warehouse
supplierData   See the chapter Supplier data (supplierData, deliverySupplierData, invoiceSupplierData)
supplierOrderData.salesOrder   External voucher number   External voucher date
TextAssignments File attachments/texts

See the chapter Texts (TextAssignments)

transactionAccountingClassification  TransactionAccountingClassification Transaction type account classification
type (K) Type Type (technical identification)

Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.

validityDate   Valid until
validityFrom   Valid from
valuationDate   Fixed value date

Supplier data (supplierData, deliverySupplierData, invoiceSupplierData)

The supplier data in the following uses is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is represented as a part for export or import. The same applies to the address data.

The following part names have been assigned analogous to the technical attribute names:

  • supplierData – Supplier
  • deliverySupplierData – Delivery partner
  • invoiceSupplierData – Invoicing party

The following attributes therefore exist once per use.

Attribute Relationship Explanation Address – City addressData.Country Address – Country
addressData.district Address – District
addressData.poBox Address – P.O. box
addressData.poBoxCity Address – P.O. box city
addressData.poBoxPostalCode Address – PO box postal code
addressData.postalCode Address – Postal code
addressData.region addressData.Region Address – Region
addressData.street Address – Street
careOf CareOfPartner Care of
careOfName Care of – Name
name Supplier name
supplier SupplierPartner Supplier

For the partner role Supplier (supplierData) and the usage InvoiceSupplier (invoiceSupplierData), this attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during the import.

Delivery data (deliveryData)

The delivery data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is represented as a part for the export or import.

Attribute Relationship  Explanation
deliveryRestriction Delivery restriction
deliveryTerms DeliveryTerms Delivery term
deliveryTermsLocation Delivery term location reference
shippingTerms ShippingTerms Shipping terms

Recipient data (deliveryRecipientData)

The delivery recipient data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is represented as a part for export or import.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
careOf CareOfPartner Delivery recipient: Care of
careOfName Delivery recipient: Care of – Name

Purchasing organization (invoiceRecipientData)

Some purchasing organization data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is represented as a part for export or import.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
careOf CareOfPartner Purchasing organization: Care of
careOfName Purchasing organization: Care of – Name
partner Partner Purchasing organization

Invoicing data (invoicingData)

Some invoicing data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is displayed as a part for export or import.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
currency  Currency  Currency

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.


paymentMethod (Company) PaymentMethod  Payment method
paymentTerms (Company) PaymentTerms Payment terms

This attribute cannot be changed by the import for existing quotation line items. Data in the import file is ignored during import.

Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData)

The order delivery data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is displayed as a part for the export or import.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
carrier  Carrier  Carrier
storageArea.warehouse Warehouse (code)

Texts (TextAssignments)

Attribute Relationship Explanation
code Text module (optional)
document Voucher
sequence Number
text Texts per language

(is only used if no text module has been specified; for more details, see the chapter text)

type Text type
Attribute Relationship Explanation
contentType Content type
language Language
text Text

You can also use various formatting options for the texts. If you need examples of specific formatting, it is best to create a sample voucher with the desired text formatting and export it.

Texts are normally imported from the import file and any default values from the partner master data etc. are ignored. If the server property has the value true, the default values are always determined and combined with any existing texts in the import file. Please note that the numbers of the text lines must be selected appropriately and that the result is only one text line with one item text.

Line item data (basic line items)

Supplier quotation line items (SupplierProposalDetail)

Attribute Relationship Explanation
costCentre CostCentre Cost center
costObjective CostObjective Cost unit
CostingData See the chapter Cost data allocation (CostingData)
deliveryData See the chapter Delivery data (deliveryData)
deliveryDate Delivery date
deliveryRecipientData See the chapter Delivery recipient data (deliveryRecipientData)
deliverySupplierData See the chapter Supplier data (deliverySupplierData)
discounts[0..3] Discounts 1 to 4
ean European Article Number (EAN)

Further information can be found in the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN.


  • grossPrice.amount
  • grossPrice.currency
Currency Gross price

  • Price
  • Currency
guid (K) Technical identification (line item) for changing/deleting already saved data – if known.
item  Item Item
netCode  No base discounts
noClassificationDiscounts No multi-item discounts
noOrderValueDiscounts No order value discounts
number (K) Line item number (functional identification), optional for newly created data – otherwise determined automatically.

Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.

orderDeliveryData  See the chapter Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData)
preferredDate.value Preferred date
priceDimension  Price dimension
priceOriginType  Price origin
priceUom  Price unit
pseudoItemDescription  Pseudo item description

Only for pseudo items.The specification is ignored for all other items.


reference Reference
requestDetail  RequestForProposalDetail RFQ line item
requestedItemNumber  Requested item
requestedPseudoItemDescription  Requested item: Pseudo item description

Only for pseudo items. The specification is ignored for all other items.
status General status (only Released or Blocked)
storageAreaDefault  Default warehouse
supplierItemNumber  Supplier item number

Further information can be found in the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN.

  TextAssignments See the chapter Texts (TextAssignments)

  • totalQuantity.amount 
  • totalQuantity.uom
Uom Total quantity

  • Quantity
  • Unit of measure


  Procurement costs 3 and 4 (absolute)


  Procurement costs 1 and 2 (in %)
transactionAccountingClassification TransactionAccountingClassification Transaction type account classification
uomObligation   Binding unit
uomObligationOrigin   Origin of binding unit
useCostingData   Allocate cost data

Supplier data (deliverySupplierData)

The attributes correspond to those in the header. See the chapter Supplier data (supplierData, deliverySupplierData, invoiceSupplierData).

Delivery data (deliveryData)

The delivery data is stored in the database as a hash code business object and is represented as a part for export or import.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
deliveryTerms DeliveryTerms Delivery term
deliveryTermsLocation Delivery term location reference
shippingTerms ShippingTerms  Shipping terms


Delivery recipient data (deliveryRecipientData)

The attributes correspond to those in the header. See the chapter Delivery recipient data (deliveryRecipientData).

Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData)

The attributes correspond to those in the header. See the chapter Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData).

Cost data allocation (CostingData)

If the Allocate cost data function is activated, you can specify a partial quantity of the line item for various combinations of cost centers and cost units.

Attribute Relationship Explanation
costCentre CostCentre Cost center
costObjective CostObjective Cost unit
quantity.amount Quantity

Line item data (sub-items)

Supplier quotation items (SupplierProposalDetail)

Attribute Relationship Explanation
componentValue Component valuation value

Only for kit components.
costCentre CostCentre Cost center
costObjective CostObjective Cost unit
CostingData See the chapter Cost data allocation (CostingData)
deliveryData See the chapter Delivery data (deliveryData)

Not for kit components.
deliveryDate Delivery date

Not for kit components.
deliveryRecipientData See the chapter Delivery recipient data (deliveryRecipientData)

Not for kit components.
deliverySupplierData See the chapter Supplier data (deliverySupplierData)

Not for kit components.
discounts[0..3] Discounts 1 to 4
ean European Article Number (EAN)

Further information can be found in the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN.


  • grossPrice.amount
  • grossPrice.currency
Currency Gross price

  • Price
  • Currency
guid (K) Technical identification (line item) for changing/deleting already saved data – if known
item Item Item
netCode No base discounts
noClassificationDiscounts No multi-item discounts
noOrderValueDiscounts No order value discounts
orderDeliveryData See the chapter Order delivery data (orderDeliveryData)

Not for kit components.
preferredDate.value Preferred date

Not for kit components.
priceDimension  Price dimension
priceOriginType Price origin
priceUom  PriceUom Price unit
pseudoItemDescription   Pseudo item description

Only for pseudo items. The specification is ignored for all other items.
reference   Reference
requestDetail RequestForProposalDetail RFQ line item
requestedItemNumber   Requested item
requestedPseudoItemDescription   Requested item: Pseudo item description

Only for pseudo items. The specification is ignored for all other items.
status   General status (only Released or Blocked)
storageAreaDefault   Default warehouse

Not for kit components.
subNumber (K)   Sub-item number (functional identification), optional for new creation – otherwise determined automatically.

Mandatory if the guid was not specified when changing/deleting.

supplierItemNumber   Supplier item number

Further information can be found in the article Import voucher line item by means of an EAN.

  TextAssignments See the chapter Texts (TextAssignments)

  • totalQuantity.amount
  • totalQuantity.uom


Uom  Total quantity

  • Quantity
  • Unit of measure
totalValues.purchaseCostAmount[0..1]   Procurement costs 3 and 4 (absolute)
totalValues.purchaseCostPercent[0..1]   Purchase costs 1 and 2 (in %)
transactionAccountingClassification  TransactionAccountingClassification  Transaction type account classification
uomObligation    Binding unit
uomObligationOrigin    Origin of binding unit
useCostingData    Allocate cost data


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