Batch applications contain Application and Batch settings tabs.
The Application tab provides the basic information about batch application name and its relevant development object as well as the information about a currently performed action and its individual settings.
In the Batch settings tab, you can select individual settings for a batch job. The User, OLTP database and Content language fields are completed by default on the basis of the customizing data, but they are editable. It is also necessary to select a processing queue and for certain batch applications also an application server (if the default values are not provided for these fields under Customizing).
Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions application
This application is used to collect sales order-, purchase order- and distribution order-related data for the Generate Intrastat declaration propositions application. During data collection, the application verifies the following:
- whether an item has a commodity code assigned
- whether the Excluded of intrastat parameter is deselected on the partner chart
- whether it is a transaction between two EU countries
- types of entry
During entry generation:
- If a delivery document exists, proceed to point 4
- If the following invoice exists:
- customer invoice:
- cash invoice – you can proceed to point 4
- proforma invoice – proceed to point 3
- supplier invoice – proceed to point 3
- customer invoice:
- Search for the delivery document corresponding to the assigned invoice
- The entry is added to the data list
After the data is verified and entries are generated, the data is retrieved by the Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions application.
Generate Intrastat declaration propositions application
This application is used to create Intrastat declaration propositions on the basis of the information collected earlier by the batch application Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions. A generated proposition is available in the Intrastat declaration propositions application.
Furthermore, in the batch application you can select the Use Intrastat data of customer parameter. If the parameter is:
- selected – data from the Partners application is retrieved into a declaration proposition. This option is used for manually returned items in the Customer returns application where the option Item is selected in the Reference field.
- deselected – data from the vouchers on the basis of which a declaration is created is retrieved into a declaration proposition.
Using the parameter Limiting the scope of the generated declaration, you can also limit the number of generated documents. Selecting it activates the Month and Year fields, where it is possible to specify the values a generated declaration is to come down to.
Information about the running process can be verified in the Batch jobs application under Message logs.