Intrastat: Classification Nomenclature (ICN)

The Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application is available if the parameter Active is selected under Customizing → Intrastat function.

This article describes the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application in which you can define commodity codes involved in foreign trade in goods.

Data provided in this application are used in the Intrastat section → Commodity code field of Items application under Base view.

The Intrastat section is visible after selecting the Intrastat extension available under [Select and organize views] option.

If commodity code is not completed on item chart under the Base view when running the Determine source data for Intrastat declaration propositions application, then the item from a (sales, purchase, distribution) order will not be included in the declaration also when the commodity code is provided later. If this being the case, a new order with this item needs to be created.

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application

Query pane

In the query pane, you can enter search criteria and filter the list through the action [Refresh].

Query pane of Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application

Available search fields:

  • Type – type of commodity to which the classification nomenclature applies. Selectable options are: Services or Goods
  • Commodity code – CN code (used to classify goods traded internationally)
  • Description – additional description used as a search criterion
  • Replaced by – CN code defined due to the changed classification nomenclature in accordance with the amendments introduced in the worldwide Harmonized System (HS 2022) nomenclature effective from 01.01.2022 and updated every 5 years
  • Validity period – time range during which the searched CN code is valid
  • Deletion marker – displays the objects marked for deletion (option: Marked as deleted), currently used (option: Not marked for deletion) or all (option: All).

Work pane

In the work pane you can add a new CN code by selecting the [New] button. You can also duplicate an already existing code using the option [Duplicate].

It is not possible to delete a used CN code that has been assigned to an item or transferred to Intrastat declaration propositions.
Work pane of Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application

Available fields:

  • Type (mandatory field) – the default value in this field is Goods. You can enter a CN code for a commodity or service in this field.
  • Commodity code (mandatory field) – CN code composed of 8 digits for items and 6 digits for services
  • Description (mandatory field) – additional description
  • Replaced by – CN code defined due to the changed classification nomenclature
  • Valid from/to – time range during which a given CN code is valid
It is not possible to add two identical CN code (field: Commodity code) that would be valid in the same time range.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant to the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application: It is used, for example, to perform one of the following:

  • assign authorizations
  • set activity definition
  • import or export data


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assignment of organizations. The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application.

Organizational assignments

An organizational assignment is not required for the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application.

Special capabilities

There are no special features for the Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Intrastat Classification Nomenclature (ICN) application is not released for business partners.

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