Introduction: Magento

The Magento adapter allows establishing connection between Comarch ERP Enterprise and Magento online stores and exchanging data between them through features available in the Multi-channel sales framework.

The system supports connection with the following versions of Magento stores:

  • CE 2.3.1
  • CE 2.4.0
  • CE 2.0.5

Magento offers access to three platforms:

  • Magento Community Edition
  • Magento Enterprise Edition
  • Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition

The officially supported version is Magento Community Edition. The other editions may be compatible but are not officially supported.

In order to make use of the Magento adapter, it needs to be made sure that it has been installed and activated in the Customizing application (Magento adapter function). To create a sales channel integrated with this adapter, it must be selected in the Adapter field of the Sales channels application header.

Basic sales channel configuration with the use of individual adapters is described in the Introduction: Multi-channel sales article.

Applications and additional tabs dedicated to the Magento adapter

The Magento adapter provides additional applications and tabs that can be used to configure Magento store-specific settings. These include:

  • Magento inventory item settings – this application makes it possible to configure settings responsible for displaying notifications about the unavailability of particular items within sales channels using the Magento adapter. Such settings are used after activating the parameter Notify customer when item not available on the Magento tab of the Sales channels application.
  • Magento shipping term assignments – this application makes it possible to assign a Magento shipping method to a shipping term defined in Comarch ERP Enterprise. Such assignments are used upon the import of sales orders from an online store.
  • Magento tax classification assignments – this application makes it possible to configure tax classification assignments between Magento and Comarch ERP Enterprise. Such classifications are used upon the export of items.
  • Magento payment assignments – this application makes it possible to configure payment method assignments between a Magento store and Comarch ERP Enterprise. Such assignments are used upon the import of sales orders from a Magento online store.
  • Magento tab in the Sales channels application – this tab is displayed after selecting the Magento option in the Adapter field of the Sales channels application header. It allows the user to configure connection between a sales channel and a specific online store.

Features supported by the Magento adapter

This chapter describes features supported by the Magento adapter.

Handling of sales channels

Sales channel hierarchyThe adapter allows creating master stores, sub stores, and single stores. The range of functions available in sub stores is described in the Introduction: Multi-channel sales article.
B2CThe adapter supports business-to-customer processes (transactions between a business entity and an individual customer).
B2BThe adapter supports business-to-business processes (transactions between two business entities).
B2B & B2C (mixed mode)The adapter allows the simultaneous use of B2B and B2C functionalities.
Separate price listings for B2B and B2C partnersThe adapter allows defining separate price lists for B2B and B2C customers (they can be defined on the B2B and B2C tabs of the Sales channels application, respectively). Depending on whether a customer enters a value in the Company field in an online store, either B2B- or B2C-price list prices will be presented.
Sales channel partnersThe adapter allows assigning partners to a sales channel after they are imported into Comarch ERP Enterprise with the use of the Sales channel partners application.
Payment method assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning a payment method used upon the import of sales orders with the use of the Magento payment assignments application.
Shipping term assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning payment terms used upon the import of sales orders with the use of the Magento shipping term assignments application.
Tax classification assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning a tax classification used upon the export of items with the use of the Magento tax classification assignments application.
Default currencyThe company may specify its internal currency. If multiple internal currencies are used at the same time, one of them must be selected as the primary currency.
Supported store typesThe adapter supports the following store types: Single store, Master store, Sub store.

Handling of B2C

Import customers (batch application)The adapter supports the import of B2C customers into Comarch ERP Enterprise with the use of the Import customers batch application. Customers with no orders placed are imported as well.
Pseudo partner (occasional purchase)The adapter allows using a pseudo partner template to import orders placed by unregistered customers. In order to make an unregistered customer’s data visible in a sales order, a partner template added in the Pseudo partner field on the B2C tab of the Sales channels application will be used upon the import of documents. The Use pseudo partner parameter must be selected.

Handling of B2B

B2B partners as organizationsThe adapter allows assigning a partner template that should be used if a partner is to be created for a sales channel as an organization.

Handling of items

Item category assignmentsThe adapter allows assigning items to categories in the Sales channel item categories application. Such assignments make it possible to group items in a store.
Import of item categories (in batch)The adapter allows importing categories from an online store with the use of the Import item categories application.
Export of item categories (in batch)The adapter allows exporting categories into the external system with the use of the Export item categories application.
Item characteristicsThe adapter allows adding characteristics to sales channel items in the Item characteristics application and exporting them into a sales channel with the use of the Export item characteristic classifications application.

Note: Characteristics must be added on the PIM - Item characteristic settings tab for a given sales channel.
Item relations: VariantsThe adapter allows creating relations of the Variant type in the Sales channel item variants or Sales channel item relations applications.
Item relations: Cross sellThe adapter allows creating relations of the Cross sell type.
Item relations: UpsellThe adapter allows creating relations of the Upsell type.
Export of materialsThe adapter allows exporting items of the Material category into a sales channel.
Export of kit itemsThe adapter allows exporting kit items into a sales channel.
Kit itemsThe adapter allows creating kit items in the Kits application and exporting them into sales channels using the Export items application.

Handling of prices

Price originThe adapter allows assigning prices created in the Sales price lists application to sales channel items. It also makes it possible to define prices in the store administrator panel.
Export of price lists (in batch)The adapter allows exporting sales price lists with the use of the Export sales price lists application.
DiscountsThe adapter allows granting discounts on sales channel items in the Customer price classification + Item view of the Sales price lists application.

Handling of warehouses

Export of item availabilityThe adapter allows sending information on item quantities available for sales. More information on the process of item availability calculation may be found in the Introduction: Multi-channel sales article.
ERP reservationsThe adapter allows reserving sales channel items for the needs of Comarch ERP Enterprise system with the use of the ERP reserve inventory levels application.
Sales channel reservationsThe adapter allows reserving items within sales channels.

Handling of sales orders

Import of sales ordersThe adapter allows importing sales orders placed in a Magento store.
Update of sales order changesThe adapter allows updating sales order statuses in a store following changes made in Comarch ERP Enterprise with the use of the Export sales order changes application.
Delay of sales order importThe adapter allows the use of the Time delay for sales order acceptance field on the Common tab of the Sales channels application. The field makes it possible to define a time that needs to pass from the time an order is placed until it can be imported into the system.

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