Item characteristic groups

Topic overview

To be able to assign several item characteristics to a classification node as a group in the item characteristic classification, you need an item characteristic group.

This article describes how item characteristic groups are mapped in the system and how the application of the same name is structured.

You can find instructions on how to work with item characteristic groups, e.g. how to enter or edit item characteristic groups, in the article Procedures: Item characteristic groups.

Application description

To be able to assign several item characteristics to a classification node as a group in the item characteristic classification, you need an item characteristic group. You can use the Item characteristic groups application to enter the identification and description of such a group.

You can use the Item characteristics application to assign one or more item characteristics to an item characteristic group.

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

If required, enter search characteristics in the query pane to find the desired object more quickly. The search characteristics are used to search data in the work pane table and display only those entries that correspondent to the search characteristics.

The fields in detail:

  • Characteristics group – if required, you can enter an identification as a search characteristic for a characteristic group in this field
  • Description – in this field, you can enter a description as a search characteristic. The description serves as an additional identification and consists of freely selectable text. The same description can be entered multiple times. All entries that match the entered description are displayed.
When using special characters, please note that for technical reasons these are converted into the following placeholders in a search string:

  • Asterisk (*) to underscore (_)
  • Question mark (?) to percent sign (%)

Using the underscore character in the search function will search not only for the underscore, but also for any character. The percentage sign is evaluated in the same way, which then corresponds to none, one or more characters. The use of underscores and percent signs in character strings should therefore be avoided as far as possible, as other and more objects may be found than intended.

  • Deletion marker – you can search for objects with deletion markers as well as for objects without deletion markers. Choose from the following options:
    • Marked as deleted
    • Not marked for deletion

Work pane

The work pane contains a table in which you can enter item characteristic groups. If you have entered search characteristics in the query pane, not all existing item characteristic groups may be listed in the table.

The columns in detail:

  • Characteristic group – in this column, you can enter the identification of a characteristic group. The identification can consist of a freely selectable text and be six characters long. Once a new character group has been saved, the identification can no longer be changed.
  • Description – the description serves as an additional identifying feature. It can consist of a freely selectable text. Enter a meaningful and, if possible, unambiguous name to make it easier to find.
When using special characters, please note that for technical reasons these are converted into the following placeholders in a search string:

  • Asterisk (*) to underscore (_)
  • Question mark (?) to percent sign (%)

Using the underscore character in the search function will search not only for the underscore, but also for any character. The percentage sign is evaluated in the same way, which then corresponds to none, one or more characters. The use of underscores and percent signs in character strings should therefore be avoided as far as possible, as other and more objects may be found than intended.


No settings need to be defined for the Item characteristic groups application in the Customizing application.

Business Entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Item characteristic groups application, which you use, for example, to

  • Assign authorizations
  • Set up activity definitions
  • Import or export data

Item characteristic group:

The business entity belongs to the following business entity group:

Base master data:


Authorizations can be assigned both with the help of authorization roles and by assigning an organization. The authorization concept can be found in the technical article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Item characteristic groups application.

Organizational assignments

An organizational assignment is not required for the Item characteristic groups application.

Special features

There are no special features for the Item characteristic groups application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Item characteristic groups application is not released for business partners.

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