Items, Planning view

Topic overview

This document contains information regarding the Items application, Planning view. Detailed information regarding the other views can be found in document Items.

Work pane: Planning view

The Planning view is composed of the following tabs:

  • General
  • Inventory data
  • Statistics

Application Items, Planning view

Tab General

The following data displayed in the tab General is provided for information purposes only:

  • EAN (European Article Number)
  • Identifier category
  • Alternative item
  • Alias items

This data can be edited in the Base view.

Planning data can be edited in fields specified below:

  • Utilization status – in this selection field, you can specify the status of sales data utilization. Possible options include:
    • Released
    • Blocked.
  • Blocked until – if the item utilization status is Blocked, this field becomes active. Eventer in this field the date until which the item is to be considered blocked, that is it cannot be used in the planning process.

Planning data section

The following fields can be edited in this section:

  • Minimum inventory level – is included while determining the purchasing and production recommendations. The minimum inventory level is the quantity of an item that should be available in customer stock as inventory. It helps in covering any difference in the expected and actual inventory. Zero means that the minimum inventory level is ignored.
  • Maximum inventory level – the maximum inventory level is ignored in Material requirements planning. It is included while determining the purchasing requirements in the Calculate purchasing recommendations application Zero means that the maximum inventory level is ignored.
  • Safety inventory level – is included while determining the purchasing and production recommendations. The safety inventory level should be higher than the minimum inventory level. Such difference is necessary to cover the consumption during the replenishment lead time. Zero means that the safety inventory level is ignored.
  • Inventory capacity – the inventory capacity is used to fill the warehouse with this stock if the inventory is less than the safety inventory level. Zero means that the value is ignored.
  • Demand coverage – In this field, you can choose between production or external purchasing and internal purchasing (only in multi-site) values. The Production value is used as default for this field. If the item has purchasing data, the preferred demand coverage path can also be set to the external purchasing value. I In this case the purchasing recommendations are generated by the Planning In a multi-site, if you select internal purchasing, it results in the generation of (internal) distribution recommendations
The demand coverage attribute is default for Planning that determines either production or purchasing recommendations from it. If the item also has purchasing data besides production data, demand coverage of a calculated production quantity can also be changed to Purchasing in the Material requirements query application.
  • Coverage time – Enter a coverage time in work days in this field. Planning, in consideration of a coverage time, results in (see Production data grouping, Lot size procedure field) inclusion of all demands within this time span right from the beginning of planning period.
The coverage time entered is considered in the Material requirements planning similar to the way in the Calculate purchasing recommendations application. It is included there for determining the dynamic safety inventory level in the course of calculation purchasing recommendations.
The due date on which the inventory is less than safety inventory level in the Material requirements planning is the order date of purchasing recommendations.

Section Material Requirements Planning

Basic material requirements planning settings are made in this section.

  • Planning time fence – Enter planning time fence for material planning. Day is the automatic time unit. The planning time fence is the period in working days in which the Material requirements planning does not generate any purchasing or production recommendations. It means that the planned demand can be negative. Any demand recommendation is generated in the first planning period after the planning time fence is overshot. . The planning time fence is calculated after the first planning period.
  • Lot size procedure – the following options are available:
  • Demand – only the exact required quantity is considered. The lot size is ignored. Example:

Lot size = 200:

Target = 180 -> Actual = 180, Target = 234 -> Actual = 234

  • Exact lot size -the determined demand is always rounded off to a multiple of the lot size. Example:

Lot size = 200:

Target = 180 -> Actual = 200, Target = 234 -> Actual = 400

  • A lot size or higher demand – at least the lot size or its multiple is considered (but not rounded off to the multiple of the lot size). The rest is also considered in the required quantity. Example:

Lot size = 200:

Target = 180 -> Actual = 200, Target = 234 -> Actual = 234

  • Coverage time – all coverage time demands are considered. The entire demand is determined till the current demand due date for the coverage time period and is used as default as required quantity
  • Weekly lot – The lot size procedure Weekly lot defines a coverage time of a week. The planning operation always starts at the beginning of the week. The first planning recommendation is not generated automatically at the beginning of the planning horizon for a weekly lot, but on the first demand due date if the inventory is not less than the minimum inventory level.
  • Monthly lot – The lot size procedure. Monthly lot defines a coverage time of a month. The month always begins at the start of planning. The first planning recommendation is not generated automatically at the beginning of the planning horizon for a weekly lot, but on the first demand due date if the inventory is not less than the minimum inventory level.
  • Apply requirements planning data (check box) – If the checkbox Apply requirements planning data  has been activated, you can specify in this field  whether the planning data will be included for Planning. By default, this field cannot be edited.
  • Requirements planning – If the checkbox Apply requirements planning data  has been activated, you can specify in this field  whether the planning data will be included for planning process. You can choose between minimum and safety inventory level. It is also possible to choose both these values.
  • Planner – select an employee as the planner in this field. The selected person is an internal employee and assigned to the same company. The  planner is a selection criterion in Material requirements planning. The planner can be used to plan  only specific inventory items that are assigned to  this planner.
  • Demand coverage – kit item – this attribute determines the strategy according to  which demands of kit items are to be covered. If a given item is a kit item, then Item kit value appears in the demand coverage.

Purchasing data (external) section

Basic settings for generating the purchasing recommendations (external purchasing) are found in this section. . Purchasing lot size and replenishment lead  time can be further defined on the basis of the supplier.
Detailed description of fields:

  • External purchasing (check box) – if demand coverage is set to external purchase, this  checkbox must be activated. You can also activate this checkbox if the demand  coverage is set to production, for instance. The default is set according to the demand coverage set.
  • Supplier – Enter your main supplier for this item here. This  data is included while generating the purchasing  recommendations
  • Purchasing organization – in a multi-site environment, the purchasing organization is the organization responsible for external  purchasing. This field is not visible in a single-site environment.
  • Purchasing scheduler – the purchasing scheduler is the employee who will  be entered as the employee responsible while generating the purchasing recommendations
  • Purchasing lot size –in Material requirements planning, this lot size is  included while determining the purchasing recommendations The purchasing requirement is rounded off to at least the lot size or its multiple. The purchasing lot size can be overwritten in the Items application, in Suppliers view. If the lot size is entered according to supplier then the lot size entered here is ignored
  • Replenishment lead time – value expressed in calendar days. The replenishment lead time can be overwritten  once again in the item supplier data on the basis of  suppliers. It is used from there if a main supplier is  assigned to the item. If the replenishment lead time is dependent on the  warehouse (and planning revolves around the  warehouse), also then the replenishment lead time  entered here is ignored.
  • Supplier selection – With this field you can specify whether main or alternative supplier will be used for material requirements planning and in Calculate purchasing  recommendations applications.
  • Alternative supplier – If this field is filled and alternative supplier has  been set in supplier selection, this supplier is used  instead of the main supplier in Material requirements planning and Calculate purchasing recommendations”.

Purchasing data (internal) section

Purchasing data (internal) are used if the demand coverage is set to Purchasing  (internal) and you are in a multi-site environment with several sites. This section does not exist in a single-site environment.
Detailed description of fields:

  • Internal purchasing (check box) – if demand coverage is set to internal purchase, this  checkbox must be activated. You can also activate this checkbox if the demand  coverage is set to production, for instance. The default is set according to the demand coverage set.
  • Source site – Enter the site in which the purchase must be internal. This site must have the supplier role in its  partner master data
  • Purchasing organization – in a multi-site environment, the purchasing organization is the organization responsible for external  purchasing. It can be both the localization from which the order comes, as well as another purchasing organization. This site must have the supplier role in its  partner master data
  • Purchasing scheduler – The purchasing scheduler is the employee who will  be entered as the employee responsible while generating the distribution recommendations.
  • Purchasing lot size – in Material requirements planning, this lot size is  included while determining the distribution recommendations. The purchasing requirement is rounded off to at least the lot size or its multiple.
  • Replenishment lead time – value expressed in calendar days. The purchasing lot size can be overwritten in the Items application, in Suppliers view. Alternative internal purchasing recommendations  can be generated with other suppliers.

Production data section

The following fields can be edited in this section:

  • Apply production data (check box) – if demand coverage is set to production, this  checkbox must be activated.
  • Production scheduler – this is an internal employee with the partner role, assigned to the same organization. The employee is responsible for generating production recommendations.
  • Production lot sizethe base unit of the item is used automatically as a  unit. The production lot size also serves as default while  creating the production orders and generating product cost calculations if nothing else has been pre-set  or entered there.
  • Turnaround time – The turnaround time is used in material requirements  planning for production item with inventory less than  safety inventory level. The turnaround time is used for the  calculation of the receipt due date and demand due  date of the materials required in the course of the  secondary requirements calculation. The turnaround  time is considered only for the production items that have no routing in the production data.  If the turnaround time can be determined using a routing, the  turnaround time entered here is not used.

Statistical data section

Fields possible to fill-in:

  • Inclusion/exclusion – this field determines whether the item facts are taken across in the OLTP turnover statistics:
    • Inclusion – item data are accepted in the OLTP statistics
    • Exclusion – item data are not accepted in the OLTP statistics
    • From inheritance (default value):- The system uses  either the entry of the turnover statistics hierarchy  node placed directly over it or the relevant entry according to Customizing. If one of the values of the  node placed over it (if any) is inclusion or exclusion,  the search is ended. Otherwise, the default in Turnover statistics classification settings in Customizing  function Data warehouse and statistics, Turnover  statistics grouping is accessed.
  • Classification –Assign a hierarchy of the turnover statistics classification to the item in this field.

Inventory Data Tab

The Inventory data tab contains warehouse-specific Planning data for the  item in a table. . Planning data can be maintained separately for every warehouse. Override the data you have entered under General tab if you plan according to warehouse. If you have entered planning data in the supplier data of the item as well, it is  included on generation of purchasing recommendations if the item has been  assigned a main supplier.
For each warehouse, the following fields can be edited in this section:

  • Warehouse – Enter the warehouse for which the following planning data have been create
  • Minimum inventory level
  • Maximum inventory level
  • Safety inventory level
  • Inventory capacity
  • Coverage time
  • Purchasing lot size – this field is available only in a pure single-site environment
  • Replenishment lead time – This field is available only in a pure single-site environment

The default values of the above-mentioned files are taken from the tab General.

Detailed description of the fields can be found in <<Planning data section chapter>>.

Statistics tab

This tab displays turnover statistics for the opened item.

Available fields:

  • Level of consolidation – a selection is not possible in this field, the level of consolidation is fixed as default in Items
  • Period – this field cannot be edited. OLTP turnover statistics are displayed for a calendar year.
  • Value 1 – select one of the following values in this field:
  • Purchasing receipts
  • Production receipts
  • Distribution order receipts
  • Receiving and delivery report
  • All receipts
  • Sales issues
  • Production issues
  • Distribution issues
  • Other issues
  • All issues
  • Turnover rate
  • Range
  • Demand
  • All receipts except from distribution orders
  • All issues except from distribution orders
  • Year 1 – Enter in this field the reference year for displaying its corresponding purchasing item statistics.  Available options:
  • Current year
  • Previous year
  • Year before last
  • Value 2 – you can display another reference quantity at the same time in this field. This makes it easy to com- pare information such as the production receipts with the sales issues. You can choose between the same reference quantities as in the field Value 1.
  • Year 2 – You can display another reference year at the same time in this field. This facilitates information such as the growth in turnover rate in comparison with the previous year. You can choose between the same reference quantities as in the field “Year 1.

If you change the value in Year 2 field, select the Update button in the work pane to display values for the new reference year. The values can be found in the diagram, next to the table. You can select the type of diagram in the diagram header. The following options are available:

  • 3D bar chart
  • 2D bar chart


<<Items>> document provides information about the settings in Customizing for Item application for relevant views.

Business entities

Following business entities are relevant for the Items application, Planning view that you use for

  • assigning authorizations,
  • providing activity definitions or,
  • importing or exporting data.

Planning data

The business entities belong to the following business entity group:


Permissions can be added with the use of authorization roles, as well as by assigning organizations. The authorization concept is described in the document <<Authorizations>>.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for Items application, Planning view.

Organizational assignments

To ensure that a person can use the Items application, Planning view, the user must be assigned to an organization that is connected to at least one of the following organization structures:

  • Inventory management

Special features

The Multi-site and Single-site with Content-related Authorizations chapter in <<Items>> describes organization-related features. There are no special features in a pure single-site environment.

Authorizations for Business Partners

The Items application, Planning view is disabled for the business partners.

Application-related actions

The following application-based actions are available in the Items application, “Planning view:

  • Take over data for selected organization
  • Accept data processing for the selected organization

Accept data for the selected organization action

Accept data for the selected organization is available in the Items application. This action accepts the data for the selected organization. The data is accepted from the next higher organization in which the data can be edited. Data processing is not possible.

Accept data processing for the selected organization

Accept data processing for the selected organization is available in the Items application. This action accepts data processing for the selected organization. Data processing is possible for the selected organization.


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