JPK_V7M function

JPK_V7M function is available from the level of Customizing → button [Functions] → Financials → Financials – Poland → Polish Uniform Control File (JPK) → JPK_V7M. The configuration of the function is essential for using the functionality of creating JPK_V7M files.

The identification pane of the application contains:

  • Information regarding levels for which the function is relevant: Firm and OLTP client This parameter indicates for what system type a given function is dedicated and what types of organizations can use it, e.g., financial organizations (Firm) and OLTP client.
  • Parameter Use OLTP client data – specifies whether the settings for a given organization should be inherited from the OLTP client.
  • Parameter Active – indicates whether the function should be activated for a selected organization. Activated JPK_V7M function allows for handling JPK_V7M declaration on the basis of tax data collected within VAT registers. JPK_V7M declarations are generated from the level of the VAT register application, whereas JPK_V7M files are generated from the level of JPK_V7M declaration data application.

The configuration should be performed once withing a selected organization.

The data in the Customizing application can be completed withe use of additional application UPDAPV005992 Data update for customizing JPK_V7M function, which is activated from the level of Data updates query application. It creates required objects and completes the configuration function JPK_V7M with them.
View of the function JPK_V7M in Customizing

Tab Settings

The Settings tab in the Customizing application can be completed withe use of additional application UPDAPV005992 Data update for customizing JPK_V7M function, which is activated during the system installation or manually, from the level of Data updates query application.
The data in this tab can be edited.  [/alert]

Section JPK_V7M general settings

  • Number ranges – this field stores information about the number range with assigned JPK_V7M declaration type, created in Number ranges Created declarations automatically take numbers from the interval defined by a selected number range.
  • XSD location – reference to XSD file published by the Polish Ministry of Finance, with which generated files are compared
  • Web Service address – field used for specifying the address to which JPK_V7M files will be sent electronically. Production address is set by default (, if the user wants to send the file to the test address, it is necessary to change the address path before performing the test (
  • Public key certificate – in this field, public key certificate, saved in the kstore directory, is indicated. It is necessary to establish connection with Web Service. The certificate is shared by the Ministry of Finance.

Section Supported schema versions

JPK_V7M file structure can undergo changes. This section allows for defining schema version and specifying the location of the XSD file used for verifying generated JPK files. The application UPDAPV005592 Data update for customizing JPK_V7M function, activated from the level of Data updates query application, is used for automatic data update.

  • Schema version – version of the logical structure of the JPK_V7M file. The system supports two schema versions: 1 and 2 (scheme 2 is valid from the 1st of January 2022). When generating declaration, two versions indicated in the JPK_V7M function, in the Customizing application, are available.
  • XSD location – reference to XSD file published by the Polish Ministry of Finance, used for verifying the compliance between generated files and the valid scheme.

Section JPK_V7M file storage

  • Original file – default path to the location in kstore where are automatically saved:
    • Original JPK_V7M file, reflecting the JPK_V7M file sent from the system
    • File containing information about errors
    • Encrypted JPK_V7M file sent to the Ministry of Finance
    • Signed JPK_V7M file sent to the Ministry of Finance

The user can only preview the original JPK_V7M file and the file containing errors. To verify the correctness of sent data, the user should check the saved Original JPK_V7M file. The encrypted and signed files cannot be previewed because they are encrypted.

Section Document type

This section is filled-in by default and it can be edited. Available parameters regard technical carrier of the data defined in Document types application, which are necessary, e.g., for creating, analyzing and filtering documents.

  • Original file – type of document storing path to the original JPK_V7M file
  • Error file – type of document storing path to the file containing information regarding errors
  • Encrypted file – type of document storing path to the encrypted JPK_V7M file
  • Signed file – type of document storing path to the signed JPK_V7M file

Section Document reference type

This section is filled-in by default and it can be edited. Document reference types allow for associating JPK_V7M files with technical data carriers specified in the Document type section. Document reference types are defined in Document reference types application.

  • Original file –document  reference type for the original JPK_V7M file
  • Error file – document reference type for JPK_V7M file generated with errors
  • Encrypted file – document reference file for encrypted JPK_V7M file
  • Signed file – document reference type for signed JPK_V7M file

Section Official confirmation configuration (UPO)

Section regarding the official confirmation and technical data carrier storing data related to the official confirmation.

  • Number range – official confirmations created in the system will automatically take numbers from the interval specified by a selected number range of UPO type
  • Location – default path to the location in kstore where retrieved official confirmation will be saved
  • Document type – document type storing the path to the technical data carrier for the official confirmation
  • Document reference type – type of reference allowing for associating official confirmation with technical data carrier specified in the Document type field

Tab Information

Tab Information contains data regarding:

  • Application name
  • Development object
  • License key
  • User who made the last modification
  • Date of the last modification
Tab Information



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