Cockpit: Empty storage units

Topic overview

This document describes how the Cockpit: Empty storage units application is structured.

Definition of terms


A warehouse is a logically or physically defined area in which items are stored. If the storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, the warehouse can be further subdivided into warehouse zones and storage locations. The exact structure of the warehouse is defined by the warehouse organization.

Storage unit

Storage unit is a general term for the storage and packing materials used during storage, transport, and shipping of an item. Storage units are managed as items with material category Storage unit. If storage units are reusable, then they are categorized into containers or empties.

Warehouse zones

If storage location control is activated in the Customizing application, a warehouse can be subdivided into warehouse zones. A warehouse can have any number of warehouse zones.

Application description

You can use the Cockpit: Empty storage units application to query storage locations in which empty storage units are stored. You can output the results of the query as storage unit lists.

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Query pane

Query fields are stored in the query pane. As a rule, the most important query fields are already available. However, the number of query fields and their placement can vary.

The query pane is the same for all views of the work pane. You can determine which query fields are displayed.

The description of the query fields can usually be found in the direct help. Special query fields are listed below. If additional fields are added, you will find their description in the help article for the relevant application.

You can search for storage locations in the dockable Search window. In the search results, click on the desired storage location entry to transfer its data (warehouse, warehouse zone, row, level, location) to the query pane as query characteristicss.

Available fields:

Warehouse – enter the warehouse as a query characteristic in this field.

Warehouse zone – enter the warehouse zone as a query characteristic in this field.
If you do not enter a warehouse zone, the empty storage units are displayed in all warehouse zones of a warehouse.

Warehouse aisle – enter the warehouse aisle as a query characteristic in this field.

The restriction to one or more warehouse aisles only makes sense if warehouse aisles have also been entered for the warehouse zones to be queried. If there are no warehouse aisles, the restriction prevents a meaningful result.

Rows/Levels/Location – enter the row, level and location of a storage location as query characteristics. No input help is available for the Row, Level and Location fields. However, you can search for storage locations under the Search tab in the navigation area. Click on the desired storage location in the list of search results to transfer its data (warehouse, warehouse zone, row, level, location) to the query pane as query characteristics.

Storage unit – enter the storage unit as a query characteristic in this field.

Storage location priority – in this field, enter the storage location priority of the storage locations as a query characteristic.

Open processes – in this field, select whether there should be open processes in the searched storage location with empty storage unit and which ones. Selectable options are:

  • None
  • Put-aways
  • Withdrawals
  • Withdrawal and put-away

Work pane

A table is available in the work pane in which the requested empty storage unit is displayed. You can determine which information is displayed for an empty storage unit. To view an empty storage unit in different ways with different information, several views can be created.

Standard view

All the main table columns in this view are described below. If additional columns are added, you will find their description in the help article for the relevant application.

Inventory owner – this column shows the identification of the inventory owner. The inventories are displayed grouped by inventory owner.

Inventory owner name – the name of the inventory owner is displayed in this column.

Warehouse – the identification of the warehouse is displayed in this column. The inventories are displayed grouped by warehouse.

Warehouse description – the name of the warehouse is displayed in this column.

Warehouse zone – the identification of the warehouse zone is displayed in this column.

Warehouse zone utilization – the utilization of the warehouse zone is displayed in this column.

Storage location – this column shows the identification of the storage location.

Storage location priority – this column shows the priority of the storage location.

Storage unit – the number of the empty storage unit is displayed in this column.

Storage unit description – the name of the empty storage unit is displayed in this column.

Open processes – this column shows which open processes are available in the storage location.

Future fill-up level – this column shows the percentage of the storage location that will be full once the open processes have been completed.

Storage unit list – this column displays the storage unit list to which the empty storage unit is assigned.

Storage unit list status – this column displays the status of the storage unit list to which the empty storage unit is assigned. The following values are possible:

  • Storage unit list generated
  • Closing in progress

Storage unit lists line item number – the line item number of the empty storage unit in the storage unit list is displayed in this column.

Storage unit lists line item status – this column displays the status of the storage unit list item with the empty storage unit if the storage unit list has not yet been completed. Selectable values are:

  • Line item generated
  • Empty

Use this action to generate a storage unit list for the selected line items. The list only includes storage unit for which no storage unit list line item exists for the storage location and for whose storage location there are no open processes.


The following settings in the Storage location control function in the Customizing application are relevant for the Cockpit: Empty storage units application:

Storage unit list number range – to be able to generate a storage unit list, a storage unit list number range must be specified.

Business entities

The following business entity is relevant for the Cockpit: Empty storage units application, which you use, for example, to

  • assign authorizations
  • set up activity definitions or
  • import or export data

Inventory in storage location/slot or warehouse zone:

The business entities part of the following business entity group:

Warehouse voucher data:


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. The authorization concept is described in the article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Cockpit: Empty storage units application.

Organizational assignments

Organizational structures are used to specify which data can be viewed, used or edited. The Content-based authorizations function must be activated in the Customizing application for this purpose.

To ensure that a person can see the Cockpit: Empty storage units application, the user must be assigned to an organization in the partner master data that is connected to at least one of the following organization structures:

  • Inventory management

To ensure that a person can query the inventory data for a warehouse, one of the organizations assigned to them must be entered in the Authorizations table in the Warehouses application.

Further information on the Authorizations table and a comprehensive overview on content-related authorizations can be found in the article: Content-related authorizations.

Special features

There are no special features for the Cockpit: Empty storage units application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Cockpit: Empty storage units application is not released for business partners.

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