Object accounts

Chart of accounts w Comarch Financials Enterprise has a flat structure. The object accounts are defined within organizations and each organization has its own chart of accounts. The accounts do not depend on the accounting period. The Object accounts application is responsible for object accounts in Comarch Financials Enterprise. The application is available in Financial Accounting module. Standard buttons are available in the application.

Add object accounts

Object accounts can be added manually or imported with the use of Import data application. To add an object account manually, it is necessary to click on [New] button and fill–in available fields.

Identification pane

  • Object account – enter account number, its maximum length is 15 characters
  • Description – enter text describing the account Even though there are no limits related to the descriptions, it is recommended that each account has a unique and easy to remember description. It is possible to enter the description in several languages.

Tab General

In the tab General, bottom tabs are available:

  • General
  • Charging interests
  • Tax payment charge
  • Payment balance

Bottom General tab

In the bottom General tab, the following fields are available:

  • Account type – select appropriate category within which the newly created account will be classified. Depending on selected tab, the account can be used in specific applications, e.g., in Tax codes only accounts of Tax type can be used. Classification by account type performs control function in posting process.
  • Object account classification – this field can be used as selection and sorting criterion within reports.  Classification criteria can be freely defined in Classifications applications, these can be terms related to char accounts (assets, inventories).
  • Determine balances carried forward – define whether balances carried forward are to be determined for this account. The following options can be selected:
    • Deactivated – balances cannot be carried forward. Mandatory option for profit and loss accounts.
    • Automatically – balances are carried forward automatically
    • Manually – balances are carried forward manually
  • Open item handling – decides whether it is possible to generate an open item when posting an operation on the account. The open item handling is possible only for the following account types: Default, Financial account, Money in circulation account, Costs or one of the following options can be selected:
    • Disabled – open item is not generated
    • Generally open item usage – open item is generated regardless of the posting side
    • Debit open items as a rule – open item is generated when posting on the debit side
    • Credit open items as a rule – open item is generated when posting on the credit side
    • Open item recording without checks
  • Tax control –  allows for specifying whether the tax can be posted on the account and defining the conditions which must be fulfilled by the posted tax.
  • Tax code – if in the Tax control field, option Strictly tax code as defined in the account, it this field, it is necessary to specify the tax code which will be required when posting on a given account.
  • Posting limitation – here, it is possible to decide, whether postings on account should be limited or completely blocked. The following options can be selected:
    • Disabled – there are no limitations
    • Blocked for dialog posting – it will be not possible to use the account during the manual addition of items in Posting financial accounting application
    • Blocked for batch posting – it will be not possible to use the account for posting trade document with the use of the batch application
    • Generally blocked – the possibility of posting on the account will be blocked
  • Posting text mandatory – the parameter specifies whether the posting description should be mandatory for postings on that account
  • Due days – if the account is an open items account, in this field, it is possible to enter the number of days considered, by the default, as the number of days being the dye date for open items on this posting account
  • Obligation handling – the parameter indicates whether the account can be used for handling means of payment. The parameter can be activated for the following account types only: Money in circulation account and Default

Currency section

  • Currency – if no currency is indicated, on the account, it will be possible to create postings in each currency, however postings in foreign currencies will be also converted to the system currency. If there is a currency selected in the field, on the account, it will be possible to create postings in that currency only. The currency can be changed until items are added to the account.
  • Revaluation automatically – this parameter indicates whether the account should be included in currencies revaluation
  • Include parallel currencies in revaluations – this parameter indicates whether the account should be included in revaluation of parallel currencies

Asset accounting section

  • Transfer to asset accounting – this parameter indicates whether postings on the account will be automatically transferred to the asset accounting.
  • Posting type of asset accounting – if the parameter Transfer to asset accounting is activated, in this field, it is possible to define the method of posting assets. The following options can be selected:
    • Acquisition costs
    • Rearing cost
    • Sales revenue

Time based controls section

  • Enable posting from – in this field, it is possible to define the beginning of the period in which it will be possible to create posting entries on a given account
  • Disable posting after – in this field, it is possible to define the end of the period in which it will be possible to create posting entries on a given account

Classifications section

Classifications section contains fields thanks to which it is possible to assign classifications defined in Classifications application to an account. The classifications are used for grouping items and can be useful, e.g., when creating accounting statements or as selection and searching criteria in statements.

Usage controls section

  • Usable in asset accounting  – this parameter indicates whether the account can be used for posting assets
  • Usable in ERP  – the parameter determines whether the account should be created in application Accounts and used in ERP.
  • Account number  – number and description of the account created in ERP

Bottom tab Interest calculation

Bottom tab Interest calculation allows for specifying parameters related to debt collection.

  • Interest profile  – code of an existing interest profile. The interest profile contains information regarding calculation of late payment interest and interests on balances. It is not necessary to specify the interest profile, if the default interest profile is supposed to be used for a given posting account.
  • Interest calculation admitted – this parameter indicates whether the account will be included in interest calculation
  • Last default interest date – this field displays the date of the last interest calculation run for this object account’s interest on arrears
  • Last default interest proposal number – this field displays the proposal number of the last interest calculation run for this object account’s interest on arrears
  • Last balance interest period from – this field displays the period from which the balance interest for this account has last been calculated
  • Last balance interest period until – this field displays the period until which the balance interest for this account has last been calculated
  • Last balance interest proposal number – this field displays the proposal number of the interest run used for the last balance interest calculation for this account

Bottom tab Tax payment charge

In Tax payment charge bottom tab, it is possible to specify parameters for an account of Tax type.

  • Is payment charge account – this parameter defines whether the account is a tax payable account. This parameter can be activated only for accounts of Default, Costs or Sales.
  • Tax payment charge due at day – in this field, enter the day when the tax payable is due. This field is available after activating the Is payment charge account field.
  • After number of months – enter here the number of months after which the tax payable becomes due
    For example: “0” means in the same month, “1” in the following month, and “2” after two months, etc.  This field is available after activating the Is payment charge account field.
  • Tax payment charge account – The unique code of the tax payable account is to be specified in this field.

Bottom tab Payment balance

Parameters available in Payment balance bottom tab are valid for the German market.

  • Service code required – in this field, you can specify whether a service code is required for postings with this object account. The following options can be selected:
    • Yes
    • Alternatively
    • No
  • Service code – enter in this field the code which is supposed to be used as default for postings with the use of this account
  • Trade country – enter in this field the country which is supposed to be used as default for postings with the use of this account
  • Trade flow – enter in this field the trade flow which is supposed to be assigned to postings with the use of this code

Bottom tab Payment balance

Cost payment assignment tab

Cost payment assignment tab can be used for purposed related to controlling. After clicking on the [Add] button, it is possible to assign cost type:

  • Cost class – here, you can specify cost class
  • Cost type – this field is used for defining cost type for object account, if for analysis purposes a different allocation than the allocation automatically assigned to the account, is required
  • Standard – this parameter specifies whether a given cost type is defined as standard cost type for postings created with the use of this account. Only one cost type can be defined as standard.

Texts tab

In Texts tab, you can enter additional information regarding object accounts. After clicking on the [Add] button, the following columns related to new text, become available:

  • Number – enter here the number with which the text will be saved
  • Text group – assign the newly created text to a group
  • Auto display – here, you can specify whether the text will be automatically displayed when calling up the record
    • Do not display
    • Always display
  • Message type – here you can specify the type of the created text
    • Information
    • Warning
  • Text – this field allows for adding the text itself

Other fields tab

Other fields tab is used for defining fields added in case it is necessary to enter additional information. Entered values are connected with currently displayed account


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