
Topic overview

This article describes the Occupations application, in which it is possible to specify professional areas of work for employees in a company such as manager, supervisor or worker. Occupations are for information purposes and do not have any functional significance.

The employees of a company are created as partners, just like customers and suppliers. Employees can then be assigned various partner roles. They can have the role of employee, and if they purchase goods, they can also have a customer role.

More information about the Partners application can be found in the article Partners.

No settings are to be specified for the Occupations application in the Customizing application.

 Application description

The application consists of a query pane and a work pane.

Occupations application

Query pane

In the query pane, you can enter search criteria and finally find the corresponding occupation through the action [Refresh]. The search results are displayed in the work pane.

Available search criteria:

  • Occupation – identification of a given occupation
  • Description – additional description associated with the entered identification
  • Deletion marker – displays the entries marked for deletion (option: Marked as deleted), currently used (option: Not marked for deletion) or all (option: All)

Work pane

In the work pane you can enter new occupations and edit existing ones. The data for occupations can be edited in the relevant lines.

Available columns:

  • Occupation – identification of a given occupation
  • Description – additional distinguishing characteristic consisting of user-defined text


Authorizations can be assigned by means of authorization roles as well as by assigning an organization. Detailed description of the authorization concept can be found in the article Authorizations.

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