Organization of fields

General field properties

There are different types of fields in the system that allow the user to enter, display, and edit data.

The user can only see those fields for which they have the required authorizations .

Field authorizations may be managed:

  • by pressing [Shift] + [F1]. Next, hover the cursor over a given field and hold [Alt] to open the window Technical properties for field “Field name”.
  • in the design mode

To switch to the design mode, expand the list under the [Select and organize views] button and select [Design mode].

After that, the wrench symbol:  will appear next to the application name, indicating that the application is open in the design mode.

To manage a given field, hover the cursor over it → select it with the right mouse button → select Properties → open the Authorizations tab.

Managing visibility of application fields

Next, select the  button and choose an authorization role assigned to the user or user group for which authorizations/restrictions are to be defined.

By default, all fields are visible for all authorization roles.

After selecting a role, it is necessary to define:

  • if a given field is to be visible; available options include:
    • Visible – the field will be available in a given application
    • Not visible – the field will not be available
  • if a given field is to be active; available options include:
    • Active – the field will be active; the possibility to edit it is managed with the Editable parameter
    • Disabled – the field will be grayed-out
  • if a given field is to be editable; available options include:
    • Editable – the user will be able to edit the field
    • Not editable – the user will not be able to make changes to the field
The system first validates the visibility of a given field, then its activity, and then its editability. If a field is not active, it cannot be edited, even if the Editable option has been selected.

Field types

Depending on the application and authorizations granted, fields may have different types (colors).

All fields with a white background can be filled in, which means that the user can enter or edit data in such fields.

Editable field

Fields in which the mouse cursor is currently positioned are marked with a yellow background.

Field with active cursor

If a field’s value is grayed-out, the field is non-editable and  . This may be due to missing authorizations or a specific configuration.

The user is authorized to preview delivery partners, but cannot change them.
Non-editable field

In turn, if a field is completely grayed-out, the user cannot enter, edit, and preview data in the field. For the field to become editable, necessary conditions need to be met. In order to enable entering a date in the Valid from field, it is necessary to create a new version of an item, selecting the option [New] → [New version] in the Items application.

Inactive Valid from field

Entering data in fields

Data may be entered in different ways, depending on the available options:

  • directly in a field using the keyboard
  • selecting the [Value assistant] button in the bottom right corner, opening an appropriate dialog window:
Search dialog window
The option is only available for fields for which objects are defined in the system.
  • selecting the button next to the name of a given field. The button opens a dialog window with fields to be filled in.
Editable dialog window in Partners application
The option is only available for fields for which multiple values can be entered.

If a field is required, it is marked with a gray triangle symbol.

Required field

However, if a validation is performed with the use of the [Validate] button or if the user tries to save changes in an application without completing required fields, the triangle symbol’s color changes from gray to red.

Required field after selecting [Save] button
In order to quickly identify required fields, appropriate application tabs are also marked with the gray triangle symbol.

Required tabs and fields in Sales orders application

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