Output inventory with expired shelf lives

Topic overview

The Output inventory with expired shelf lives application is used to provide an overview of the inventories of batch items whose shelf live has passed a certain point in time.

This article informs you in particular about the parameters of the application with which you define what the report document to be output contains. You will also find information about the output result. The possible output settings in this application correspond to the setting options in the dialog window for any output. You will find a description of the possible output settings in the Operating guidelines.

The procedures for using the application can be found in the Procedures: Output report documents article.

Definitions of terms

An identifier enables the identification of specific items or item variants. As identifiers, batch, lot, and serial number are supported.

Inventory owner
The inventory owner is the legal possessor of the specified warehouse inventory. For each storage location, the inventory owner can be specified. The inventory owner is used for many inventory management processes, for example, inventory counts and inventory valuation.

A batch is one of the possible identifiers for an item. Batch management means that part of the inventory of an item is identifiable with a batch number. An expiration date is always assigned to a batch. Warehouse inventory management is carried out at item and batch level.

Expiration date
The expiration date is the date up to which the usability of a batch is guaranteed. After the expiration date, the lot is not considered for withdrawal. The expiration date of a batch must be specified.

Report document
A voucher document or report document is generated when a report is output to an output device, such as a printer or to a file. The report document contains a list of objects, e.g., a list of addresses. A voucher document always concerns one object—a sales order, for example. The documents may be archived or forwarded to a partner, for example, as a fax or by e-mail.

Application description

The Output inventory with expired shelf lives application is used to provide an overview of the inventories of batch items whose shelf live has passed a certain point in time.

You must enter the effective date and optionally one or more inventory items, warehouses, inventory owner and quality status as search criteria. The batches determined can be grouped according to the following fields:

  • Inventory owner
  • Warehouses
  • Item

Parameters section

Use the parameters to define the search criteria and, as a result, the output result. Parameters are therefore used for data set selection.

The parameters available in the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application are explained below:

Report title – this parameter contains the title of the report document. The default value is usually the name of the underlying report. The title can be defined individually. Enter the desired title or change the default value.

QA status – enter the quality status as a search criterion for the inventories. The quality status is made up of the less favorable quality status of the batch and the warehouse zone. If, for example, a released batch is in a blocked warehouse zone, the inventory is also blocked. Possible quality statuses are:

  • Released
  • In quarantine
  • Bocked
  • Special inventory

Effective date – it is the reference date for exceeding the expiration date. If the expiration date is less than the reference date, the batch is taken into account. If the expiration date is equal to or later than the reference date, the batch is not taken into account.

Item – if desired, enter the identification of one or more items as a search criterion for the item.

Warehouse – if desired, enter the identification of one or more warehouses as a search criterion for the warehouse.

Grouping – use this field to control whether the report is grouped by item or warehouse. Possible groupings are:

  • Warehouse – the report is grouped by inventory owner, warehouse, and item.
  • Item – the report is grouped by inventory owner, item, and warehouse.

Inventory owner – if required, enter the identification of one or more partners as a search criterion for the inventory owner.

Output result

A table row is output for each batch item for which inventory is available. The data is grouped by item and warehouse and output on a new page for each inventory owner. If cross-owner inventory is available, this is output at the beginning of the report document.

A table row contains the following columns:

Warehouse/item/identifier – the identification and description of the warehouse and the item and, if applicable, the identifier are output.

Reserved – the reserved quantity of the batch inventory at the corresponding warehouse is displayed.
In the case of cross-owner inventory, it is made up of the sum of the reserved quantities of the specific inventory owner and the reserved quantity of the group of inventory owners.

Inventory – the inventory quantity of the batch determined using the selection parameters is output.

BBD – the expiration date of the batch is displayed.

Expired since – the number of days between the expiration date of the batch and the effective date is displayed.

QA status – quality status of the inventory of the batch item is output.


No settings need to be defined in the Customizing application for the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application.


The following report is relevant for the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application:

Inventories: com.cisag.app.inventory.rpt.BatchExpirationReport


Authorizations can be assigned both with the help of authorization roles and by assigning an organization. The authorization concept can be found in the technical article Authorizations.

Special capabilities

There are no special capabilities for the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application.

Organization assignments

For a person to be able to use the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application, they must be assigned an organization in the partner master data that is integrated into at least one of the following organizational structures:

  • Inventory management

Special features

There are no special features for the Output inventory with expired shelf lives application.

Authorizations for business partners

The Output inventory with expired shelf lives application is not released for business partners.

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