Procedures: Assortment lists

This document describes the procedures for handling the Assortment lists application. The procedures contain instruction steps, such as how to enter or edit an assortment list, and describe the effects of these actions.

For the description of individual fields in the Assortment lists application, refer to the Assortment lists article.

Create an assortment list

  1. Open the Assortment lists application
Only the sales items of the selected organization can be entered on an assortment list. Assortment lists always refer to the organization.
  1. Log in to the organization for which the assortment list is to be created
  2. Click the [New] button in the standard toolbar
  3. Enter the list’s identification in the Assortment list field
  4. Define the validity period of the new assortment list in the Validity period field
  5. Enter the assortment list’s description in the Description field
  6. In the work pane, enter the sales items of the selected organization to be included or excluded from the list. To add an item to the assortment list, select the [Add] or [Find and add item] button.
  7. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to save the items added to the assortment list
To make it possible to use an assortment list, it must be added to an assortment listing in the Assortment listings application. A given assortment listing must then be assigned to an appropriate customer.

For customers with an assigned assortment listing, only the items that are included in this assortment listing can be assigned on a sales order.

Assigning an assortment list to an assortment listing is required to update changes to the assortment list and listing. The process is described in the chapter Changes to assortment lists and listings.

Open and edit an assortment list

An assortment list’s description and other data can be changed even if the list is already in use.

  1. Open the Assortment lists application
  2. Use a given assortment list’s identification to find the list. If necessary, use the value assistant.
  3. Click the [Refresh] button in the standard toolbar. The application will display the assortment list according to the criteria entered.
  4. Select the field to be edited and change data
Assortment list data is editable before they are saved for the first time. If an item or assortment classification has already been assigned, a given assortment list’s validity period can be extended, but it cannot be shortened.
  1. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar

Delete an assortment list

An assortment list to be deleted cannot be used in the system.

  1. Open the Assortment lists application
  2. Open the assortment list to be deleted
  3. Click [Delete] in the standard toolbar
  4. Confirm the deletion by selecting the [Yes] button
  5. The assortment list will be deleted

Create an assortment list

Assortment list components are either sales items or assortment classifications.
  1. Open the Assortment lists application
  2. Open an assortment list for which assortment list components are to be created
  3. Open the view in which assortment list components are to be created. Available views include Item and Assortment classification.
  4. Click the [Add] button in the standard toolbar of the work pane. In the Item view, it is also possible to use the [Find and add item] button to select one or more items and add them to the table.
  5. Enter item identification and specify its inclusion/exclusion settings; if necessary, specify its validity period
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar
If a reference item is added to an assortment list, associated variant items are also added. A line item with a reference item added may be changed to another variant item.

Edit an assortment list component

Assortment list components are either sales items or assortment classifications.
  1. Open the Assortment lists application
  2. Open an assortment list whose components are to be edited
  3. Open the view in which assortment list components are to be edited
  4. Change the data of the assortment list components in the work pane
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar

Delete an assortment list component

Assortment list components are either sales items or assortment classifications.
  1. Open the Assortment lists application
  2. Open an assortment list whose component is to be deleted
  3. Open the view in which the assortment list component is to be deleted
  4. Select the assortment list component to be deleted
  5. Click the [Set/remove deletion marker] button in the standard toolbar of the work pane. The selected line item will be marked for deletion.
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

The assignment of the assortment list component will be deleted and the selected table line item will no longer be displayed.

Changes to assortment lists and listings

In order for the system to load changes to assortment lists and listings, they need to be processed by a batch job. The process may be initiated and completed individually. It allows the user e.g. to complete changes to an assortment list first, and then to run batch jobs, thus reducing the processing utilization.

The process may be initiated for each OLTP database individually on the application server to which a processing queue is assigned. The process cannot be initiated multiple times for the same OLTP database. The batch application Update assortments may be used to handle the process.

  1. Open the batch application Update assortments
  2. Enter a processing queue on the Background settings tab
  3. Click the [In background] button
  4. The process will be initiated and changes to assortment lists and listings will be processed

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