Procedures: Calculation schemas

In the Calculation schemas application, you can create calculation schemas used for product calculations and trade cost calculations generated in the system. Cost calculations are used to calculate item prices and their manufacturing costs. This article describes the procedures for handling the Calculation schemas application.

For a detailed description of the Calculation schemas application, refer to article Calculation schemas.

How to create a new calculation schema

To create a new calculation schema, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Calculation schemas application
  2. Select the [New] button to add a new calculation schema.
    The Category, Decimal places for values, and Cost unit rate usage fields are prepopulated with defaults.
  3. In the Calculation schema field, enter an identification for the new calculation schema
  4. In the Description field, enter a name for the new calculation schema
  5. Select a calculation schema in the Category field. Specific fields are available in the application, depending on the selected category.
  6. Complete the data in Update valuation prices according to line items, Control parameters for updating prices and Calculation kit item and components groupings, depending on the selected category
  7. Define the calculation formulae in the line item editor:
    1. Enter a calculation line number in the Line item field
    2. Enter a calculation step description in the Description field
    3. Select a unit category for the calculation formula in the Unit category field
    4. If the formula must not be presented in the calculation – select No display parameter
    5. Define a calculation formula in the Calculation formula field. For a detailed description of formulae and functions, refer to article Calculation schemas → Calculation formulae.
    6. Add a formula to the table with the [Accept current line item] button
  8. Save the calculation schema with the [Save] button
  9. In order to use the created calculation schema, change its status to Release using the button [Select action] → [Release]

How to delete a calculation schema

Calculation schemas can only be deleted if they are not being used for calculations in the Calculations application or Trade cost calculations application any more.
  1. Open the Calculation schemas application
  2. Display the calculation schema you want to delete
  3. Select the [Delete] button in the standard toolbar

How to define calculation formulae for a calculation schema

  1. Open the Calculation schemas application
  2. In the Calculation schema field, select a calculation schema to which calculation formulae will be added
  3. Define the calculation formulae in the line item editor:
    1. Enter a calculation line number in the Line item field
    2. Enter a calculation step description in the Description field
    3. Select a unit category for the calculation formula in the Unit category field
    4. If the formula must not be presented in the calculation – select No display parameter
    5. Define a calculation formula in the Calculation formula field. For a detailed description of formulae and functions, refer to article Calculation schemas → Calculation formulae.
  4. Add the formula to the table with the [Accept current line item] button.

Examples of calculation schemas

Product cost calculation

  • Line 10: Material costs must be determined
    Define a formula including cost types  (such as 1000, 2000, 3000) assigned to an account through cost assignment and to an item in the Items application under Financials view.
    Syntax: ALL.1000 + ALL.2000 + ALL.3000
  • Line 20 Variable operating costs for a selected item must be determined
    Define a formula including cost types (such as 1100, 2200, 3300) assigned to cost unit rates through a cost center defined for resources.
    Syntax: WORK_VAR.1100 + WORK_VAR.2200 + WORK_VAR.3300
  • Line 30: Sum of material costs and operating costs must be determined
    Define a formula summing up lines 10 and 20.
    Syntax: ID.10 + ID.20

Calculation of sales price for price list update, trade cost calculation

The formulae defined are to specify a sales price and value according to the sales price list.

  • Line 30: ID.10 * 2
  • Line 50: ID.20 * ID.25 / ID.15
  • Line 60: ROUND (ID.30, 0)
For a detailed description of these formulae and functions, refer to article Calculation schemas.

Calculation of purchase price for the component of a configurable item, trade cost calculation

  • Line 10: Purchase price
  • Line 20: Purchase price dimension
  • Line 30: percentage of purchase costs according to item settings (% value)
  • Line 40: Calculation including purchase costs
    ID.10 + ID.10 * ID.40 / 100
  • Line 50: Unit price rounding
    ROUND(ID.50 / ID.20, 2)
    Line 50 is the result of the constituent price. Enter this line number into the Calculation price field under Calculation kit item and components grouping in order to update the price list.

Calculation of configurable item price on the basis of price components

In order to calculate a configurable item on the basis of price components, complete the fields Calculation type purchasing item and Calculation type production item under Calculation kit item and components grouping. These fields become available when you set the Category field to Trade cost calculation Sales item and the Valuation price field to Calculation of kit components.

  • Line 10: Calculation of component costs (total price)
  • Line 20: Calculation of minimum margin according to item settings (value %)
  • Line 30: Price including margin:
    ID.10 + ID.10 * ID.20 / 100
  • Line 40: Purchase cost according to item settings (value %)
  • Line 50: Purchase price
    ID.30 + ID.30 * ID.40 / 100
  • Line 60: Discount (% of unit rate 1) according to customer’s payment terms
  • Line 70: Calculation including cash discount
    ID.50 + ID.50 * ID.60 / 100
  • Line 80: Sales unit price rounding
    ROUND(ID.70, 2)
  • Line 90: Calculation quantity
  • Line 100: Total amount for calculation quantity
    ROUND(ID.80 * ID.90, 2)
  • Line 110: Result of component calculation for calculation quantity

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