Topic overview
This article describes the procedures for handling the Debtor credits application. The procedures contain instruction steps, e.g. how to enter or edit an accounts receivable credit. You will also be informed about possible prerequisites and effects.
The description of the Debtor credits application, which also contains field and action descriptions, can be found in the Debtor credits article.
Standard actions
The procedures for using Debtor credits correspond to general procedures for voucher applications, which you can find in the article Procedures: Orders.
Application-related actions
Generate and issue down payment confirmation
This action is used to generate and output the down payment confirmation document for a customer credit of the type Down payment. The Output date setting and Output date parameters are available in the dialog box for executing this action. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Down payment has both the status Released and the status Not issued.
- The document is saved and released.
- Down payment is set for Down payment.
- The document has not yet been generated and issued.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the debtor credit for which you want to generate and issue a down payment confirmation.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Generate and issue down payment confirmation….
- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the setting for the output date and the output date under the Parameters tab.
- If necessary, change the background and output settings.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system generates the down payment confirmation document with a delay or immediately and outputs it on the determined or specified output medium and with the format according to the stored or selected document template.
Issue down payment confirmation copy…
This action is used to issue a down payment confirmation copy for a customer credit of the type Down payment for which the document Down payment confirmation has already been created and issued. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Down payment has the status Issued.
- The document is saved and released.
- Down payment type is set to Down payment.
- The document has already been generated and issued.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the customer credit for which you want to issue a copy of the down payment confirmation.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Issue down payment confirmation copy….
- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the background and output settings.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system generates a delayed or immediate copy of the Down payment confirmation document and outputs it on the determined or specified output medium and with the format according to the stored or selected document template.
Generate and issue credit confirmation…
This action is used to generate and output the Credit confirmation document for a customer credit of the type Other. The Output date setting and Output date parameters are available in the dialog box for executing this action. This action is only offered to you if the customer credit of the type Other has both the status Released and the status Not issued.
- The document is saved and released.
- The Credit type is set to Other.
- The document has not yet been generated and issued.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the customer credit for which you want to generate and issue a credit confirmation.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Generate and issue credit confirmation….
- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the setting for the output date and the output date under the Parameters tab.
- If necessary, change the background and output settings.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system generates the Credit confirmation document with a delay or immediately and outputs it on the determined or specified output medium and with the format according to the stored or selected document template.
Issue credit confirmation copy…
This action is used to issue a credit confirmation copy for a customer credit of the type Other for which the document Credit confirmation has already been created and issued. This action is only offered if the customer credit of the type Other has the status Issued.
- The document is saved and released.
- The Credit type is set to Other.
- The document has already been generated and issued.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the customer credit for which you want to issue a copy of the credit confirmation.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Issue credit confirmation copy….
- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the background and output settings.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system generates a delayed or immediate copy of the Credit confirmation voucher document and outputs it on the determined or specified output medium and in the format according to the stored or selected voucher document template.
Reserve automatically…
The Reserve automatically… action can be used to automatically create reservations for a customer credit that has the status In process or Released and for which no reservations exist yet. The prerequisite is that a sales order or item is referenced that was generated either on the basis of a down payment request or a cash document. The full customer credit amount is reserved for this.
- The document is saved and has the status In process or Released.
- There are no reservations for the accounts receivable balance.
- The document references a sales order or item that was generated on the basis of a down payment request or a cash register receipt.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the customer credit for which you want to automatically generate reservations.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Automatisch reservieren….
- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the Confirm warnings automatically setting under the Parameters tab.
- Change the background settings if necessary.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system generates the reservations for the customer credit with a delay or immediately.
Reduce unallocated credit reservations…
- You can use the Reduce unallocated credit reservations… action to reduce reserved credit that has not been allocated. The system checks in advance whether the assigned document, e.g. a sales order, has the status Completed. Only in this case is the following executed:
- The reserved credit balance will be reduced to the allocated credit balance if it is higher.
- The reserved credit balance is reduced to zero if nothing has been allocated.
If the Delete credit reservations function is also activated, a credit reservation is deleted under the following conditions:
- The reserved credit balance was reduced to zero or was already zero.
- The reserved credit balance has neither allocations nor cancellations of allocations.
- The document is saved and has the status In process or Released.
- Reservations exist for the accounts receivable balance.
- The assigned document (e.g. a sales order) has the status Completed.
- Open the application Debtor credits.
- Open the customer credit balance for which you want to reduce credit reservations.
- In the standard toolbar under the Actions button, select the action Reduce unallocated credit reservations
….- A dialog box opens.
- If necessary, change the setting for the Delete credit reservations.
- If necessary, change the background and output settings.
- Press one of the buttons to execute the action.
- The system reduces the unallocated credit reservations with a delay or immediately.