Procedures: Generate storage locations

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for using the Generate storage locations application. The procedures contain instructions on how to create storage locations. You will also be informed about possible preconditions and effects.

The description of the Generate storage locations application, which also contains field and action descriptions, can be found in the article Generate storage locations.

Generate storage locations

  • The Storage location control function is activated in the Customizing application.
  • The warehouse organization of the warehouse zone to be specified allows the use of storage locations.
  1. Open the Generate storage locations application
  2. In the Warehouse field, enter the identification of the warehouse in which the warehouse zone for which you want to create the storage locations is located.
  3. In the Warehouse zone field, enter the identification of the warehouse zone for which you want to create the storage locations.
When assigning identifications, please note that a storage location in row 1 and a storage location in row 01 are not identical, for example, but are two different storage locations.
  1. Enter the start and end values for the rows in which storage locations are to be created in the field for Row from/to under the Identifications and generation areas section, depending on the displayed warehouse organization of the warehouse zone. A row identification can have a maximum of three digits. Leading zeros can be added by the system if required. Please refer to the next instruction step.
  2. Select for the row identifications in the Fill row identification with zeros field whether the identifications should be filled with leading zeros and, if necessary, how many. A series identification can have a maximum of three digits.
  3. In the Identifications and generation areas section, enter the start and end values for the levels in which storage locations are to be created in the Level from/to field, depending on the warehouse organization of the warehouse zone displayed. A level identification can have a maximum of two digits. Leading zeros can be added by the system if required. Please refer to the next instruction step.
  4. Select for the level identifications in the Fill level identification with zeros field whether the identifications are to be filled with leading zeros and, if necessary, how many. A level identification can have a maximum of two digits.
  5. Enter the start and end values for the locations to be created in the field for Location from/to under the Identifications and generation areas section. A location identification can have a maximum of five digits. Leading zeros can be added by the system if required. Please refer to the next instruction step.
  6. Select for the location identifications in the Fill location identification with zeros field whether the identifications are to be filled with leading zeros and, if necessary, how many. A storage location identification can have a maximum of five digits.
  7. Enter the storage location type for the storage locations to be created in the Type field under the Storage location settings section. Make sure that the storage location category of the storage location type matches the use of the warehouse zone. For example, if the Picking usage is selected for the warehouse zone, you can only create storage locations of the Picking location without storage unit storage location type.
  8. Activate the Usable function if the storage locations to be created are to be usable. Otherwise, deactivate the function.
  9. If the Multiple inventory owners function is activated in your system in the Customizing application, you can set the following:
  • In the Inventory owner origin field, select where the inventory owner for the storage locations to be created is to be determined from. Selectable options:
    • As per storage location data
    • As per warehouse zone data
    • Dynamic
  • In the case of As per storage location data, also enter the partner identification of the desired inventory owner in the Owner of inventory field.
  1. In the Priority origin field, select where the storage location priority for the storage locations to be created is to be determined from. Selectable options:
  • As per storage location type
  • As per storage location data
  1. If you have selected the Storage location entry for the priority origin, enter a letter or a number for the priority of the storage locations to be created in the Priority field.
  2. Select the [Generate storage locations] button in the standard toolbar
  • The Generate storage locations dialog box opens
  1. Execute the action either in the background or immediately
  • Storage loactions are created without gaps from the settings entered for row, level and location identifications. Existing storage locations are not changed. If a problem occurred during the generation of the storage locations, the storage locations were only partially generated. A message provides information on the number of storage locations generated.
The storage locations generated are transferred to the inventory management server and can be used after a minimal time delay.

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