Procedures: Master data replication

Topic overview

This documentation describes the procedures for using the Master data repli- cation application. The procedures contain instructions on how to enter and edit configuration data for the replication of master data. You will also be in- formed about possible prerequisites and effects.

The description of the application, which also contains field, button and action descriptions, can be found in the documentation Master Data Replication.

Edit a configuration

  1. Open the Master data replication
  2. Use the [New] button in the standard toolbar to select the [New] action.
  • The Create new configuration dialog window opens.
  1. Enter the maintaining organization from which the master data is to be rep- licated or select this using the input help.
  2. Enter the dependent organization in which the master data of the maintain- ing organization is to be replicated or select this using the input help.
  3. In the Data object field, select one or more data objects to replicate.
  4. In the Type of replication field, select the replication behavior for the data objects to replicate.
  5. If applicable, check the Deletion allowed field if you want replicated re- cords to be deleted in the dependent organization.
  6. Confirm your details by clicking the [OK] button.
  • A new row with the recorded configuration is added to the Data object configuration table.

8. Press the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

  • The new configuration is saved.

Duplicate a configuration

You can duplicate a new configuration from an existing configuration. This is only possible if the display of the data object configuration is restricted to a de- pendent organization.

  1. Open the Master data replication application.
  2. In the query area of the application, specify the dependent organization to be duplicated as a search property to limit the display to this organization.
  3. On the standard toolbar, press [Update].
  4. Use the [New] button in the standard toolbar to select the [Duplicate] action.
  • The Duplicate configuration dialog window opens. The maintaining organi- zation and the organization to be duplicated are displayed for information. The Maintaining organization field is pre-assigned the organization to which the dependent organization should be duplicated is assigned.
  1. In the Dependent organization field, enter one or more dependent organi- zations in which the data object configuration should be duplicated or select them using the input help.
  2. In the Data object field, select one or more data objects to be duplicated.
  3. Confirm your details by clicking the [OK] button.
  • All configuration data of the existing dependent organization are trans- This includes both the selection of the data objects and the configu- ration for the behavior of the individual attributes of the data object.

8. Press [Save] on the standard toolbar to save the duplicated data for replica- tion.

Query a configuration

  1. Open the Master data replication application.
  2. In the fields in the query area of the application, enter appropriate search characteristics as needed.
  3. On the Standard toolbar, press [Update].
  • All entries that match the search characteristics are now listed in the Data object configuration table.

Delete a configuration

You need administrative authorizations for the business entity to delete it.

  1. Open the Master data replication application.
  2. Find the data object configuration that you want to delete. To do this, use the query features and, if necessary, query one or more configurations.
  • The system displays the configurations corresponding to the search charac- teristics in the table.
  1. Mark the line in the table that you want to delete.
  2. Press the [Delete] button in the standard toolbar.
  • A dialog window opens.
  1. Answer the question whether you really want to delete by pressing [Yes]. (If you press [No], the deletion process will be aborted).
  2. The table line is deleted.
  • The changes are saved.

Deviations of attribute configurations

The replication behavior of a data object determines the attribute behavior for all data fields of the data object. By selecting a data object, you have the op- tion of customizing the default attribute behavior of each individual data field. The number of special cases tells you how many data fields of the data object have different attribute behavior.

Edit deviations of a configuration

  1. Open the Master data replication application.
  2. Search the data object configurations to display. To do this, use the query features and, if necessary, query one or more configurations.
  • The system displays the configurations corresponding to the search charac- teristics in the table, e.g. all configurations where the number of special cases is not zero.
  1. In the table, double-click on the row of the data object configuration whose attribute configuration you want to edit.
  • The dependent organization, the data object and the existing deviating at- tribute configurations of the selected data object configuration are displayed under the Deviating attribute configuration
  1. Change the attribute behavior for individual data for fields.
  2. Apply the changes with the [Apply entries] icon.
  • The changed attribute configurations are adopted in the selected data ob- ject
  1. Press [Save] on the standard toolbar to save the data object configuration.

Add deviations to a configuration

  1. Open the Master data application.
  2. Search the data object configurations to display. To do this, use the query features and, if necessary, query one or more configurations.
  • The system displays the configurations corresponding to the search charac- teristics in the table.

3. In the table, double-click on the row of the data object configuration for which you want to set a different attribute behavior for a data field.

  • If no attribute configurations (data fields with different attribute behavior) exist for the data object, only the dependent organization and the data ob- ject of the selected data object configuration are displayed under the Spe- cial cases attribute configuration The table contains no data.

4. To set a different attribute behavior for a data field, press the [New] button in the toolbar of the tab.

  • The Create a new attribute configuration dialog window opens.

5. Select the business entity for whose attribute you want to set a different at- tribute behavior.

6. Then select the attribute and the attribute behavior.

7. Confirm your details by clicking the [OK] button.

  • The new attribute configuration is added to the table.

8. Accept the changes with the [Apply entries] icon.

  • The attribute configuration is adopted in the selected data object configura- tion and the number of special cases is incremented accordingly.

8. Press [Save] on the standard toolbar to save the data object configuration.

Delete deviations of a configuration

  1. Open the Master data replication application.
  2. Search the data object configurations to display. To do this, use the query features and, if necessary, query one or more configurations.
  • The system displays the configurations corresponding to the search charac- teristics in the table.
  1. In the table, double-click the row of the data object configuration for which you want to delete an attribute configuration.
  • The dependent organization, the data object and the existing deviating at- tribute configurations of the selected data object configuration are displayed under the Deviating attribute configuration tab.
  1. Mark the attribute configuration to be deleted.
  2. Press the [Delete[ button in the toolbar.
  • The attribute configuration is marked with the deletion indicator.
  1. Accept the changes with the [Apply entries] icon.
  • The attribute configuration is removed from the table. The attribute behav- ior of the data field is reset to the replication behavior of the data object.
  • The change is adopted in the selected data object configuration and the number of special cases is reduced accordingly.
  1. Press [Save] on the standard toolbar to save the data object configuration.

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