Procedures: Partner templates

This document describes the procedures for creating and editing partner templates in the Partner templates application.

1. Create a new template for an organization

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Click on [New organization] in the standard toolbar under [New].
  3. In the identification pane, enter an identification for the new template in the Partner template field.
  4. Enter a name for the new template in the Name field. It can be completed after selecting the diamond-shaped button
  5. If required, specify a classification and other data that is mandatory when creating an organization based on a partner template.
  6. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.


A template is used to create partners of Organization type.

2. Create a new template for a person

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Click on [New person] in the standard toolbar under [New].
  3. In the identification pane, enter an identification for the new template in the Partner template field.
  4. Enter a name for the new template in the Name field. It can be completed after selecting the diamond-shaped button
  5. If required, specify a classification and other data that is mandatory when creating a new person based on a partner template.
  6. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.
A template is used to create partners of Person type.

3. Duplicate partner templates

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Open the partner template that you want to duplicate.
  3. Click on [Duplicate] in the standard toolbar under [New].

The Duplicate partner template dialog window opens.

  1. Enter the new partner template number in the Duplicate to field, which will be created on the basis of the template being duplicated.
  2. In section Select data to be duplicated, select the views to be copied to the currently updated template.
  3. Click [OK]. A new partner template will be created in the edit mode.
  4. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to save the template.
In a multi-site environment, if the Data of all organization parameter is selected, this data is transferred to the new template together with all the data defined in other organizations. Otherwise, the data of the current organization is the basis and are only duplicated for the (active OLTP) client.

4. Delete templates

A partner template can only be deleted entirely or tagged with a deletion flag.

4.1 Delete partner template


You must have administrator rights to delete a partner template.


  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Open the partner template that you want to delete.
  3. Click on [Delete] in the standard toolbar.

A dialog containing a warning message opens.  Once the dialog is confirmed, the partner template will be deleted.

4.2 Set a deletion flag for a partner template

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Open the partner template for which you want to set a deletion flag.
  3. Click on [Mark for deletion] under [Delete] in the standard toolbar.

The partner template is marked for deletion. The change has been saved.

4.3 Remove a deletion flag for a partner template

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Open the partner template whose deletion flag you want to remove.
  3. Click on [Unmark for deletion] under [Delete] in the standard toolbar.

The deletion flag is removed for the partner template. The change has been saved.

5. Assign a new partner role

  1. Open the Partner templates application in the Base view.
  2. Open the partner template to which you want to assign a new role.
  3. In the standard toolbar, choose the view of the role that you want to assign.
If the view is not available in the selection, this means that the view cannot be opened in the selected organization or that the role is still not assigned at all. The first assignment of a role can only be made at the level of the (active OLTP) client.
  1. Change the data, if necessary and select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar.

6. Change the organization

  1. Switch to the Organizational structure tab in the navigation pane (available in the window on the left). All organizations under your authorization are displayed on the list.
  2. Select the organization you want to switch to. The system displays the data of the selected organization.
If the chosen view is not yet available in the selected organization, the system will switch to the Base view.

7. Accept data for the selected organization


This functionality exists only in a multi-site environment or if Content-based authorizations are activated in a single-site environment.


  1. Log on to the company whose data you want to accept.
  2. Open the Partner templates application and switch to the view of the desired role.
  3. Select the organization for which you want to accept the role.
  4. Select the [Accept data for the selected organization] button in the standard toolbar.
  5. Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to save the changes.

The role data are accepted or the chosen organization.

8. Accept data processing for the selected organization


The selected organization must be permitted its own master data. This action is available only in a multi-site environment.


  1. Log on to the company whose data you want to accept.
  2. Open the Partner templates application and switch to the view of the desired role.
  3. Open the partner template for which you want to accept the processing of the role data.
  4. Select the organization for which you want to process the data.
  5. Select the [Accept data processing for the selected organization] button in the standard toolbar.

The role data can be processed for the chosen organization.

Select the [Save] button in the standard toolbar to save the changes.

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