Procedures: Partners, Marketing view

Topic overview

This article describes the procedures for handling the Marketing view in the Partners application.

Detailed information on the Marketing view of the Partners application may be found in the Partners, Marketing view article.

Create new marketing data


In a multi-site or single-site environment with activated content-based authorizations, the selected organization must be a purchasing organization. Only the users assigned to the organization responsible for the partner can generate new partner roles.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the partner for whom marketing data is to be entered
  3. Select the status of marketing data in the work pane under the Marketing data tab. Available statuses include Released and Blocked.
  4. If required, fill in the other fields with the desired data
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar

Delete marketing data

Marketing data are not deleted directly and must first be marked for deletion. Only those versions of marketing data that have their entire validity period in the future (i.e. versions that are not yet valid) can be deleted directly, since they have not been used yet.

Set a deletion flag for marketing data


The marketing data has not been marked for deletion yet.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the partner whose marketing data is to be marked for deletion
  3. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the partner is being edited
  4. Click [Mark for deletion] in the standard toolbar
If a warning dialog window opens, it means that the operation affects other areas, e.g. several organization may be affected.

The [Unmark for deletion] action does not completely remove the deletion flag from all affected data.

The warning dialog window opens also if the action affects other marketing data.
  1. Confirming the warning marks the marketing data for deletion and saves it
The marketing data contains a deletion flag in all versions. If the active OLTP client is selected in a multi-site environment, the marketing data is marked for deletion within all organizations.

Remove a deletion flag for marketing data


The marketing data has been marked for deletion.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the marketing data to be unmarked for deletion
  3. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the partner is being edited
  4. Click [Unmark for deletion] in the standard toolbar

The deletion flag will be removed from the marketing data.

In a multi-site environment, even if the selected organization is an active OLTP client, the deletion flag is removed only for the selected organization.

Delete a version of marketing data


A marketing data version exists that will be valid only in the future.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the marketing data whose version is to be deleted
  3. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the partner is being edited
  4. Using the [Next] and [Back] buttons, browse through the Valid from field and switch to a future version of the marketing data to be deleted
  5. Click the [Delete] button in the standard toolbar. The selected version of the marketing data will be deleted.
By deleting a future version, the validity period of the previous version is correspondingly extended.

Create a new version of marketing data


In order to generate a new version, it is important for the partner to have marketing data. In a multi-site environment, the selected organization should be permitted to edit data.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the partner whose marketing data is to receive a new version
  3. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the partner is being edited
  4. Click [New version] in the standard toolbar. A new version of the marketing data will be generated.
  5. Enter a future date from which the marketing data will be valid in the Valid from field
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar. The new version of the marketing data will be saved.

Change the utilization status of marketing data

The user can change the utilization status of marketing data by either releasing or blocking the data.

In a multi-site or single-site environment with activated content-based authorizations, a block set for the active OLTP client is valid for all organizations.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the marketing data whose utilization status is to be changed
  3. In a multi-site environment, select the organization for which the partner is being edited
  4. Change the value of the Marketing Status field to Released or Blocked
  5. In the case of a block, enter a future date, until which the marketing data cannot be used, in the Blocked until field
  6. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar. The new status of the marketing data will be saved.

Accept marketing data for selected organizations


This functionality is only available in a multi-site environment or if content-based authorizations are activated in a single-site environment.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the partner whose marketing data is to be accepted
  3. Select the organization for which the marketing data is to be accepted
  4. Click [Accept data for the selected organization] in the standard toolbar
  5. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar. The marketing data will be accepted for the selected organization.

Accept data processing for selected organizations


This functionality is only available in a multi-site environment. The selected organization must be permitted to edit its own master data.


  1. Open the Partners application and switch to the Marketing view
  2. Open the partner for which marketing data processing is to be accepted
  3. Select the organization for which the marketing data is to be accepted
  4. Click [Accept data processing for the selected organization] in the standard toolbar

The marketing data can now be processed within the selected organization.

  1. Change the data, if desired
  2. Click the [Save] button in the standard toolbar. The edited data will be saved.

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