Procedures: Product configuration rules

This article describes the procedures for handling the Product configuration rules application. For a detailed description of this application, refer to article Product configuration rules.

In order to define data necessary to configure a product, you need to create at least a step and characteristics of product configuration as described below.

How to create a product configuration rule

  1. Open the Product configuration rules application.
  2. Select the [New] button to create a new configuration rule.
  3. Enter a name for product configuration in the Product configuration field, and an additional description in the Description field.
  4. Finally, select the [Save] button to save the newly created product configuration.

How to create product configuration steps

  1. Open the Product configuration rules application and in the Product configuration field, select the rule for which product configuration steps will be defined.
  2. Select the [Create new line item] button on the toolbar in the line item editor to define a new configuration step.
  3. In the Sequence field, define a priority for the created step. The default value in this field is 10 and it increases by 10 for each subsequent step.
  4. Enter a name in the Step field.
  5. Specify an additional description for the step in the Description field.
  6. Select the [Accept entries] button to add the line item to the line item table.
  7. Repeat points 2-7 to add subsequent steps.
  8. Once all the steps of product configuration are defined, select the [Save] button to save the defined product configuration rules.

How to create configuration characteristics

In order to configure configuration characteristics, you must first create a product configuration step.
  1. Open the Product configuration rules application and in the Product configuration field, select the rule for which product configuration characteristics will be defined.
  2. In the identification pane of the application, change the view to Configuration characteristics.
  3. In the Step field, select the configuration step to which the defined configuration characteristics will be assigned.
  4. Select the [Refresh] button to refresh the view. The configuration characteristics available for the selected step will be displayed in the work pane.
  5. To edit an existing characteristic, select it in the work pane and then the [Edit selected line item] button to edit it in the line item editor.
  6. Select the [Create new line item] button on the toolbar in the line item editor to define a new configuration characteristic.
  7. In the Sequence field, define a priority for the created step. The default value in this field is 10 and it increases by 10 for each subsequent characteristic.
  8. To define a new configuration characteristic, select the [Generate and process configuration characteristic] button which opens a dialog window under the same name.
  9. In the dialog window, define the following:
    1. name of configuration characteristic in the Name field
    2. characteristic description in the Field description field
    3. characteristic category in the Category field
    4. detailed values under the Restrictions grouping, depending on the selected category of the new characteristic

A new configuration characteristic is added in the same way as the user-defined fields. For more information, refer to article User-defined fields.

  1. Select the [Accept] button to confirm the defined configuration characteristic. The entered characteristic data (Name and Description field) will automatically be accepted into the Configuration characteristic field.
  2. Select the [Accept entries] to add the characteristic to the line item table.
  3. Repeat points 6-10 to add subsequent configuration characteristics to the selected configuration step.
  4. Repeat points 3-10 to add subsequent configuration characteristics to another configuration step.
  5. Once you add all the configuration characteristics, you can test the created configuration by selecting the [Display the configuration dialog for testing] button.
  6. Finally, select the [Save] button to save the product configuration.

How to create a condition list

  1. Open the Product configuration rules application. In the Product configuration field, select the rule for which a list of product configuration conditions will be defined.
  2. In the identification pane of the application, change the view to Condition lists.
  3. To edit an existing line item on the condition list, select it in the work pane and then the [Edit selected line item] button to edit it in the line item editor.
  4. Select the [Create new line item] button on the toolbar in the line item editor to define a new condition list for product configuration.
  5. In the Sequence field, define a priority for the created condition list. The default value in this field is 10 and it increases by 10 for each subsequent condition list automatically.
  6. In the line item editor, define a new name in the Condition list field and a description in the Description field for the created condition list.
  7. Select the [Accept entries] button to add the condition list line item to the line item table.
  8. Repeat points 4-7 to add subsequent line items to the condition list.
  9. Finally, select the [Save] button to save the product configuration.
You can define conditions and actions as described below to the defined line items of the condition list.

How to create a new condition

  1. Open the Product configuration rules application. In the Product configuration field, select the rule for which a new condition will be defined.
  2. In the identification pane of the application, change the view to Conditions and actions.
  3. In the Condition list field in the identification pane, specify the condition list for which the conditions will be defined.
  4. Select the [Refresh] button. The conditions and actions available for the selected condition list will be displayed in the work pane.
  5. Select the [Condition] button on the toolbar in the line item editor to define a new condition list for product configuration.
  6. In the Line item number field, enter a number for the created condition. The default value in this field is 10 and it increases by 10 for each subsequent condition.
  7. Define a condition in the Condition field under the line item editor.
  8. Select the [Accept entries] button to add the condition to the list.
  9. Repeat points 5-7 to add subsequent conditions.
  10. To edit an existing condition, select it in the work pane and then the [Edit selected line item] button to edit it in the line item editor.
  11. Finally, select the [Save] button to save the product configuration.
To define conditions, first you need to define configuration characteristics and at least one condition list.

How to create an action

  1. Open the Product configuration rules application. In the Product configuration field, select the rule for which a new action will be defined.
  2. In the identification pane of the application, change the view to Conditions and actions.
  3. In the Condition list field under the identification pane, select the condition list for which new actions will be defined.
  4. Select the [Refresh] button. The conditions and actions available for the selected condition list will be displayed in the work pane.
  5. In the work pane, select the condition for which a new action will be created.
  6. To define a new action for the selected condition, you can use the following buttons:
    • [Activate configuration characteristic]
      1. In the Configuration characteristic field, select the configuration characteristic to activate.
      2. In the Condition field, select the condition for which the characteristic will be activated or deactivated. Note that the condition will be verified if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Release configuration characteristic for entry]
      1. In the Configuration characteristic field, select the configuration characteristic to activate.
      2. In the Condition field, select the condition for which the characteristic will be released or blocked for entry. Note that the condition will be verified if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Display supplementary information]
      1. Define the information to be displayed in the Additional information field.
    • [Change focus]
      1. After selecting first a line item in the line item table, select a configuration characteristic in the Configuration characteristic field, to which you will be redirected to if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Change value]
      1. In the Configuration characteristic field, select the configuration characteristic which value is to be changed.
      2. In the Formula field, defile a formula that will calculate a value for the selected configuration characteristic if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Change value range]
      1. In the Configuration characteristic field, select the configuration characteristic which value range will be edited.
      2. In the Restriction field, define a new value range for the selected configuration characteristic by selecting the diamond-shaped button [Additional data].
    • [Generate supplementary line item]
      1. In the Sales item field, select an item that will be added into a sales order, if the primary condition is TRUE.
      2. Select a unit in the Unit of measure field. The selected unit of measure needs to correspond to the sales unit of measure defined for the selected item in the Items application.
      3. In the Quantity formula field, define a formula according to which quantity of the item added to the sales order will be recalculated.
      4. In the Price formula field, define a formula according to which price of the item added to the sales order will be recalculated.
    • [Output error message]
      1. In the Reporting field, define a message that will be displayed in the main system window under the Messages tab if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Change condition list]
      1. In the Condition list field, select the condition list that will be applied if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Activate step]
      1. In the Step field, select the step to activate.
      2. In the Condition field, define a condition for which the selected step will be activated or deactivated. Note that the condition will be verified if the primary condition is TRUE.
    • [Release step for entry]
      1. In the Step field, select the configuration step to activate.
      2. In the Condition field, define a condition for which the selected step will be released or blocked for entry. Note that the condition will be verified if the primary condition is TRUE.

For a detailed description of the buttons and possible data to enter, refer to article Product configuration rules.

Fields available in the line item editor are action-dependent.
You can define any number of actions for one condition.
If the conditions are contradictory, the last condition that is TRUE will be applied.
The system does not verify whether conditions or actions do not contradict each other.
A condition must be TRUE in order to perform actions assigned to it.
  1. Select the [Accept entries] button to add the action to the list.
  2. Repeat points 5-7 to add subsequent actions to the selected condition.
  3. Once you add all the actions to conditions, you can test the created configuration by selecting the [Display the configuration dialog for testing] button.
  4. Finally, select the [Save] button to save the product configuration.

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