Procedures: Sales fast entry vouchers

Topic overview

This article presents procedures for using the Sales fast entry vouchers application. For instance, it contains step-by-step instructions for generating or editing a sales fast entry voucher. Also, it explains how to perform related actions and discusses their results.

The Sales fast entry vouchers application and its fields are described in the article Sales fast entry vouchers.

Standard actions

Instructions related to standard actions such as [New], [Duplicate header], [Refresh], [Validate], [Save], and [Delete] can be found in the Procedures: Voucher applications article. The article also discusses dependencies between the application’s line item table and editor.

Action: [Create or delete destination voucher relationship]

The dialog window displayed after selecting the [Create or delete destination voucher relationship] action allows entering a relationship between a sales fast entry voucher and an existing destination voucher. As a result, the line items of the sales fast entry voucher are added to the assigned destination voucher.

In the dialog window, it is also possible to delete an existing relationship with a destination voucher; this way, a new destination voucher will be created.

Create a destination voucher relationship

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Open a sales fast entry voucher to which a destination voucher should be assigned.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Create or delete destination voucher relationship].
    • The dialog window will open.
Selecting the [Cancel] button in the dialog window closes the window and aborts the process of creating the destination voucher relationship.
  1. Change the destination voucher’s type, if necessary.
  2. Enter the existing destination voucher – it must meet certain requirements, e.g. have the same customer and valid status.
  3. If necessary, change settings in the Transfer destination voucher data in sales fast entry voucher
  4. If necessary, select the [Validate] button.
If there are warnings about incorrect data, it is possible to transfer data to the sales fast entry voucher using the Transfer destination voucher data in sales fast entry voucher section.
  1. Confirm changes selecting the [OK] button.
    • The system will validate if the assignment can be created. At this point, a warning may be displayed – it should be confirmed. It is also possible to transfer data into the sales fast entry voucher.
      If the relationship can be created, master data are transferred from the destination voucher into the sales fast entry voucher and can no longer be changed.
      Additionally, relevant master data can also be transferred into the sales fast entry voucher according to the parameters defined in the Transfer destination voucher data in sales fast entry voucher If required, such data can be changed.
      The status of the destination voucher will change to: Invalid, Fast entry voucher transfer. A destination voucher with this status can no longer be edited.
      If another destination voucher had already been entered before this action was performed, its status will change from Invalid, Fast entry voucher transfer to an appropriate status and will become editable.

Delete a destination voucher relationship

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Open a sales fast entry voucher from which a destination voucher should be unassigned.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Create or delete destination voucher relationship].
    • The dialog window will open.
Selecting the [Cancel] button in the dialog window closes the window and aborts the process of creating the destination voucher relationship.
  1. Change the destination voucher’s type, if necessary.
  2. If necessary, enter another type in the Destination voucher
  3. Delete the number from the Destination voucher
  4. Confirm changes selecting the [OK] button.
    • The status of the previously entered destination voucher will change from Invalid, Fast entry voucher transfer to an appropriate status and will become editable.
      Once this action is performed, master data in the sales fast entry voucher that originated from the previously entered destination voucher will once again become editable.

Action: [Determine prices and discounts]

Using the [Determine prices and discounts] action, it is possible to redefine discounts in the application header, as well as line item prices and discounts.

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process.
  • The Use prices option has been activated for the voucher type.
  • The Scheduled determining option has been selected for the voucher type in the Price determination
  • One of the following conditions has been met:
  • Since the last successful execution of the [Determine prices and discounts] action,
    one of the appropriate base attributes has been changed (e.g. a price determination date)
  • Discount origin has been changed from Manual to Price list or Price list, manual


  • Discounts or flags are not valid for at least one line item with the Price list or Price list, manual option (the new line item, quantity, or item has been changed) or price origin has been changed from Manual to      Price list or Price list, manual.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Open a sales fast entry voucher for which prices and discounts should be determined.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Determine prices and discounts].
  • Application header discounts and line item prices and discounts will be redetermined. If no discounts/prices are found for the header or appropriate line items with the Price list, manual option, the option will automatically change to Manual. Changes will be saved immediately in several blocks.
    • If no price can be found for a given line item, saving this line item with the Price list, manual option will display a warning, while doing so with the Price list option will display an error message.

Action: [Change invoicing terms]

For detailed instructions on using the [Change invoicing terms] action, see the article Action: Change invoicing terms

Action: [Change pseudo item descriptions]

For detailed instructions on using the [Change invoicing terms] action, see the article Action: Change pseudo item description(s)

Action: [Complete voucher manually]

Using the [Complete voucher manually] action, it is possible to change the status of the sales fast entry voucher from In process to Completed. An assigned destination voucher, if any, is restored to the correct status.

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Enter a sales fast entry voucher that should be completed manually.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Complete voucher manually].
  • The system will check whether the voucher meets all requirements. If so, the voucher’s status will be changed to Completed. If a destination voucher has been assigned, its status will be changed to a correct one and the voucher will once again become editable.

Action: [Use voucher again]

Using the action [Use voucher again], it is possible to change the status of a completed sales fast entry voucher to In process. The voucher cannot be marked for deletion. Also, the action deletes all existing references to a destination voucher in the application header and line items.

  • The voucher’s status is Completed.
  • The voucher is not marked for deletion.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Enter an existing sales fast entry voucher that should be used again.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Use voucher again].
  • The system will check whether the voucher meets all requirements. If so, the voucher’s status will be changed to In process. All existing references to a destination voucher in the application header and line items will be deleted.

Action: [Find and add line items]
(Line item table)

For detailed instructions on using the [Find and add line items] action, see the article Action: Find and add line items.

Action: [Find and add item]
(Line item table)

For detailed instructions on using the [Find and add item] action, see the article Action: Find and add item.

Action: [Alternative variant]

For detailed instructions on using the [Alternative variant] action, see the article Action: Select variant item for reference item.

Action: [Price origin]
(Line item editor)

For detailed instructions on using the [Price origin] action, see the article Action: Price origin.

Generate a destination voucher

Action: [Release for automatic transfer]

Using the [Release for automatic transfer] action, it is possible to can release the sales fast entry voucher for the automatic transfer. As a result, the voucher is included by the batch application Sales fast entry vouchers transfer.

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process, In manual transfer, or Error in automatic transfer.
  • The sales fast entry voucher has at least one line item.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Enter a sales fast entry voucher that should be released for automatic transfer.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Release for automatic transfer].
  • The system will check whether the voucher meets all requirements. If it is necessary, discounts and pricess will be determined automatically. If the system does not display any error message or unconfirmed warning, the sales fast entry voucher’s status will be changed to Released for automatic transfer and thus the voucher will be included by the batch application Sales fast entry vouchers transfer.
In case of errors during the automatic transfer, the voucher’s status will change to Error in automatic transfer. Errors can be responded to by selecting the [Transfer manually] action in the corresponding destination voucher application. If errors can be resolved by changing master data, it will be possible to release the sales fast entry voucher for automatic transfer.

Action: [Transfer manually]

The [Transfer manually] action makes it possible to manually generate a sales RFQ, quotation, or order from a sales fast entry voucher. Using the action, it is also possible to add the sales fast entry voucher’s line items to a specified destination voucher.


  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In process, In manual transfer, or Error in automatic transfer.
  • The sales fast entry voucher has at least one line item.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Open a sales fast entry voucher that should be transferred manually.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Transfer manually].
    • The system will check whether the voucher meets all requirements. If it is necessary, discounts and pricess will be determined automatically. If there are no errors or unconfirmed warnings, the corresponding destination voucher application is opened in a special mode, making it possible to, for instance, manually process assigned destination vouchers.
      If there is a destination voucher, it will be opened. Otherwise, a new base of destination vouchers will be created (not saved, though).
      The line item editor of the destination voucher application will switch to the batch mode. In this mode, it is possible to display sales fast entry vouchers converted into the line items of the destination voucher that have not yet been transferred. The first line item is entered directly in the line item editor but is not transferred yet.
      If line items are transferred to the destination voucher and saved, the corresponding line items of the sales fast entry voucher are assigned the status Completed.
      If the [Skip] action is used for one or more line items in the line item editor of the destination voucher application and a subsequent transferred line item is saved, all skipped line items of the sales fast entry voucher are assigned the status Skipped as the destination voucher is saved.
      Once all line items are transferred, the batch mode of the line item editor is deactivated. The After transfer settings are analyzed and considered upon saving. This will result in changing the destination voucher’s status to a correct one. The destination voucher can also be further edited.
If necessary, it is possible to cancel the manual transfer and resume it later by once again performing the action [Transfer manually] in the Sales fast entry vouchers application. The manual transfer will begin from line items that have not been transferred yet. Skipped line items will not be considered again. In such a case, it is possible to use the [Find and add line items] action; however, this will not change the transfer status of the original voucher.

Should one or more line items at the end of the sales fast entry voucher be skipped, select the [Cancel manual transfer] action.

If one or more errors have been resolved manually and errors for other line items should not occur, it is also possible to use the action [Release for automatic transfer] in the Sales fast entry vouchers application.

Action: [Cancel manual transfer]

The [Cancel manual transfer] action allows cancelling a manual transfer. When this action is being executed, the After transfer settings are analyzed and considered.

  • The voucher is saved.
  • The voucher’s status is In manual transfer.
  1. Open the Sales fast entry vouchers
  2. Open a sales fast entry voucher for which the manual transfer should be canceled.
  3. Use the button [Select action] → [Cancel manual transfer].
  • The system will check whether the voucher meets all requirements. If so, the manual transfer will be cancelled after the consideration of the After transfer All line items of the sales fast entry voucher that have not been transferred yet are assigned the status Skipped.
If the After transfer setting is defined as Delete voucher now, a warning is displayed after this action is executed. If necessary, the After transfer setting should be changed to make the sales fast entry voucher still available in the system after the action is completed.

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